Health and safety. Supplier shall operate in accordance with international standards and local laws. Supplier shall provide its employees, contractors, partners or others who may be affected by supplier’s activities with a safe and healthy working environment and ensure correct use of its products. Supplier is encouraged to implement a Health & Safety Management System based on international standards such as OHSAS 18001 or similar.
Health and safety. All working conditions must be safe, clean and healthy. Working locations must have clean toilets and access to drinking water. Suppliers must take all the appropriate measures to prevent and reduce health and safety risks. Protective equipment must be made available to all employees if necessary. All accommodations for employees must be safe, clean and healthy. Supplier has set up all necessary procedures (first aid, fire-safety, overall risk assessment) to guarantee a safe working space and to prevent, address and reduce all health and safety risks. Any housing accommodation for employees must be healthy and safe. Wis is in accordance with ILO Convention 155 and ILO recommendation 164. No child labour Suppliers shall not use child labour. Child labour means any labour performed by a child whose compulsory education has not been finished or any person under the age of 15. All forms of exploiting children are strictly prohibited. No child under the age of 15 may work in any part of the supply chain, not even if local legislation allows this. Checking the age of an employee must be a routine part of the hiring process of suppliers. Suppliers take all necessary measures if they notice child labour in their supply chain and make sure these children will have the opportunity to go (back) to school. Suppliers have a due diligence process implemented in order to notice, prevent and mitigate all forms of child labour. Young workers between the age of 15 and 18 must only perform light work at reduced working hours and only during day time. Wese activities may not stand in the way of the mental and physical development of these young workers. Wis is in accordance with ILO Conventions 79, 138 and 182. No forced labour All forms of labour must be the consequence of a free choice of the employee. No part of the supply chain of Supplier will make use of forced, bonded, involuntary or prison labour or human trafficking. Employees must not be forced to work due to a loan provided by employers. Employees are not allowed to make payments, deposits or other forms of financial guarantees in order to gain employment. Employers are not allowed to store original identification documents of employees. Employees should always have the right to leave the working place outside working hours. Employers must always screen recruitment and employment offices. Wis in accordance with ILO Conventions 29 and 105.