Subject matter of the Agreement Przykładowe klauzule

Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest pakiet porodowy i świadczenia towarzyszące, określone w pakiecie porodowym wraz z wybranymi usługami dodatkowymi, które są dodatkowo płatne, które określa załącznik nr 1 “Zamówienie na Usługi Szpitalne”. Skład pakietu porodowego opisuje
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest pakiet porodowy i świadczenia towarzyszące, określone w pakiecie porodowym wraz z wybranymi usługami dodatkowymi, które są dodat- kowo płatne, które określa załącznik nr 1 „Zamówienie na Usługi Szpitalne”. Skład pakietu porodowego opisuje Załącznik nr 2 do niniejszej Umowy („Zakres usług świad- czonych w ramach pakietów porodowych”). Wszystkie usługi wchodzące w skład pakietu porodowego będą reali- zowane w Szpitalu Medicover przy Alei Rzeczypospolitej 5 w Warszawie przez pracowników Szpitala lub osoby współpracujące z Medicover Sp. z o.o.
Subject matter of the Agreement. The Ordering Party orders, and the Contractor undertakes to perform delivery, installation and commissioning at the induction hardening machine (hereinafter: the Device / the Equipment) on conditions specified in the Invitation to Tender Competition No. 2/2023 of 23.12.2023 and the Contractor's offer of ………, together with training of the Employer's employees (hereinafter: Object of Contract). Invitation to Tender Competition No. 2/2023 of 23.12.2023 and the Contractor's offer, constitute Annexes 1 and 2 to this Agreement respectively. The Contractor declares that the Equipment is new, is not affected by any physical defect, nor by any legal defect, in particular not encumbered by rights of third parties. The Contractor warrants that the Equipment will be of the highest quality, will meet the requirements of the applicable legislation and will comply with the applicable standards and conditions specified in the Invitation to Tender No. 2/2023 of 23.12.2023. The Parties unanimously declare that the transfer of ownership of the Equipment to the Purchaser shall take place upon the signing of the final acceptance protocol of the Equipment by the Parties. As part of Agreement, the Contractor shall deliver at its own cost and risk the Equipment together with the required documents to the place of delivery, i.e. xx. Xxxxxxx 00, 00-000 Xxxxxxx, for installation, commissioning (including training of employees) and final acceptance. The delivery according to DAP Incoterms 2010. The Purchaser shall, at his own expense, provide the necessary equipment for the unloading and installation of the Equipment, which will be done under supervision of the Contractor. Together with the installation of the Equipment, the Contractor shall provide and issue to the Purchaser a maintenance manual for the Equipment and any other documents allowing the Purchaser to use the Equipment in accordance with the law and in accordance with its technical and economic purpose. The equipment should be permanently marked with the manufacturer's name and address, type, CE marking, factory number, year of manufacture. The risk of accidental loss and damage to the Equipment shall pass to the Purchaser upon final acceptance. § 2. The subject of the Agreement referred to in § 1 section 1 shall be performed to 7 months from the date of the agreement. The Parties will carry out a preliminary acceptance of the Equipment as detailed in the Invitation to Tender 2/2023 of 23.12.2023, at the Contractor's prem...
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. This Agreement concerns childbirth and associated services included in the birth package together with services paid additionally. The content of birth package is described in detail in Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement (“Scope of services included in birth packages”). All 0260.031.01.W.20220918 zacznik nr 2 do niniejszej Umowy („Zakres us ug wiadczonych w ramach pakietów porodowych”). Wszystkie us ugi wchodz ce w sk ad pakietu porodowego b d reali- zowane w Szpitalu Medicover przy Alei Rzeczypospolitej 5 w Warszawie przez pracowników Szpitala lub osoby wspó pracuj ce z Medicover Sp. z o.o.
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the Agreement is to define the rules of cooperation between the Parties with respect to a continuous execution by the Operator at the terminal located in Chryzanów, on the order of the Customer, of terminal services (Enclosure no 1 and Enclosure no 2 to this Agreement) with reference to Unités de Transport Intermodal (UTI) for which the Customer organizes transportation.
Subject matter of the Agreement. (1) This Agreement shall regulate the use of the upgrade function Xxxx Xxxxx Wireless Data Transfer.
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the Agreement is the determination of the terms and conditions of the grant by the Co-Authors to the Chancellery of a licence to use the economic rights to the Work, hereinafter referred to as the „Licence”.-/-
Subject matter of the Agreement. (1) This Agreement shall regulate the use of the upgrade function Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access.
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the agreement is to select the Contractor for the performance of the subject of the order in the scope of delivery of the material for the production of forgings for SANHA Polska Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Xxxxxxx, xx. Xxxxxxxxx 00, in accordance with the detailed description of the subject of the order included in Appendix no. 4 to R&S.