Subject of the Service Agreement Przykładowe klauzule

Subject of the Service Agreement. The subject of this Service Agreement is the provision of service, maintenance and repair works precisely described in § 2 of the Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and paid repair works (hereinafter referred to as the “Paid Services”) with regard to the following RTG Cranes : RTG Crane […], RTG Crane […], RTG Crane […], hereinafter, individually referred to as the “RTG Crane” or collectively referred to as “RTG Cranes”, as delivered under the Agreement concluded by and between the User and the Service Provider on […] (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”). All the terms and expressions included in the Agreement shall apply accordingly to this Service Agreement. The Service Provider shall ensure that it has a valid civil liability insurance policy providing coverage in the scope of activities corresponding to the Subject of the Service Agreement for a guarantee sum of not less than the equivalent of 5.000.000 (in words: five million) EUR. The Service Provider shall present a civil liability policy document at each request of the User and is obliged to maintain validity of the civil liability policy on at least equivalent terms throughout the entire validity period of the Service Agreement. In the event of non-performance of the obligation referred to in this section, the Contractor irrevocably authorises the User to conclude an appropriate civil liability agreement at the Service Provider's cost and risk and undertakes to reimburse the costs to the User at its first request within 7 (seven) days. For the purpose of this Service Agreement, the term “working day” refers to all days of the week, including Sundays, 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, except for public legal holidays considered as work-free days in Service Providers country, whereas the term “day” to any calendar day. § 2. Obligations of the Service Provider The Service Provider shall be required to carry out Services and Paid Services in a manner consistent with the guarantee of the Manufacturer and not leading to the loss of rights from this guarantee, which means that the Service Provider undertakes, for the entire duration of this Service Contract, to have adequate authorizations granted by the Manufacturer to perform the maintenance services on terms laid down by the guarantee of the Manufacturer or to use such authorised third party during the implementation of this Service Agreement. The Service Provider shall cover the RTG Cranes used by the User with its serv...