Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Customer, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Customer, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all Hakem Heyeti’ne, Türkiye Katılım Bankaları Birliği Müşteri Şikâyetleri Hakem Heyeti’ne veya Tüketici Mahkemesi’ne başvurulabilir. Taraflar, arabuluculuk gibi alternatif çözüm yollarına müracaat hakkını da haizdir. Taraflar, bu Sözleşmeden doğacak anlaşmazlıkların çözümünde İstanbul (Çağlayan) mahkeme ve icra dairelerinin yetkili olduğunu kabul eder. Bu sözleşme genel mahkemelerin ve icra dairelerinin yetkisini ortadan kaldırmaz. Özellikle Bankanın fiilen şubesinin bulunduğu yerlerdeki mahkeme ve icra daireleri de doğacak anlaşmazlıkların çözümünde yetkilidir.
Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Client, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Client, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all related persons who have signed this contract confirm the correctness of the information in the application form.
Miscellaneous Provisions. 9.1. In cases of any conflicts which may arise relating to this contract, Turkish/İstanbul central courts and debt enforcement offices shall have jurisdiction.
9.2. This Contract shall take effect upon its signature/execution and the obligations of the Parties shall start from that moment. It shall be valid and effective until it is terminated.
9.3. Any stamp taxes arising due to this contract shall be paid by the SYSTEM AGENCY.
9.4. In cases of any conflicts which may arise from this Contract among the PARTIES, they accept, agree and undertake that E-NET ‘s database, electronic and system records, commercial records and books, microfils, micro fiches and computer records shall be deemed as binding, definite and exclusive evidences and this article shall be deemed as an evidence contract as per article 193 of Code of Civil Procedures.
Miscellaneous Provisions. Parties un- conditionally and irrevocably agree, declare and undertake that the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid for and applicable to the Custom- er, additional card holder and other signatories of this Agreement and that the information included in application form are true and accurate and that they have no objection in respect thereof.
10.13.1. In the event that Emlak Katılım is obliged to file a lawsuit, commence execution proceedings or take other judicial proceedings due to non-pay- ment of the debts arisen or to be arisen against Emlak Katılım, the Customer/Sureties uncondition- ally and irrevocably agree, declare and undertake to pay to Emlak Katılım any and all costs and ex- penses incurred by Emlak Katılım in respect thereof and that Emlak Katılım is entitled to ex officio deb- it such amounts to the account of the Customer without the need for notification.
10.13.2. The Customer, additional card holder and/ or sureties unconditionally and irrevocably agree, de- clare and undertake to give their consents to the at- tachment by Emlak Katılım of any kinds of non-seiz- able assets, rights and receivables and to waive their rights of objection and petition in advance.
10.13.3. The validity of the Agreement is not lim- ited with any period of time. However, if any rea- son for termination is foreseen in any section of the Agreement, then such terms of termination shall be valid for that section. Parties unconditionally and irrevocably agree, declare and undertake that in the event of expiration or termination of the Agree- ment for any reason whatsoever, all the debts and obligations of the Customer to Emlak Katılım shall become due and payable. The Customer/Surety
11.5. Müşteri, Emlak Katılım’ın riayet etmek mec- buriyetinde olduğu ulusal veya uluslararası mev- zuat ile taraf olduğu ulusal veya uluslararası söz- leşmeler hükümlerinin zorunlu kılması ya da Emlak Katılım’ın doğrudan tarafı olmasa ve doğrudan zorunlu olmasa dahi mevzuat ve sözleşmelere uy- manın Emlak Katılım ve/veya dâhil olduğu grup/ iştiraklerin çıkarları açısından gerekli olması halinde müşteri sırrı niteliğindeki kişisel bilgilerinin ve/veya hesabı/hesapları ile bilgilerin, ulusal ya da uluslara- rası (FATCA veya benzeri) kurum veya kuruluşlarla paylaşılmasına kayıtsız ve şartsız olarak peşinen ve gayrikabili muvafakat ettiğini kabul, beyan ve taah- hüt eder.
11.6. Müşteri, bu bilgilerin verilmesini açık ve ya- zılı bir talimatla engellemesi durumunda ise hesa- bını der...
Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Client, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Client, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all related persons who have signed this contract confirm the correctness of the information in the application form.
9.13.1. In the event of the Bank’s having to litigate, initiate debt enforcement proceedings by taking judicial proceedings due to its failing to pay the debts which have arisen or which shall arise; the Client accepts, declares and warrants to pay immediately to the Bank all expenses that the Bank shall make; that the bank is authorized to debit these ex officio to their account.
9.13.2. The Client, holder of the supplementary card and the guarantor, accept and warrant irrevocably that they consent to the sequestration of their goods, rights and receivables that are not fit for sequestration that they have waived in advance all their rights of objection and complaint.
