Subject matter of the Agreement Przykładowe klauzule

Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest pakiet porodowy i świadczenia towarzyszące, określone w pakiecie porodowym wraz z wybranymi usługami dodatkowymi, które są dodatkowo płatne, które określa załącznik nr 1 “Zamównienie na Usługi Szpitalne”. Skład pakietu porodowego opisuje 1. This Agreement concerns childbirth and associated services included in the birth package together with services paid additionally. The content of birth package is described in detail in Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement (“Scope of services included in birth packages”). All załącznik nr 2 do niniejszej Umowy („Zakres usług świadczonych w ramach pakietów porodowych”). Wszystkie usługi wchodzące w skład pakietu porodowego będą reali- zowane w Szpitalu Medicover przy Alei Rzeczypospolitej 5 w Warszawie przez pracowników Szpitala lub osoby współpracujące z Medicover Sp. z o.o. 2. Pacjentka przyjmuje do wiadomości, że w przypadku porodu siłami natury metoda rozwiązania ciąży może zmienić się w trakcie porodu, jeśli przemawiają za tym przyczyny medyczne. W takiej sytuacji pacjentka automa tycznie przechodzi na Pakiet Porodowy Cesarskie Cięcie na co Pacjentka wyraża zgodę i zobowiązuje się do pok- services included in the birth package will be provided at Medicover Hospital at al. Rzeczypospolitej 5 in Warsaw by hospital staff or persons cooperating with Medicover Sp. z o.o. 2. The Patient understands that in the case of natural delivery, the method of delivery may change for medi- cal reasons. In this case extended birth packed “Your Childbirth – Caesarean Section” will automatically be added. The Patient agrees to it and is obliged to cover the additional fee. The planned date of delivery is: 0260.031.01.W.20210809 rycia dodatkowej opłaty. Jako planowaną datę porodu ustala się dzień: 3. Szpital gwarantuje pacjentce przyjęcie na oddział Położniczy po ukończonym 32 tygodniu ciąży. Gwarancja nie obejmuje jednak wybranego przez pacjentkę typu pokoju pobytowego (np. apartament) i pokoju porodowe- go i/lub pokoju rodzinnego, co będzie uzależnione od bieżących możliwości Szpitala, w tym zakresie.
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest pakiet porodowy i świadczenia towarzyszące, określone w pakiecie porodowym wraz z wybranymi usługami dodatkowymi, które są dodat- kowo płatne, które określa Załącznik nr 1 „Zamówienie na Usługi Szpitalne”. Skład pakietu porodowego opisuje Załącznik nr 2 do niniejszej Umowy („Zakres usług świad- czonych w ramach pakietów porodowych”). Wszystkie usługi wchodzące w skład pakietu porodowego będą reali- zowane w Szpitalu Medicover przy Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 x Xxxxxxxxx przez pracowników Szpitala lub osoby współpracujące z Medicover Sp. z o.o. 2. Pacjentka przyjmuje do wiadomości, że w przypadku porodu siłami natury metoda rozwiązania ciąży może 1 This Agreement concerns childbirth and associated services included in the birth package together with services paid additionally. The content of birth package is described in detail in Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement (“Scope of services included in birth packages”). All services included in the birth package will be provided at Medicover Hospital at al. Rzeczypospolitej 5 in Warsaw by hospital staff or persons cooperating with Medicover Sp. z o.o.
Subject matter of the Agreement. The subject matter of the Agreement is the performance by the Transhipper on behalf of PKP CARGO S.A. at the commission of the Customer (within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions of Freight Carriage (RPT) of PKP CARGO S.A.) (hereinafter referred to as: the Customer) activities of transhipment from broad-gauge wagons to standard- gauge wagons / from standard-gauge wagons to broad-gauge wagons *) during the transport of consignments on the basis of consignment note.
Subject matter of the Agreement. The Ordering Party orders, and the Contractor undertakes to perform delivery, installation and commissioning at the Ordering Vertical single spindle ball nose milling and turning center (hereinafter: the Device / the Equipment) on conditions specified in the Invitation to Tender No. 1/2023 of 23.12.2023 and the Contractor's offer of ………, together with training of the Employer's employees (hereinafter: Object of Contract). Invitation to Tender No. 1/2023 of 23.12.2023 and the Contractor's offer, constitute Annexes 1 and 2 to this Agreement respectively. The Contractor declares that the Equipment is new, is not affected by any physical defect, nor by any legal defect, in particular not encumbered by rights of third parties. The Contractor warrants that the Equipment will be of the highest quality, will meet the requirements of the applicable legislation and will comply with the applicable standards and conditions specified in the Invitation to Tender No. of 23.12.2023. The Parties unanimously declare that the transfer of ownership of the Equipment to the Purchaser shall take place upon the signing of the final acceptance protocol of the Equipment by the Parties. As part of Agreement, the Contractor shall deliver at its own cost and risk the Equipment together with the required documents to the place of delivery, i.e. xx. Xxxxxxx 00, 00-000 Xxxxxxx, for installation, commissioning (including training of employees) and final acceptance. The delivery according to DAP Incoterms 2010. The Purchaser shall, at his own expense, provide the necessary equipment for the unloading and installation of the Equipment, which will be done under supervision of the Contractor. Together with the installation of the Equipment, the Contractor shall provide and issue to the Purchaser a maintenance manual for the Equipment and any other documents allowing the Purchaser to use the Equipment in accordance with the law and in accordance with its technical and economic purpose. The equipment should be permanently marked with the manufacturer's name and address, type, CE marking, factory number, year of manufacture. The risk of accidental loss and damage to the Equipment shall pass to the Purchaser upon final acceptance. § 2. The subject of the Agreement referred to in § 1 section 1 shall be performed within 27.12.2024. The Parties will carry out a preliminary acceptance of the Equipment as detailed in the Invitation to Tender 1/2023 of 23.1.2023, at the Contractor's premises. The preli...
