Cultural redress2Interpretation2Makori,with him, W. Magaya, for the applicantT. Machiridza, for the respondents2Preliminary provisions21 22A11 A11 A) However, despite subsection (1), the Court may (but is not obliged to) do 1 or more of the following: 5118E11982 (3) SA 582120 Section 18F amended (Certain effects of recognition of new organisation12yhuylhz Ri 2shudwlqj 5hvxowv DQG 2wkhuv 2yhuylhz Ri 2shudwlqj 5hvxowv XVLQHVV Qylurqphqw160A16AA Limitation of Tribunal174 Section 154 amended (Status of settlement assets189 Subpart 4 heading in Part 4 amended199 Schedule 8 repealed1Account1Act binds the Crown1Adrian Thomas Tua, Celia Robinson, David William Manuel, Manaaki Reremoana Tepania Poto, Martha Selwyn, Rawiri He1Agent(s1Agreement1Ahuriri Station581Akatārere Historic Reserve351Amendment to Electoral (Iwi Organisation and Other Māori681Amendment to Public Finance Act 1989651Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991 1061Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991 2021Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991 3011Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991 4041Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991211Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991301Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991351Amendment to Resource Management Act 1991381Amendment to Treaty of Waitangi Act 19751Amendments to Preamble, Title, and Parts 1 to 61Aotearoa Fisheries Limited issue of income shares to Te Ohu Kai Moana 10Trustee Limited1Appendix B of Whakaaetanga Tiaki Taonga291Application of Mauao Historic Reserve Vesting Act 2008231Appointment of Judges 101Area subject only to statutory acknowledgement 5Statutory area Location1Area subject to both statutory acknowledgement and deed of recognitionStatutory area Location1Areas subject only to statutory acknowledgement 5Statutory area Location1Areas subject to both statutory acknowledgement and deed of recognitionStatutory area Location1available subscribed capital1b) is satisfied as to the matters set out in clause 10(1)(c1Bank Account1Cash1Cell phone1Certain enactments do not apply1Chairperson and deputy chairperson1Charges1Chetty v Naidoo1CHIBVUMIRANO (THE AGREEMENT1Chief Judge and Deputy Chief Judge 31Commencement331Commencement61Commencement91Conditions1Credit Balance1Credit Transaction1Customer1Customer Care Centre1Customer Registration Form1Debit1Debit Transaction1Deposit1determining those fees with effect from, or from a time after, the making of the determination1determining those fees with effect from, or from a time after, the makingof the determination. 101determining those fees with effect from, or from a time after, the makingof the determination. 251E-Money1Explanatory note1Goods and Services1HH 231/15 HC 1550/141HVFULSWLRQ RI UHSRUWDEOH VHJPHQWV 5HSRUWLQJ VHJPHQWV RI WKH )XUXNDZD %DWWHU\ *URXS DUH LQ DYDLODEOH DQG WKDW DUH VXEIMH F1ID Number1In section 113(2)(c), after “mandated iwi organisations or”, insert “recognised iwi organisations or1INT1Interpretation 1121Interpretation 2081Interpretation 3071Interpretation 4161Interpretation of Act generally1Interpretation201Interpretation561Interpretation751Ko au te Awa, ko te Awa ko au1KUGASHIRWA NEKUSHANDA KWEZVISUNGO IZVI (ACCEPTANCE AND COMMENCEMENT OF CONDITIONS OF USE1KUNYORERA KUTI MUNHU AWANE ACCOUNT (APPLICATION FOR ACCOUNT1MAJI SAFI, UMEME, GESI NA MAJI TAKA1MAKIWA TRANSTOBAC (PVT) LTD HC 14237/121Maori Purposes1MATUMIZI YA JIKO NA USAFI1Meaning of historical claims1Mobile Equipment1Mobile Phone1MSISDN1Ngā manga iti, ngā manga nui e honohono kau ana, ka tupu hei Awa Tu1Ngāti Pūkenga Claims Settlement Bill1Ngati Pukenga Claims Settlement Bill Representative Entity Means1Ngāti Rangitihi Claims Settlement Bill1Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Claims Settlement Bill1Ngatikahu Ki Whangaroa Claims Settlement Bill Customary Rights Means Rights Exercised According to Tikanga Maori Includ Ing1O Ngati Ranginui Claims Settlement Bill1Outlet1PANGO: Katika mkataba wa pango, jumla ya pesa ya pango itakayolipwa kila mwezi kwa mwenye nyumba ni1PIN1Preliminary matters, acknowledgements and apology, and settlement of historical claims1Preliminary matters, acknowledgements and apology, and settlement of historical claims 3 Purpose1Preliminary matters, acknowledgements and apology, and settlement of Ngāti Kuri historical claims1Preliminary matters, historical account, acknowledgements and apology, and settlement of historical claims1Principal Act71Provisions Relating to Maori Fisheries Amendment Act 2022 and That Come Into Force on Day After Royal Assent1Provisions to take effect on settlement date1Purpose101Remuneration to the Alternate Director Is Subject to a Fees for an Alternate Director Determination1Remuneration to the Alternate Director Is Subject to a Fees for an Alternatedirector Determination 201Requirements for giving notice1Ruatipua1Rururarau Heitia Hiha, Beverley Jane Horiana Kemp-Harmer, 201Rururarau Heitia Hiha, Beverley Jane Horiana Kemp-Harmer, 251Saturday, Sunday, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac1Secret Word1section 58 (company may acquire its own shares) of1Settlement of historical claims final1Shareholder continuity1SIM Card1SMS1Start PIN1Tariff Guide1Te Karewao6 Meetings of Te Karewao1Te Kōpuka1Te Pire Whakatika Hapa o Te Ohu Iwi Tauranga Moana me Te Pire Whakataunga i ngā Kereme a Ngā Hapū o1Te Pire Whiriwhiri Take Maori Nga Korero1Te Pou Tupua1TeleCash Retailer –1TeleCash Services1TeleCash System or TeleCash1TELECEL Subscriber1That Act Applies as If1the director receives written advice from Aotearoa Fisheries Limited to the effect that the vacancy is not to be filled; and1the Honourable Christopher Finlayson, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, and the Honourable Simon William Eng1the resolution were made by Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited approv‐ ing it1the Resource Management Act 19911Transactions1Transfer of Te Paki Station 1161Transitional directors of Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited1TSANANGURO YEMAZWI (DEFINITIONS1USSD1Validation1We/ Us/Our1Whangaroa1You/Your/ Yourself1ZVIRONGWA ZVE TELECASH (TELECASH SERVICES1