Definicija Loan Agreement
Examples of Loan Agreement in a sentence
All claims of KfW under this Loan Agreement expire after five years from the end of the year in which such claim has arisen and in which KfW has become aware of the circumstances constituting such claim or could have become aware of them without gross negligence.
The Minister of Finance and such persons as designated by him or her to KfW and authorised by specimen signatures authenticated by him or her will represent the Borrower in the execution of this Loan Agreement.
Disbursements will be made in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule contained in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule) to this Loan Agreement.
The Borrower will bear all taxes and other public charges accruing outside the Federal Republic of Germany in connection with the conclusion and execution of this Loan Agreement.
In the event that the Borrower is obligated by law or for other reasons to make any such deductions or withholdings on payments, the payments made by the Borrower will increase by such amount as necessary for KfW to receive in full the amounts due under this Loan Agreement after deduction of taxes and charges.
The Borrower will make all payments under this Loan Agreement without any deductions for taxes, other public charges or other costs.
The Borrower will bear all costs and expenses accruing in connection with the disbursement and repayment of the Loan, in particular remittance and transfer costs (including conversion fees), as well as all costs and expenses accruing in connection with the maintenance or enforcement of this Loan Agreement and of any other document related to this Loan Agreement as well as of all rights resulting therefrom.
The Commitment Fee will be charged if applicable with retroactive effect for the period beginning twelve months after the signing of this Loan Agreement and lasting until the date of disbursement of the Loan in full or, if applicable, until the date of definitive termination of disbursements from the Loan.
The Management Fee is due for payment as soon as this Loan Agreement has been signed irrespective of whether the Loan is disbursed in full or only in part or at all.
If a payment to be made in connection with this Loan Agreement falls due on a date that is not a Banking Day, the Borrower must make such payment on the following Banking Day.