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the Agreement is to define the principles of cooperation and to establish mutual obligations of the Parties undertaken in order to implement the project “Together for safety in the cross-border area” no. PLUA.01.01-IP.01-0037/23-00. 2. The Agreement also sets out the requirements regarding the correct management of the grant funds allocated to the project by the Parties to the Agreement and the terms and conditions of recovering the amounts incorrectly spent from the Project Partners by the Lead Partner. 3. Throughout the implementation of the project and in the period of its sustainability, the Parties shall act in accordance with: 1) the applicable EU and national legislation, in particular: a) the Interreg Regulation; b) the ERDF Regulation; c) the Financial Regulation; d) the General Regulation; e) European Commission implementing regulations supplementing the General Regulation, the Interreg Regulation and the ERDF Regulation; f) the de minimis regulation;7 g) the GBER; h) the Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy of 11 December 2022 on granting de minimis aid and State aid under Interreg programmes for 2021-2027 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland pos. 2755, of 23.12.2022); i) the national and EU legislation on de minimis and State aid; j) the national and EU legislation in the scope of personal data protection; k) the national, programme and EU legislation, Financing Agreement in the scope of public procurement; l) the national and EU regulations governing the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, including accessibility for persons with disabilities and the principle of equality of women and men; m) other applicable national legislation (e.g., In the scope of labour law, taxes, environmental protection, etc.); 2) current Programme documents, in particular: a) the Programme Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027; b) Programme Manual; c) Annex 2 to Financing Agreement; d) CST2021 Beneficiary Manual. 3) national and EU rules and guidelines, in particular: a) Commission interpretative communication of 1 August 2006 on the Community law applicable to contract awards not or not fully subject to the provisions of the Public Procurement Directives (OJ C 179, 01.08.2006, p. 2); b) Commission Decision C(2019)3452 final of 14 May 2019 establishing guidelines for determining financial corrections to expenditure financed by the European Union for non-complianc...
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. Przedmiotem Umowy jest pakiet porodowy i świadczenia towarzyszące, określone w pakiecie porodowym wraz z wybranymi usługami dodatkowymi, które są dodat- kowo płatne, które określa Załącznik nr 1 „Zamówienie na Usługi Szpitalne”. Skład pakietu porodowego opisuje Załącznik nr 2 do niniejszej Umowy („Zakres usług świad- czonych w ramach pakietów porodowych”). Wszystkie usługi wchodzące w skład pakietu porodowego będą reali- zowane w Szpitalu Medicover przy Alei Rzeczypospolitej 5 w Warszawie przez pracowników Szpitala lub osoby współpracujące z Medicover Sp. z o.o. 2. Pacjentka przyjmuje do wiadomości, że w przypadku porodu siłami natury metoda rozwiązania ciąży może 1 This Agreement concerns childbirth and associated services included in the birth package together with services paid additionally. The content of birth package is described in detail in Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement (“Scope of services included in birth packages”). All services included in the birth package will be provided at Medicover Hospital at al. Rzeczypospolitej 5 in Warsaw by hospital staff or persons cooperating with Medicover Sp. z o.o.
Subject matter of the Agreement. (1) This Agreement shall regulate the use of the upgrade function Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access. (2) Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access enables the JDLink user to view the activated, live operating display screen on a different device that has suitable Internet access (e.g. desktop, PC/tablet etc.). Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access uses a communication modem/control unit (MTG), a cellular antenna and an inbuilt Ethernet cable in order to send the viewable screen content of the display to a web browser. (3) The use of Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access is subject to a fee. The amount and payment terms of the applicable fee are indicated in the provisions of the JDLink contract. (4) The Customer and Xxxx Xxxxx - ISG agree that the provisions of the JDLink telematics contract shall also apply to the product. Should any provision of the JDLink telematics contract be inconsistent with this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall take precedence. (5) Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access may only be used in conjunction with the MTG (JDLink) controller activated for it. The transfer or transmission or provision of the Xxxx Xxxxx Remote Display Access functionality shall be possible only in conjunction with a transfer or transmission or provision of the whole system in accordance with the provisions of the JDLink contract. (6) The Customer shall in addition not undertake any alterations and/or manipulation of the product.
