Subject of the Agreement Przykładowe klauzule

Subject of the Agreement. 1. Zamawiający zamawia wykonanie a Wykonawca przyjmuje zamówienie i zobowiązuje się wykonać roboty obejmujące budowę parkingu zgodnie z Umową, Wymogami Zamawiającego, pozostałą udostępnioną dokumentacją, zasadami wiedzy technicznej, sztuki budowlanej i właściwymi przepisami oraz uzyskać w imieniu i na rzecz Zamawiającego decyzję administracyjną o udzieleniu pozwolenia na użytkowanie, w terminie zgodnym z Ofertą Wykonawcy stanowiącą Załącznik nr 3, tj. …………. dni od dnia podpisania niniejszej Umowy.
Subject of the Agreement. 1. The subject of the agreement is the issuance of qualified certificate and provision of trust services related to maintenance of the qualified certificate in accordance with the Agreement.
Subject of the Agreement. 1. The subject of the Agreement is the provision of following catering services by the Contractor to the Ordering Party: Batch 1 - catering services during the organization of large meetings (2-6), e.g. conferences by the NCBR Office in Brussels, up to 200 people. Batch 2 - catering service during the organization of medium-sized meetings (3-8) by the NCBR Office in Brussels, up to 60 people. Batch 3 - catering service during the organization of small meetings (8-18) by the NCBR Office in Brussels, up to 25 people. Batch 4 - catering service during full-day study visits or other full-day / multi-day meetings or events (4-12) organized by the NCBR Office in Brussels, up to 60 people. Catering services (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject of the Agreement") will be organized by the NCBR Office in Brussels within 24 months of signing the Agreement. The events will take place in the hall and patio of the NCBR Office building in Brussels at Rue Belliard 40, at the headquarters of the NCBR Office in Brussels at Rue Belliard 40, or in exceptional cases in another location in the Kingdom of Belgium. The Ordering Party reserves the right to change the number of meetings between individual batches, within the payment specified in § 6 sec. 1 of the Agreement.
Subject of the Agreement. 1. The subject of the Agreement is:
Subject of the Agreement. The subject of the Agreement is to define the rights and obligations of the Parties with regard to the organisation and completion of an internship.
Subject of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest ustalenie praw i obowiązków Pracodawcy i Pracownika w zakresie dotyczącym działalności konkurencyjnej Pracownika w trakcie 1. The subject of the Agreement is to determine the rights and obligations of the Employer and Employee in the scope of the competitive activity of the Employee Page 1 of 8 xx. Xxxxxxxxx 000 xx. Xxxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 00X KRS 0000359814 000-000-00-00 trwania stosunku pracy, powstałego na podstawie umowy o pracę z dnia xxx. during the employment relationship, arising from the employment agreement of xxx.
Subject of the Agreement. 1. The subject of the agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, shall be the development of the Technical and Economic Concept for the construction of a pilot nitrate fertiliser coating plant on the premises of Grupa Azoty ZAK. S.A.
Subject of the Agreement. The subject of the Agreement is co-operation of both parties in the following matters:
Subject of the Agreement. The subject hereof shall be the definition of the terms and conditions of payment for study for students who are not Polish citizens, undertaking tuition-based full- /part- time first/second cycle programme of study in English in the field of of general academic profile, specialisation ………………………………………………………………………………… run at the Faculty of …………………………………………………………………….. hereinafter referred to as the "Faculty", on the basis of the Higher Education Act and the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Eduction.
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. The subject of the Agreement includes supply of a turntable CALM buoy, with the following parameters: