Prefinansman Kredisi Örnek Maddeleri

Prefinansman Kredisi. Müşteri, Sözleşme ile açılan kredinin kısmen veya tamamen Banka aracılığıyla veya doğrudan kendisi tarafından temin ettiği Prefinansman Kredisi’nin teminatı olarak garanti verilmesi için kullandırılması halinde, işbu Prefinansman Kredisi hakkında Sözleşme’nin ilgili diğer hükümleri ile birlikte aşağıdaki hükümlerinin de geçerli olacağını kabul eder. time period granted by the relevant laws and regulations, and likewise, in credits covered by an investment incentives certificate, to have the investment incentives certificates relied upon by the credits duly closed within the time period granted by the pertinent laws, and in the case of his failure in realization of his export commitments and in closing of investment incentives certificate relied upon by the credits covered by an investment incentives certificate, with respect to the non-realized portion thereof, to pay to the relevant governmental authorities and/or if demanded so by the relevant governmental authorities, or if the Bank is authorized thereon, or even if not requested by the relevant governmental authorities, if demanded so by the Bank, to the Bank immediately and at once and before commencement of any legal prosecution and for subsequent blocking by the Bank, both the exemptions, exceptions and incentives granted to the Client and to the Bank in respect of RUSF, taxes, duties and funds and other legal liabilities, together with delay interests and penal interests to be accrued thereon, plus additional interests and commissions to be charged by the Bank, plus Resource Utilization Support Fund (RUSF), taxes and other accessory debts, together with the penal interests to be accrued for the days until the date of deposit, and furthermore, to pay to the Bank at once and immediately upon first demand of the Bank all kinds of penalties and sanctions that may be claimed by the Turkish Central Bank or foreign exchange control authorities from the Bank in the future, with respect to the credits borrowed hereunder.
Prefinansman Kredisi. Müşteri’nin, prefinansman kredisinden doğan riskini kapatmasını müteakip Kredi’den doğan anapara, faiz, komisyon ve masrafların toplamından oluşan taahhüdü mevzuatta belirtilen sürenin sonuna kadar mal veya hizmet Where Parties agree to utilize Credit as noncash in the form of a letter of credit, Customer will submit a proposal to for a letter of credit to Bank, for each letter of credit it wants. Bank will be free to accept or not accept the offer or the request for the amendments to the terms of the letter of credit, by taking into consideration Customer’s limits, economic conditions and the costs on that date. Bank is authorized to conduct all kinds of transactions for Customer and to clear the goods for which the letter of credit had been issued, from the Customs on Customer’s behalf. Since it would be acting by proxy, Bank will not be held responsible to Customer in any way whatsoever. After the goods are cleared by Bank from the Customs, Bank’s lien on them will continue. However, Bank is, under no circumstances, responsible for clearing them from the Customs. In the event all or some of the goods, for which the letter of credit had been issued, are lost, Bank will be entitled to claim indemnification from the insurance company. Customer is obligated to name Bank on the insurance policy as the loss payee if Bank requires it. Customer will pay the sum it is obligated to pay for the letter of credit immediately, in that foreign currency or in TL that would be calculated based on Bank’s selling rate for that currency. Parties agree that for all sums, Bank would pay for the confirmed or unconfirmed irrevocable letters of credit or the standby letters of credit it had accepted to issue in favor of Customer, Customer will be responsible as per the provisions of Agreement.
Prefinansman Kredisi. Müşteri prefinansman sebebiyle gelen dövizlerin Bankaya devredildiği tarihten, işin yapılarak ihracatın gerçekleştirilmesi tarihine veya işin gerçekleşmemesi halinde dövizlerin iadesi tarihine kadar geçecek sürede üçer aylık devreler halinde komisyon ve ihracatın kısmen veya tamamen gerçekleşmemesi halinde bundan kaynaklanacak vergi ve cezaları her devrenin başladığı gün ödeyeceğini; bu sözleşme tahtında Bankanın alacağı komisyon tespitinde, komisyon tahsil tarihindeki Bankaca tespit edilmiş döviz satış kuru üzerinden TL karşılığının esas alınacağını kabul eder.
Prefinansman Kredisi. Müşteri’nin, prefinansman kredisinden doğan riskini kapatmasını müteakip Kredi’den doğan anapara, faiz, komisyon ve masrafların toplamından oluşan taahhüdü mevzuatta belirtilen sürenin sonuna kadar mal veya hizmet ihracı ile veya mahsup yoluyla kapatması gerekmektedir.