Visa Refusal Przykładowe klauzule

Visa Refusal a) If you are refused a visa by the American authorities, please inform Camp America immediately. Partial refunds of payments made to Camp America may be made at the discretion of Camp America, once proof of refusal is received. If you have been previously refused a visa, you have failed to follow instructions given by Camp America regarding your visa application, or have an undisclosed criminal conviction, or your visa was refused due to misrepresentation of any data on your part, no refund will be given. It should be noted that to process your J-1 visa the US Embassy will be required to keep your passport for a number of days in order to print the visa into it. You should notify Camp America if you need to use your passport for other travel in the February to July period. Please email to xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx and xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx. If you are refused a visa or denied entry to the US due to content on your social media accounts or on your electronic equipment such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop etc. (which may include deleted content) a refund will not be applicable.
Visa Refusal a) If you are refused a visa by the American authorities, please inform Camp America immediately. Partial refunds of payments made to Camp America may be made at the discretion of Camp America, once proof of refusal is received. If you have been previously refused a visa, you have failed to follow instructions given by Camp America regarding your visa application, or have an undisclosed criminal conviction, or your visa was refused due to misrepresentation of any data on your part, no refund will be given. It should be noted that to process your J-1 visa the US Embassy will be required to keep your passport for a number of days in order to print the visa into it. You should notify Camp America if you need to use your passport for other travel in the February to July period. Please email to xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx and xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx. If you are refused a visa due to content on your social media accounts, a refund will not be applicable.
Visa Refusal a) If you are refused a visa by the American authorities, please inform Camp America immediately. Partial refunds of payments made to Camp America may be made at the discretion of Camp America, once proof of refusal is received. If you have been previously refused a visa, you have failed to follow instructions given by Camp America regarding your visa application, or have an undisclosed criminal conviction, or your visa was refused due to misrepresentation of any data on your part, no refund will be given. It should be noted that to process your J-1 visa the US Embassy will be required to keep your passport for a number of days in order to print the visa into it. You should notify Camp America if you need to use your passport for other travel in the February to July period. Please email to xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx and xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.

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