Subject matter of the Agreement. (1) This Agreement shall regulate the use of the upgrade function Xxxx Xxxxx Wireless Data Transfer. (2) Xxxx Xxxxx Wireless Data Transfer enables the MyJohnDeere user to: (3) The use of Xxxx Xxxxx W ireless Data Transfer is subject to a fee. The amount and payment terms of the applicable fee are indicated in the provisions of the JDLink contract. (4) The Customer and Xxxx Xxxxx - ISG agree that the provisions of the JDLink telematics contract shall also apply to the product. Should any provision of the JDLink telematics contract be inconsistent with this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall take precedence. (5) Xxxx Xxxxx W ireless Data Transfer may only be used in conjunction with the MTG (JDLink) controller activated for it. The transfer or transmission or provision of the Xxxx Xxxxx W ireless Data Transfer functionality shall be possible only in conjunction with a transfer or transmission or provision of the whole system in accordance with the provisions of the JDLink contract. (6) The Customer shall in addition not undertake any alterations and/or manipulation of the product.
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the Agreement is the determination of the terms and conditions of the grant by the Co-Authors to the Chancellery of a licence to use the economic rights to the Work, hereinafter referred to as the „Licence”.-/- 2. The Co-Authors declare that their right to grant the Licence to the extent set out in the Agreement by no means has been limited or excluded.-/- 3. The Co-Authors further declare that:-/- a. The work was saved by them at a cloud space web address provided by the Employer;-/- b. their contribution to the creation of the Work is equal;-/- c. each shall be entitled to an equal share of the economic copyright in the Work;-/- d. The Work does not infringe the property or personal rights of third parties and is an independent and original Work within the meaning of the Copyright Law;-/- e. there are no restrictions that would prevent them from granting the Chancellery a licence to use the f. Work to the extent described in the Agreement;-/- g. up to the moment of granting the licence to the Work to the Chancellery, none of the Co-Authors has taken any action or performed any legal or factual actions which could lead to a change of state in accordance with the statements made in points a-e of this paragraph.-/- 4. The Co-Authors consent to the publication of their image, as well as to the publication of information about the Agreement Work and its Co-Authors. Consent to the publication of the image constitutes Appendix 1 hereto.-/-
Subject matter of the Agreement. 1. The subject matter of the Agreement is to define the rules of cooperation between the Parties with respect to a continuous execution by the Operator at the terminal located in Chryzanów, on the order of the Customer, of terminal services (Enclosure no 1 and Enclosure no 2 to this Agreement) with reference to Unités de Transport Intermodal (UTI) for which the Customer organizes transportation. 2. Strony zgodnie postanawiają, że w rozumieniu przedmiotowej Umowy momentem przyjęcia UTI na terminal jest chwila przekazania kontenerów przez przedstawiciela przewoźnika dla przedstawiciela operatora, zaś momentem wydania z terminala jest chwila przekazania kontenerów przez przedstawiciela operatora dla przedstawiciela przewoźnika. 3. Zleceniodawca przewiduje, że zleci operatorowi przeładunek na terminalu w ilości rocznie. 4. Szczegółowy zakres usług terminalowych oraz stawki za wykonane usługi są określone w Załączniku nr 1 oraz 2 (Cenniku Usług) do niniejszej umowy. 5. Usługi Operatora nie obejmują wymienionych poniżej towarów: - żywego inwentarza, - broni i jakiegokolwiek rodzaju uzbrojenia wykorzystywanego w celach militarnych, - wszelkiego rodzaju papierów wartościowych oraz innego rodzaju dokumentów związanych z obrotem gospodarczym, - środków pieniężnych w jakiejkolwiek formie lub przedmiotów o znacznej wartości, takich jak: dzieła sztuki, antyki, klejnoty, monety, kamienie szlachetne, - towarów, w stosunku do których wykonywanie usług objętych niniejszą umową wymaga uzyskania przez Operatora dodatkowych zezwoleń, w szczególności towarów niebezpiecznych opisanych w Regulaminie RID oraz umowie ADR, - odpadów (np. komunalnych, medycznych, zwierzęcych), - zwłok i szczątków ludzkich, - towarów/UTI uszkodzonych lub których stan uniemożliwia ich prawidłowy przeładunek bądź składowanie na terenie terminalu Operatora, chyba, że Operator wyrazi na piśmie zgodę na realizacje takiej usługi, - towarów, których posiadanie lub obrót jest zabroniony, a także przesyłek niedopuszczonych do przewozu z mocy przepisów prawa.