Payment. 7.1. Payments must be remitted to the Vendor’s place of business, and made in accordance with such conditions as are agreed; any remittance made at location or in manner differing therefrom, may not be deemed valid and shall consequently not have a redeeming effect for the Buyer
Payment. 1. For the proper performance of the Subject of the Agreement, the maximum payment amounts to ... (in words: ...) EUR net, increased by the due VAT, that is ... (in words: ...) EUR gross.
2. The final and actual amount of the payment due to the Contractor will be determined based on the number of performed services, referred to in § 1 sec. 1 and the actual number of participants taking part in particular meetings.
3. Each time the catering service is provided, the Contractor shall present the net amount of payment for the provision of the catering service, increased by the VAT due, based on the type of event and the final number of participants referred to in § 1 sec. 7, according to the Offer. In the event of non-compliance zgodnie z Ofertą. W razie niezgodności z Ofertą Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo do skorygowania kwoty wynagrodzenia w oparciu o wycenę przedstawioną w Ofercie.
4. Strony postanawiają, że kwota wynagrodzenia brutto ustalona zgodnie z ust. 2, jest całkowitą kwotą wynagrodzenia należną Wykonawcy z tytułu należytego wykonania Przedmiotu Umowy i Wykonawcy nie przysługuje roszczenie z tytułu niewykorzystania w całości kwoty maksymalnego wynagrodzenia określonego w ust. 1. Wynagrodzenie ustalone zgodnie z ust. 2 zaspokaja wszelkie roszczenia Wykonawcy z tytułu należytego wykonania Umowy oraz pokrywa wszelkie koszty, jakie Wykonawca poniesie w związku z realizacją Umowy. Wykonawcy, poza kwotą wynagrodzenia określonego zgodnie z ust. 2, nie przysługują żadne roszczenia majątkowe wobec NCBR z tytułu wykonania Umowy.
5. Zapłata wynagrodzenia, o którym mowa w ust. 3, nastąpi każdorazowo na podstawie prawidłowo wystawionej i doręczonej do siedziby Zamawiającego faktury VAT, w terminie do 30 (słownie: trzydziestu) dni kalendarzowych od dnia jej doręczenia Zamawiającemu albo odebrania przez Zamawiającego prawidłowo wystawionej faktury VAT przesłanej przez Wykonawcę w formie elektronicznej za pośrednictwem adresu e-mail: lub odebranej przez Zamawiającego prawidłowo wystawionej ustrukturyzowanej faktury elektronicznej przesłanej przez Wykonawcę za pośrednictwem Platformy Elektronicznego Fakturowania, z zastrzeżeniem art. 4 ustawy z dnia 9 listopada 2018 r. o elektronicznym fakturowaniu w zamówieniach publicznych, koncesjach na roboty budowlane lub usługi oraz partnerstwie publiczno-prywatnym (Dz. U. z 2020 r., poz. 1666, ze zm.), zawierającej prawidłowy numer rachunku bankowego.
6. Wykonawca uprawniony będzie do wystawienia faktur...
Payment. Add the following sentence:
Payment. 5.1. The Company will issue the Buyer an invoice pursuant to any valid legal provisions whose condition of payment will be the same as the condition resulting from the Confirmation of the Order, subject to Condition 5.5, unless the payment is supposed to be made prior to reception of the Goods in case the Company fails to grant a credit limit.
5.2. All payments are due in the currency agreed upon in the Confirmation of the Order. In case the payment is made in a different currency, the currency exchange rate risk is held by the Buyer who is obliged to pay the difference.
5.3. Time for payment is of the essence.
5.4. The date of payment is the date of the financial means delivery into the Company’s account in the agreed currency.
5.5. All sums payable to the Company under the Contract will become due immediately upon termination of the Contract.
5.6. All payments to be made by the Buyer under the Contract will be made in full without any set-off, restriction or condition and without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any counterclaim or any present or future taxes, levies, duties, charges, fees, deductions or withholdings of any nature, unless the Buyer is required by law to make any such deduction or withholding or it has been previously agreed with the Company.
5.7. If any sum payable to the Company under the Contract is not paid when due then, without prejudice to the Company’s other rights under the Contract, Company will be entitled to suspend and cancel future deliveries of the Goods and/or suspend or cancel any discount offered to the Buyer until the outstanding amount has been received by the Company from the Buyer.
