Description. The service "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the following hours and days for the current position, the activated destination as well as any stored favorites. The forecast comprises for example temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and air quality. Reading aloud via Voice Pilot is possible, too.
Description. The service allows to call up the latest news by subscribing to RSS feeds directly in the PCM. With the Voice Pilot you can have the articles read to you. Via keyword search, the subscribed channels may be browsed for information on preferred topics or keywords.
Description. The service "Charging Planner" improves the travel route of the PCM navigation system based on the destination chosen, the remaining range, the driving profile, available real-time traffic information as well as available charging stations and their charging capacity to achieve the shortest total travel time possible (driving time and charging stops). Required charging stops are automatically included in the travel route.
Description. The service Calendar allows third-party calendars available online to be directly linked to the PCM. Additionally, calendars approved for the Porsche Connect App on the smartphone may be connected to the PCM via the Porsche Connect App. The service offers a daily or a weekly view. Appointments can be read to you by the Voice Pilot. Furthermore, addresses contained in calendar entries can be identified and used directly as navigation destination. Direct dial-in to conference calls is also possible, whereas the dial-in can only take place via your mobile phone connected to the PCM via Bluetooth.
Description. The “Radio Plus” service can be used to access online channels provided by radio stations. If Radio Plus is active and the reception of the radio sources FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is currently disrupted, the PCM automatically switches to the respective online channel from the station (if available). The service also displays metadata available via the PCM about the songs and stations you are playing.
Description. The “Porsche2X” service shows available information about lo- cal hazards, e.g. the risk of aquaplaning, as an infographic in the PCM.
Description. The App Centre enables the customer to search for, down- load, update and manage apps. These are apps specially de- signed for the vehicle, and are offered and managed by either Porsche or third-party providers.
Description. It is possible to check the status of your vehicle remotely on your smartphone. The service includes display of information regarding the outer shell status (e.g. status of the doors), ser- vice intervals or the current mileage.
Description. With the "Voice Pilot" service, various functions of the PCM and other services can be operated using voice input. Additional functionalities, such as media searches, points of interest or weather information, are made possible by means of online speech recognition.
Description. The FOD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" dynamically adjusts the steering to your speed: At high speeds, the steering responds directly and with greater precision. At low speeds, it enables particularly smooth maneuvering and parking.