Term Voorbeeldclausules

Term. You may submit your complaint up to 13 months after the occurrence of the incident/fact about which you are complaining, or up to 13 months after the moment when you could first have become aware of the incident/fact.
Term. 12.1 De totale looptijd van deze Verwerkersovereenkomst is gelijk aan de looptijd van de Overeenkomst. Indien geen looptijd is bepaald, blijft deze Verwerkersovereenkomst van kracht zolang de Dienst niet is geëindigd.
Term. 10.1. Tenzij schriftelijk anders is overeengekomen, blijft het gebruik van de Diensten voor onbepaalde tijd van kracht, tenzij het wordt beëindigd in overeenstemming met deze Voorwaarden.
Term. 13-a) Contract term Except stipulated otherwise in the specifics terms and conditions of each products and/or if applicable, of the relevant Sales Documentation, the Contract is of indefinite duration. The Contract becomes effective on activation of the Somfy Services for remote-controlled Home Automation Systems. This date is shown in the email confirming registration for the Somfy Services for remote-controlled Home Automation Systems. 13-b) Suspension of the contract
Term. 2.1 The agreement enters into force when all parties have signed, on the agreed effective date or at the moment of first performance, whichever is earliest. 2.2 The agreement has an indefinite term as of the effective date, unless otherwise agreed.
Term. 3.1 The obligations contained in this agreement shall end after the expiry of [10] years from the date of this agreement.
Term. 7.1. The Bond Loan will be effective from the Target Date to 01. April 2026 (the “Maturity Date”). 7.2. On the Maturity Date, the full Outstanding Principal Amount and the accrued Interest, must be repaid by the Company with due regard for the provisions of these Bond Conditions. If such repayment does not take place the regulations under Article 6.3 will apply. 7.3. The claims for payment of the Interest and repayment (including Default Interest) which cannot be paid to the Investors due to a cause not attributable to the Company, shall lapse after five (5) years from the date on which the claim for payment of those moneys became due, for the benefit of the Company. 7.4. The periods mentioned in Articles 6 and 7 are fatal deadlines.
Term. De looptijd van de IBM SaaS begint op de datum waarop IBM Klant informeert dat Klant toegang heeft tot de gedeelten van de IBM SaaS die worden beschreven in het Transactiedocument. Het Bewijs van Gebruiksrecht of Transactiedocument vermeldt de exacte begin- en einddatums van de looptijd, alsmede de manier waarop de looptijd wordt verlengd. Het is Klant toegestaan zijn gebruiksniveau van de IBM SaaS gedurende de looptijd te verhogen, en wel door contact op te nemen met IBM of een IBM Business Partner. IBM bevestigt het verhoogde gebruiksniveau in een Transactiedocument.
Term. In the mentioned prices, a factory warranty of 1 year is included. An optional 2 year warranty is possible against a surplus. The warranty period starts from the moment the machine is sold to the end customer.
Term. The company's term is 99 years, commencing from its registration with the Trade and Companies Register, except in the event that the Sicav is dissolved before the end of the term or extended pursuant to these regulations.