5.8. In case of a delayed execution of any payment by the Buyer, the Company will be entitled to issue an interest note amounting to statutory interest for the delay in commercial transactions valid within a given period calculated from the
5.8. W przypadku nieterminowego wywiązania się przez Nabywcę z jakiejkolwiek płatności, Spółka ma prawo wystawienia noty odsetkowej w wysokości odsetek ustawowych za opóźnienie w transakcjach handlowych obowiązujących w danym okresie, liczonych od wartości należności oraz dni opóźnienia w skali roku, a Nabywca zobowiązany jest do jej zapłaty, chyba że obowiązujące przepisy prawne przyznają Spółce możliwość naliczenia odsetek wyższych niż ustawowe, lub w Potwierdzeniu zamówienia zastrzeżono odsetki umowne, wyższe od ustawowych.
5.9. Spółka ma prawo uzależnić realizację dostawy od udziele...
Payment. § 9 1. If the Parties have not agreed in the Agreement to prepay for the Product, payment shall be made on the date indicated in the Agreement or in the Seller's invoice, as agreed by the Parties taking into account the rules under the Seller's Credit and Collection Policy and Procedure currently in effect.
Payment. 4.1. Payment for the Goods shall take place within the period and under the conditions specified in the agreement and, in the absence of contractual arrangements, on a VAT invoice. If the parties have not agreed otherwise, the payment shall be executed by bank transfer (wire transfer) within fourteen
Payment. Members are liable personally for payment to F24S. This also applies if someone else is given as responsible for payment when entering into the membership agreement. Another payer must be an active member in F24S. When signing up for 6 or 12 months agreement paid in advance, the starting fee is paid in its entirety when entering into the membership agreement.
Payment. Payment of start-up fee concerning the agreement is made through F24S’s website in accordance with the instructions there. When entering into an agreement with monthly payments via Direct Debit or Recurring Card Payments it is the member’s duty to follow the instructions given in connection with the purchase on the website.
Payment. 1. Within 2 working days of the Order acceptance by the Seller, the Buyer shall make a payment of the agreed amount of earnest money to a bank account of the Seller.
2. If the Buyer fails to make the earnest payment, in whole or in part, within the time period specified above, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the Contract as long as at least a part of the earnest payment is not made.
3. In the event of any delay in the payment of the earnest money the deadline for performance of the Contract shall be extended by the period of delay. Should the Contract be terminated for reasons attributable to the Buyer, the Seller has the right to withhold the earnest money received.
4. If the contract is not effected for reasons attributable to the Seller, the earnest money shall be promptly refunded to the Buyer. In no event is the Buyer entitled to claim a refund of double the amount of the earnest money.
5. The Contractual Subject Matter shall be handed over only when the Buyer has made the payment in full. The Buyer shall pay the agreed price within 7 days of being notified about the readiness of the Contractual Subject Matter for handover as per § 5 sec. 2 of the General Commercial Terms and Conditions.
6. The Seller shall make out a VAT invoice immediately after receiving the payment. Upon the Buyer's request, the Seller can make out a proforma invoice.
7. In the event of any delay of more than 30 days in the payment of the full selling price, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract without allowing any additional deadline. In such case the Seller has the right to withhold the earnest money paid.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6: Amounts are due upon receipt of invoice and payable as IBM specifies in a Transaction Document. The currency for payment of amounts due is US dollars or the equivalent in local currency as follows:
1. As long as the country operates in a free currency exchange market, Customer and IBM agree that IBM will accept payment in the applicable country national currency calculated at the country official exchange rate published by the bank specified in a Transaction Document on the date payment is made.
2. If the government of a country establishes any restriction or limitation on its free currency exchange markets, Customer agrees to make payments to IBM in US dollars to a bank account in New York, NY, USA, designated by IBM in the Transaction Document, provided that such payment is not illegal under country law. If such method of payment is forbidden by country law, Customer agrees to pay the amount indicated in the Transaction Document in country national currency, calculated at the official exchange rate that is in use for the remittance of dividends and net earnings to foreign investors outside the country. Customer agrees to pay accordingly, including any late payment fee. The late payment fee is calculated and payable in US dollars at two percent (or the maximum rate allowed by local law if such is less than two percent) of the delinquent amount due per each thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.