Waiver Voorbeeldclausules

Waiver. 12.4.1. A waiver of any right or remedy is only effective if given in writing and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. A delay or failure to exercise, or the single or partial exercise of, any right or remedy shall not:
Waiver. No term of this Agreement will be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or excuse shall be in writing and signed by the Party issuing the same. Neither this Agreement nor any Order Form shall be dependent on Customer issuing a purchase order. Customer acknowledges that any purchase order is for its administrative convenience only and that Qlik has the right to issue an invoice and collect payment without a corresponding purchase order. Any additional or conflicting terms or conditions in any purchase order or other ordering documentation shall have no legal force or effect.
Waiver. If we elect not to exercise any of our rights arising as a result of a breach of this Agreement you acknowledge that our election will not constitute a waiver of any rights relating to any subsequent or other breach. All transactions are in New Zealand dollars. Due to exchange rate fluctuations, there could be some variance between the amount debited against your credit card and the amount refunded at the end of your rental period. We accept no responsibility for any variation. If you disagree with us, you agree to resolve your complaint or dispute with us by immediately notifying the Manager. Complaints received on return of the Vehicle or post hire will be disregarded. You need to provide in writing exact details of your complaint together with any relevant evidence. We will provide a response to you within 5 Business Days of receiving your complaint. For further dispute resolution you can contact the Rental Vehicle Association – xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Waiver. No failure or delay to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Conditions of Sale shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.
Waiver. If we elect not to exercise any of our rights arising as a result of a breach of this Agreement you acknowledge that our election will not constitute a waiver of any rights relating to any subsequent or other breach.
Waiver. Each Subordinated Creditor and each Subordinated Debtor irrevocably waive any right they may have at any time to:

Related to Waiver


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  • Annuleren 1. De consument kan de overeenkomst annuleren, ook als de ondernemer niet in verzuim is.

  • Partiële nietigheid Indien één of meer bepalingen uit deze overeenkomst met wederpartij niet of niet geheel rechtsgeldig zijn, blijven de overige bepalingen volledig in stand. In plaats van de ongeldige bepalingen geldt een passende regeling, die de bedoeling van partijen en het door hen nagestreefde economisch resultaat op juridisch effectieve wijze zo dicht mogelijk benadert.

  • Belangenconflict 6.8 Het komt voor dat beide partijen in een juridisch meningsverschil recht hebben op rechtsbijstand door DAS. Dan is er een belangenconflict. Wat er dan gebeurt, hangt af van de situatie:

  • Offerte, opdracht en totstandkoming Overeenkomst 3.1. De Gemeente kan een Offerteaanvraag intrekken of wijzigen voor zover dit mogelijk is binnen de geldende Nederlandse en Europese jurisprudentie en wet- en regelgeving. De Gemeente zal geen kosten of schade vergoeden die hiermee samenhangen, tenzij schriftelijk anders is overeengekomen.