MM PPLLOOYYEEEESS,, CCOOUUNNCCIILL 9933,, LLooccaall22661166 F. FOORR TTHHEE PPEERRIIOODD JJUULLYY 11,,22001199TThhrroouugghhJJUUNNEE 3300,, 22002222 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preamble 4Definitions 5Article #Title of ArticlePage1Recognition62Scope of Agreement73Management Rights84Union Security (Dues Checkoff)95Agency Service Fee116Union Business127Non Discrimination and Affirmative Action158Work Week and Work Schedule169Earned Time2110Other Leaves3111Holidays3612Employee Expenses3813Parking3914Employee Compensation4015Health and Welfare4316Promotion and Filling of Vacancies4517Layoff and Recall4818Contracting Out5019Out of Title Work5120Classification and Reclassification5221Professional Development5422Safety Procedures5523Probationary Employees5824Corrective Action, Grievance and Arbitration59 25ProceduresPersonnel Files 6426Evaluation of Employees6527Labor Management Committee6728No Strike/No Lock Out6829Cost Items and Appropriations by69 30The General CourtSavings Clause 7031Inclement Weather Policy7132Shared Services7233Incorporation of Positions7334Duration7435Direct Deposit7536Bi-Weekly Payroll7637Cell Phone Policy77Signature Page 78Letter of Understanding – Attendance & Punctuality Memorandum of Understanding - Shift Designations Revisions to Salary GradesAgreement – Personal Protective Equipment and Uniform Requirements Agreement – Personal Time dated October 25, 2015Agreement – CDL Drug Testing dated April 8, 2015 Agreement – Inclement Weather PPE dated December 8, 2015Agreement – Fees for Professional Licensure Classes dated December 8, 2015 Agreement – Essential Employees and Inclement Weather dated December 19, 2014Agreement – Uniforms dated December 21, 2010Agreement – Grounds Crew and Shovelers dated May 15, 2007 Agreement – Doctors notes dated November 16, 2006Letter of Understanding AppendicesDrugs and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace Policy No. 6004 (Appendix F) Salary ChartsPREAMBLEThis Agreement entered into by the University of Massachusetts, hereinafter referred to as the Employer and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 93, Local 2616 AFL-CIO hereinafter referred to as the Union, will set forth procedures for the equitable resolution of grievances, the terms of employment with respect to wages and working conditions, and means by which the parties may consult periodically on mutually perceived problems and has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the Employer and the Union. All parties are committed to the creation and maintenance of a work envir...