Te Pou Tupua Mienzaniso yeMagwaro

Te Pou Tupua. 5 3 FeesThe nominators must agree and set the fees (if any) to be paid to each member of Te Pou Tupua.Reporting and accountability requirements 4Annual report5(1)Each year Te Pou Tupua must adopt and publish an annual report. (2)The annual report must contain the following information for the financial year to which it relates: (a) a report on the exercise by Te Pou Tupua of its functions and powers and its progress in achieving its purposes; and10 (b) financial statements in respect of Te Pou Tupua and Te Awa Tupua (in- cluding Te Korotete) prepared in accordance with generally accepted ac- counting practice; and (c) a statement of responsibility for the financial statements; and (d) an audit report—15 (i) by the Auditor-General in respect of Te Pou Tupua; and (ii) by an auditor appointed by Te Pou Tupua in respect of Te Awa Tu- pua (including Te Korotete). (3)Te Pou Tupua, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, and the Minis- ter of Finance may agree to any further reporting requirements necessary to re-20 flect any change to the financial relationship between the Crown and Te Pou Tupua. (4)In this clause,— financial statements has the meaning given in section 6 of the Financial Re- porting Act 201325 generally accepted accounting practice has the meaning given in section 8 of the Financial Reporting Act 2013. 5Disclosure of annual report (1)Te Pou Tupua must provide the annual report to— (a) the chairperson of the trustees; and30 (b) the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations. (2)The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations must present the annual re- port to the House of Representatives as soon as practicable after it has been re- ceived by the Minister. (3)After the report has been provided under subclause (1), a nominator may seek further information from Te Pou Tupua, and make comments to Te Pou35 Tupua, on any relevant matter arising out of the report.