Deschiderea conturilor Art. 2 Account opening Exemple de Clauze

Deschiderea conturilor Art. 2 Account opening. (1) Deschiderea conturilor plati/ curente si a altor tipuri de cont (depozit, escrow etc.), in moneda nationala si/sau in orice alta moneda, se face conform procedurilor interne ale Bancii si a reglementarilor legale in vigoare, cu conditia respectarii de catre Client a regulilor stabilite de catre Banca pentru deschiderea acestor tipuri de conturi, in baza documentelor solicitate de catre Banca. (1) The opening of current/payment and other account types (deposit, escrow, etc.) in the national currency and/or in any other currency, shall be performed under the internal procedures of the Bank, and under the legal regulations in force, provided that the Client follows the rules having been set by the Bank for the opening of such accounts based on the documents being required by the Bank.

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