CE CATEGORII DE DATE PRELUCRAM ?. Pentru scopul prezentei operatiuni Banca prelucreaza categoriile de date (date de identificare, date privind starea civila, date de contact, date necesare evaluarii eligibilitatii, orice alte date necesare sau utile desfasurarii activitatii Bancii) astfel cum acestea sunt enumerate in preambulul prezentului.
CE CATEGORII DE DATE PRELUCRAM ?. Dupa caz, Banca prelucreaza urmatoarele categorii de date ale Persoanelor Vizate: • date de identificare, cum ar fi numele, prenumele, CNP, seria si numarul cartii de identitate/ altui document cu functie de identificare (e.g. pasaport, permis de sedere, certificat de inregistrare, carte de rezidenta etc.), precum si alte informatii continute de • public institutions and authorities (e.g. ANAF, MFP, ONRC, FNGCIMM, BNR - Central Credit Register (CRC) or Payment Incidents Register (CIP), other guarantee funds, management authorities etc.). For instance, we may interrogate the databases of the public authorities/ institutions in order to obtain certain information, such as: fiscal status of the Data Subjects; should the Data Subject is part of groups of individual persons and/ or legal persons representing a group of Clients • electronic registers and databases (e.g. portal of the Courts of law, Credit Register, entities authorised to administer databases with persons accused of terrorism financing and those publicly exposed, National Register for Publicity in Movable Property, ANCP, BPI, OCPI, Official Gazette etc.) • business partners, especially the Bank’s services providers. For instance, we may find out new contact details of the Data Subjects (e.g. address, phone number) from the agencies providing claims recovery services to Us, data that the latter ones obtain from their own sources • online platforms (social media and internet) accessible to public • entities involved in payment transactions (e.g. international card organizations such as Visa and MasterCard, economic operators accepting card payments, banks and other payment institutions involved in payment schemes). For example, when conducting card transactions, we may receive certain data needed to make payments (e.g., card data, transaction amounts) from merchants who accepted the card payment. Also, in other types of transactions (such as credit transfer, direct debit, debit instruments - check, bill of exchange, promissory note), we may receive your data from a bank/ third-party institution where it was initiated the transaction via interbank payments and communication schemes/ systems (such as SEPA, Regis, SENT or SWIFT) • entities within BRD Group and SG Group • other credit institutions • insurance companies • companies managing pension and investment funds • Central Securities Depository as company keeping the register of the Bank’s shares • Other entities The Data Subjects’ refusal to prov...