Removed Przykładowe klauzule

Removed. 4. The User is entitled to terminate the Agreement due to important reason, in particularly if the Services are not available for a continuous period of more than 7 subsequent days or if the total time of unavailability of the Services during the term of the Agreement concluded for a specified period of time will exceed 60 days, and in the case of extension of the Agreement for unspecified period of time, also if the total time of unavailability of the Services in any of subsequent 12-months period of the Agreement conclud- ed for unspecified period of time will exceed 60 days, with the reservation that the Operator or Partner are entitled to temporarily suspend the provision of Services and to close the Fitness Facility or a part thereof for the purpose of performing renovations, repairs or removing failures.
Removed. 6. A declaration on lack of the intention to continue the Agreement after the lapse of the period of time (§ 4 section 6), for which it has been concluded, or on termination of the Agreement, must be made in writing to be valid, subject to the provisions of the next sentences. The Operator may provide the User to submit a declaration on lack of the intention to continue the Agreement after the lapse of the period of time, for which it has been concluded, or on termination of the Agreement, also on the Customer Zone, the effects of which form will be considered by the Parties as equivalent to the effects of the written form specified in the preceding sentence. A declaration on termination of the Agreement may be effectively revoked by the User until the Agreement is terminated or expired, without any consequences.

Related to Removed

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