Porsche Connect Care definicija

Porsche Connect Care. « Obdobje trajanja: 10 let Brezplačen Paket storitev: Paket storitev je mogoče naročiti brezplačno za nova vozila Connect, vključno z novimi vozili Connect, ki so bila že kupljena. Povezava: Povezava, ki je zahtevana za zagotavljanje Paketa sto- ritev, se vzpostavi prek vdelane kartice SIM. Povezava je sestavni del Paketa storitev in se ne zaračunava posebej. Storitve), ki so opisane spodaj:
Porsche Connect Care. Porsche Connect Care (hereafter referred to as Service Package) is available for the following vehicle models: – Taycan – Cayenne (from model year 2022) – 911 (from model year 2022) – Panamera (from model year 2022) Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020, however, require a free software update in an authorized Porsche workshop to be able to book the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care" (individual ser- vices of the Service Package may not be available despite this soft- ware update). You can recognize Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020 by the letter L at the 10th position of the vehicle identification number (VIN). For further information on the software update, please contact your Porsche Center. The Service Package is only available in certain countries and de- pends on the network availability. You can find the current geo- graphical availability of the Service Package in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. You will also find the respective geographical availability of the various functions of the Service Package in the following provisions of these ToU Porsche Connect Care. Porsche Connect Care includes various functions (hereinafter refe- rred to as Services), which are described below:
Porsche Connect Care. Porsche Connect Care (hereafter referred to as Service Package) is available for the following vehicle models: – Taycan Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020, however, require a free software update in an authorized Porsche workshop to be able to book the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care" (individual ser- vices of the Service Package may not be available despite this soft- ware update). You can recognize Taycan vehicles of the model year 2020 by the letter L at the 10th position of the vehicle identification number (VIN). For further information on the software update, please contact your Porsche Center. The Service Package is only available in certain countries and depends on the network availability. You can find the current geographical availability of the Service Package in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. You will also find the respective geographical availability of the various functions of the Service Package in the following provisions of these ToU Porsche Connect Care. Porsche Connect Care includes various functions (hereinafter referred to as Services), which are described below:

Examples of Porsche Connect Care in a sentence

  • Ti Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect Care veljajo za uporabo storitev Porsche Connect Care ter za naročanje, uporabo in/ali podaljšanje storitev Porsche Connect Care.

  • Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU Porsche Connect Care.

  • Ti Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect Care veljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev.

  • In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book "Porsche Connect Care".

  • Če je dolo- čilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect Care, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect Care.

  • Insofar as a provision of the T&C con- flicts with these ToU Porsche Connect Care, the ToU Porsche Con- nect Care prevail.

  • Delovanje telematske enote in s tem zagotavljanje funkcij Storitve v skladu s temi Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect Care je zlasti odvisno od de- lovanja GPS omrežja, brezžičnih in stacionarnih komuni- kacijskih omrežij, prek katerih telematska enota deluje.

  • Izrazi, opredeljeni v Splošnih pogojih, imajo enak pomen v teh Po- gojih uporabe Porsche Connect Care.

  • These ToU Porsche Connect Care govern the use of Porsche Connect Care and apply to the order, use and/or rene- wal of Porsche Connect Care.

  • Hereaf- ter, the term "contract" means the purchase of the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care".

Related to Porsche Connect Care

  • Uporabnik je oseba, ki dejansko uporablja Elektronske komunikacijske storitve po Naročniški pogodbi. Uporabnik je lahko Xxxxxxxx ali druga oseba, ki jo Naročnik, na način kot ga določi A1, določi za dejanskega uporabnika Elektronskih komunikacijskih storitev.

  • Premija znesek, ki ga zavarovalec plača zavarovalnici;