Operatiuni fara acceptul Clientului Art.6 Transactions without Client’s approval Exemple de Clauze

Operatiuni fara acceptul Clientului Art.6 Transactions without Client’s approval. (1) Banca are dreptul de a efectua operatiuni pe conturile Clientului fara permisiunea acestuia, in urmatoarele situatii: (a) in baza unui titlu executoriu emis de catre un organ de executare; (b) in baza unui document emis de catre organele abilitate conform legii in acest sens, procedand la blocarea conturilor; (c) plati pentru datorii scadente (comisioane, taxe, dobanzi, speze bancare, descoperit de cont, inclusiv neautorizat, credite restante etc.) si pentru alte angajamente asumate anterior de Client fata de Banca; (d) stornari ale operatiunilor efectuate eronat, precum si a celor efectuate cu mentiunea “sub rezerva” (cu documente justificative anexate la extras); (e) in situatia mentionata in art. 19 alin. (2); (f) orice alte cazuri prevazute de lege. (1) The Bank is entitled to execute transactions on the Client’s account without approval from the same in the following cases: (a) based on an writ of execution issued by a foreclosing body; (b) based on a document issued by the bodies being authorised under the law for such purpose, by blocking the accounts; (c) payments for due debts (fees, charges, interests, bank costs, overdraft, including unauthorized overdraft, overdue loans, etc.), and for other commitments having previously been undertaken by the Client towards the Bank; (d) reversal of incorrectly executed transactions, as well as of those executed with the mention “with reserves" (with supporting documents attached to the statement of account); (e) in the situation described under art. 19 para. (2); (f) any other cases provided for by the law.

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