Notices and payments Voorbeeldclausules

Notices and payments. 33.1 The date on which dividends and other distributions shall be made payable shall be announced in accordance with the law and published on the Company’s website. 33.2 Distributions shall be payable on the date determined by the Board. 33.3 The persons entitled to a distribution shall be the relevant Shareholders, holders of a usufruct on Shares and holders of a right of pledge on Shares, at a date to be determined by the Board for that purpose. This date shall not be earlier than the date on which the distribution was announced. 33.4 Distributions which have not been claimed upon the expiry of five (5) years and one day after the date when they became payable will be forfeited to the Company and will be carried to the reserves. 33.5 The Board may determine that distributions on Shares will be made payable either in euro or in another currency.

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