Warunki rozpoczęcia świadczenia usług Przykładowe klauzule

Warunki rozpoczęcia świadczenia usług. Wersja:2017.01 Umowa wchodzi w życie w dniu zarejestrowania zakupu na stronie internetowej, nie w dniu odbioru karty. Kartę członkowską można odebrać w klubie podanym w powitalnej wiadomości e-mail w godzinach pracy recepcji. Powitalna wiadomość e-mail wysyłana jest na adres e-mail podany podczas zakupu. Between Fitness24Seven Sp. z o.o., hereafter called F24S and Site hereafter called the Member (the person training), the following agreement concerning the activities offered by F24S to its members has been entered into according to the more detailed provisions on the back of this form and, where applicable, separate enclosures to this agreement for guardian members and companies etc. Membership number Personal ID Number ID ok Signature Forename Telephone, home Telephone, work or mobile Surname Email address Street address Company Postal code Member status Type of subscription New purchase Renewal All-day Town I have received a Signature Card number membership card. For the service provided by F24S, members must make payments (incl. VAT) according to the alternative stated. Prepaid subscription Start up fee Amount Administrative fee renewed member Amount Start date (DD.MM.YY): End date (DD.MM.YY): Continuous subscription (monthly fee via Direct Debit) New membership card Amount Start date (DD.MM.YY): Continuous subscription (monthly fee via Recurring Card Payment) Direct Debit/Recurring Card Payment (monthly fee) Amount Start date (DD.MM.YY): Date for the first Direct Debit/Recurring Card Payment (DD.MM.YY) Prepaid Amount 12 months 6 months Date for the first monthly payment with the current regular price (DD.MM.YY) Card Amount Xxxxxx commits member (signed) to from above chosen payment method (Direct Debit or Recurring Card Payment) follow the instructions given to set up payment for the specific payment method (Direct Debit/Recurring Card Payment) so that we on due-date can withdraw the monthly fee. Fitness24Seven Sp. z o.o., Xx. Xxxxxxx 00X, 00-000 XXXXXX, Organization no: 0000482273, NIP no: 6762468414 By signing the rules/regulations below, I confirm that I have read and understood their meaning and that I am fully aware that F24S has the right to withdraw the membership in the event of any infringement. When training between 10 pm and 8 am, show extra consideration to neighbours and other people in the vicinity of the premises, i.e. talk in a "normal" conversational tone, do not drop weights or weight magazines without following along in the movement...

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