Anahtar kelimeler tanımı

Anahtar kelimeler. Birleşme Sözleşmesi, Bölünme Sözleşmesi ve Malvarlığının Devri Sözleşmesi, Sözleşmelerin Geçersizliği, İptali ve İfa Edilmeme Durumları
Anahtar kelimeler. Eser sözleşmesi, yüklenici, şahsen ifa, alt yüklenici, yardımcı kişi
Anahtar kelimeler. Toplu iş sözleşmesi, Yararlanma, Ayrımcılık, Kapsam dışı personel Key words: Collective agreement, Benefiting, Discrimination, Out-of- scope person GİRİŞ

Examples of Anahtar kelimeler in a sentence

  • Anahtar kelimeler: Adi ortaklık, şekil, taşınmaz devri, sözleşme, şekle aykırılık.

  • Anahtar kelimeler: ifa, ceza, cezai şart, alacak, borç The penal clause was established in Articles 158 and 161 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, which is a so-called legal institution in which the borrower's current borrowing against the creditor is zero or not.

  • Anahtar kelimeler; basın iş çalışanı, basın iş sözleşmesi, gazetecilerin hakları, mesleki sorunlar Tezi Hazırlayan : Xxxxx XXXXX Tez Danışmanı :Prof.

More Definitions of Anahtar kelimeler

Anahtar kelimeler. Sözleşme, nisbilik, edim, ifa, havale, temsil, alacağın devri.
Anahtar kelimeler. Yayım sözleşmesi, eser, eser sahibi, eser üzerindeki haklar, Borçlar Kanunu
Anahtar kelimeler. Kriyoterapi, kemik iyileşmesi, sıçan XXXXXXX, X.X. (2006). The histopathological effects of two cryogen agents liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide on the healing of experimental bone defects. We aimed to evaluate the histopathological effects of liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide on the healing of experimental bone defects in our study. According to the statistically evaluated data from the histopathological findings, there are aseptic necrosis fields in both liquid nitrogen and carbondioxide group and these are significantly much more than the control group. Due to the necrosis amount the healing of bone in each group is significantly delayed in contrast to the control group. Regarding to this findings we suggest that the use of cryotherapy in the maxillofacial region where especially locally aggressive lesions are usually seen can be safely done to avoid the generally seen residives and this study may provide a baseline for further clinical and experimental research. Key words : Cryotherapy, bone healing, rat
Anahtar kelimeler. Dağıtım Kanalı Kararı, Oyun Teorisi, Perakendeci Satın Alma Kararı Abstract: Determining of the products which retailers sell and the manufacturers which the products are purchased from is a significant decision process. On the other hand, the decision of determining retailers to whom manufacturers sell is noticed. Both of the two decisions are handled mutually at the same time, a multilateral decision game can be noticed. In this study, game theory based dynamic model in a two-leveled system is applied. There are four actors consisting of two manufacturers and two retailers in the system. All of the actors act risk-avoidance focused. For every manufacturer, there are options for selling the products over independent retailers or setting their own distribution channels. The manufacturers produce substitute products. In terms of retailers, the point is the decision of from which manufacturer the product is needed to be bought.
Anahtar kelimeler. Tazminat talebi, acenta, sürekli sözleşmeler, acentalık sözleş- mesinde de değişiklik, acentalık sözleşmesinin sona ermesi
Anahtar kelimeler. Belirli süreli iş sözleşmesi, kıdem tazminatı, feshin son çare