Definicja Business Day

Business Day days from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays which fall within this time period on the territory of the countries through which the Transport Service is executed. 1.
Business Day shall be construed as a day (other than a Satur- day or a red-letter day), in which the Bank is open for conducting the operations covered by the Rules and Regulations; “Guarantee” constitutes an obligation undertaken by the Bank in accordance with the Request and the Rules and Regulations to pay a specific amount on the basis of a request properly submit- ted by the Beneficiary together with other documents (if required by the Guarantee terms); “Instrument Language” shall be construed as either the Polish or the English language; “Civil Code” shall be construed as the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 or any other act amending, supplementing or replacing the above Act; “The Group” shall be construed as the Applicant together with “Tax” shall be construed as tax, stamp duty, social insurance charges or other similar liabilities (including, but not limited to, any and all fines or interest due on the basis of default on the obligation to make the aforementioned payments or any delinquencies related thereto); “Banking Law” shall be construed as the Banking Law Act of 29 Au- gust 1997 or another act amending, supplementing or replacing the above Act and the secondary legislation issued on the basis thereof; “Instrument” shall be construed as either a Guarantee or a Letter of Credit, as appropriate, issued or opened based on a Request and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations. “Events of Default” shall be construed as each of the events specified in Article 12 (a) of the Rules and Regulations; “Account” shall be construed as the settlement account of the Appli- cant, opened and maintained by the Bank together with other ac- counts, including those maintained in various convertible currencies, which accounts have been opened by the Bank as at the Request submission date or later; “Network” shall be construed as the system of electronic data pro- cessing and transmission, made available by the Bank to the Appli- cant under the Electronic Banking Agreement, and used by the Bank in order to enable the Applicant to request the Bank to issue a Guar- antee or open a Letter of Credit, as appropriate, as well as to use other services related to the Instrument; “Economic Situation” shall be construed as financial, legal or other condition, as well as development opportunities for the business of a given entity. “Issuance of the Instrument” shall be construed as the Bank providing (on terms specified in the Request and in these Rules and Regula- tions) a service con...
Business Day refers to a day that is not a Saturday or Sunday and on which banks are open for general business in Vienna, Austria;

Examples of Business Day in a sentence

  • We may delete a Job Announcement in the cases mentioned in the preceding sentence, provided that we first request you to remedy the breach and modify the Job Announcement, and give you a time limit of at least one Business Day for that purpose.

  • We may delete a Job Announcement in the cases mentioned in the preceding sentence, provided that we first request you to remedy the breach and modify the Job Announcement, and give the Client a time limit of at least one Business Day for that purpose.

  • The maximum time of execution of a Payment Order may be extended by one Business Day if the Payment Order is submitted in the form referred to in clause 1 item 1, excluding Credit Transfers referred to in § 15 clause 1 item 5.

  • The Bank sets a cut-off time, to be communicated in the Bank’s Announcement, and all Payment Orders received by the Bank after such a cut-off time will, for the purpose of calculation of the maximum execution time for the Order, be considered received on the next Business Day, subject to § 9 clause 3.

  • The Bank undertakes to execute the Payment Order of the Account Holder without undue delay on the day when the same is placed, however not later than on the next Business Day, unless the Order provides for the execution on a future date or its execution by the Bank is subject to other specific regulations.

  • If the Order execution date indicated by the Account Holder falls on a Non-Business Day, and the Beneficiary’s account is held with a different bank, the Order will be executed by the Bank on the first Business Day following the aforementioned day.

  • Any amendment to the documents referred to in clauses 1-2 takes effect no later than on the next Business Day following the day on which the Bank receives an updated specimen signature card or Account Xxxxxx’x statement on the withdrawal of or amendment to the power of attorney.

  • Next Business Day – naprawa sprzętu następnego dnia roboczego, w miejscu jego zainstalowania (tzw.

  • If the Account Holder specifies in the Credit Transfer order a non- Business Day for the Bank, for the purpose of calculation of the execution time, the order is considered received on the next Business Day.

  • Just Join IT is authorised to remove the Client's Employer's Panel if the Client violates the provisions of the Agreement, Purchase Order, Terms and Conditions of Service or generally applicable laws, subject to prior notice to the Client to cease the violations and granting them a 5 Business Day period for this purpose.

More Definitions of Business Day

Business Day any day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, save that in case of Payment Orders a Business Day means a day on which banks participating in the execution of Payment Orders pursue their business necessary to execute such Payment Orders,

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  • dodatkowy dokument tożsamości inny niż określony w pkt 15, ważny dokument, pozwalający na dodatkową weryfikację tożsamości osoby dokonującej z Bankiem czynności prawnej lub faktycznej, w szczególności: legitymację emeryta lub rencisty;

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