9.13.3. The validity of the contract is not limited with any period. But if any cause for cancellation is seen in any section of the
9.13.2. Müşteri, ek kart hamili ve kefil, haczi caiz olmayan mal, hak ve alacaklarının Banka tarafından hacizlerine peşinen muvafakat ettiklerini ve buna ilişkin itiraz ve şikâyet haklarından peşinen feragat ettiklerini gayrikabili rücu kabul ve taahhüt ederler.
9.13.3. Sözleşmenin geçerliliği herhangi bir süre ile sınırlandırılmış değildir. Ancak, Sözleşmenin herhangi bir bölümünde bir fesih nedeni öngörülmüşse, o bölüm için ve öncelikle o fesih şartları geçerlidir. Sözleşmenin hangi nedenle olursa olsun sona ermesi durumunda Müşterinin Bankaya olan borçları muaccel hale gelir. Müşterinin ölümü durumunda Sözleşme sona erer.
9.13.4. Bankanın sunduğu ürün ve hizmet paketlerinden, hizmetin verildiği kanal, tutar, adet ve/veya dönem çerçevesinde ücret tahsil edilecektir.
Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Client, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Client, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all related persons who have signed this contract confirm the correctness of the information in the application form.
9.13.1. In the event of the Bank’s having to litigate, initiate debt enforcement proceedings by taking judicial proceedings due to its failing to pay the debts which have arisen or which shall arise; the Client accepts, declares and warrants to pay immediately to the Bank all expenses that the Bank shall make; that the bank is authorized to debit these ex officio to their account.
9.13.2. The Client, holder of the supplementary card and the guarantor, accept and warrant irrevocably that they consent to the sequestration of their goods, rights and receivables that are not fit for sequestration that they have waived in advance all their rights of objection and complaint.
9.13.3. The validity of the contract is not limited with any period. But if any cause for cancellation is seen in any section of the Contract, those cancellation conditions are valid for that section and primarily those cancellation conditions are valid for that
Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Client, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Client, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all related persons who have signed this contract confirm the correctness of the information in the application form.
9.13.1. In the event of the Bank’s having to litigate, initiate debt enforcement proceedings by taking judicial proceedings due to its failing to pay the debts which have arisen or which shall arise; the Client accepts, declares and warrants to pay immediately to the Bank all expenses that the Bank shall make; that the bank is authorized to debit these ex officio to their account.
9.13.2. The Client, holder of the supplementary card and the guarantor, accept and warrant irrevocably that they consent to the sequestration of their goods, rights and receivables that are not fit for sequestration that they have waived in advance all their rights of objection and complaint.
9.13.3. The validity of the contract is not limited with any period. But if any cause for cancellation is seen in any section of the Contract, those cancellation conditions are valid for that section and primarily those cancellation conditions are valid for that section. In the event of the Contract being terminated for any reason whatsoever the debts of the Client to the Bank become due and payable. In the event of the death of the Client the Contract terminates.
9.13.4. A fee shall be charged from packages of service and products within the framework of channel the service is provided from, amount, quantity and/or period.
9.13.5. In case the Bank mediates in payment transactions (to cash against goods or cash against documents and to such payment transactions) to arise from goods or services purchasing and sales the Client shall perform with its addressees abroad within the scope of international trading, sample rules International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has prepared for the relevant transaction (ICC 522 Uniform Rules For Collections or current rules to be put into effect by the ICC relevant to these subjects) shall be applied to these transactions between the Bank and the Client yukarıdaki hükümler saklı kalmak kaydıyla Milletlerarası Ticaret Odasının (ICC) ilgili işlem için hazırladığı bir örnek kurallar (ICC 522 Uniform Rules For Collections ya da ICC tarafından bu konulara ilişkin yürürlüğe konacak güncel kurallar) uygulanacak olup, Müşteri bu hususu peşinen ve gay...
Miscellaneous Provisions. The provisions in the contract are valid for the Client, holder of the supplementary card, guarantor and other persons who have signed. The Client, guarantor and holder of the supplementary card as well as all related persons who have signed this contract confirm the correctness of the information in the application form.
9.13.1. In the event of the Bank’s having to litigate, initiate debt enforcement proceedings by taking judicial proceedings due to its failing to pay the debts which have arisen or which shall arise; the Client accepts, declares and warrants to pay immediately to the Bank all expenses that the Bank shall make; that the bank is authorized to debit these ex officio to their account. Şikâyetleri Hakem Heyeti’ne veya Tüketici Mahkemesi’ne başvurulabilir. Taraflar, arabuluculuk gibi alternatif çözüm yollarına müracaat hakkını da haizdir. Taraflar, bu Sözleşmeden doğacak anlaşmazlıkların çözümünde İstanbul (Çağlayan) mahkeme ve icra dairelerinin yetkili olduğunu kabul eder. Bu sözleşme genel mahkemelerin ve icra dairelerinin yetkisini ortadan kaldırmaz. Özellikle Bankanın fiilen şubesinin bulunduğu yerlerdeki mahkeme ve icra daireleri de doğacak anlaşmazlıkların çözümünde yetkilidir.