Coordinated Petroleum Activities and unitisation. 1. In the event that a Reservoir that is the subject of a Potentially Commercial Discovery extends beyond the Block into an adjacent block which is the subject of another Petroleum Right that grants a third party the right to conduct Development and Production activities (an “Adjacent Awarded Block”), the relevant provisions of Article 38 of the law no 132/2010 (OPR Law) shall apply, and the Right Holders shall in good faith negotiate and agree with the right holder(s) of the Adjacent Awarded Block on the terms of a unitisation agreement, which terms shall be based on reliable technical, operational and economic parameters in a manner designed to ensure optimal recovery of Petroleum in the Reservoir, all in accordance with Best International Petroleum Industry Standards. The apportionment of the entitlements of the Right Holders, on the one hand, and the holder(s) of the Petroleum Right for the Adjacent Awarded Block, on the other hand, shall be agreed upon on a fair and equitable basis and, to the extent practicable, be determined on the basis of the expected total reserves in the Block and in the Adjacent Awarded Block. The Appraisal Plan for such Potentially Commercial Discovery shall have, as an objective, the preparation of a unitised Development and Production Plan, the determination of the respective entitlements to Production, and the preparation and negotiation of an unitisation agreement in accordance with Best International Petroleum Industry Standards. The unitised Development and Production Plan shall include a plan for unitisation which identifies the limits of the unitised area, the volumes of estimated Petroleum in place, and the principal terms to be included in the unitisation agreement and an undertaking by the respective parties to coordinate efficiently among themselves for the optimal جاتنلإا ةئزجتو ةقسنملا ةيلورتبلا ةطشنلأا 21 ةداملا فاشتكا عوضوم وه نمكم زواجت لاح يف .1 ةمخاتم ةعقر لخاد ىلإ ةعقرلا دودح لمتحم يراجت ًاثلاث ًافرط حنمي رخآ يلورتب قح عوضوم يه ةعقر"( جاتنإو ريوطت ةطشنأ ةسرامم يف قحلا 38 ةداملا ماكحأ ذئدنع قبطت ،)"ةحونمم ةمخاتم دراوملا نوناق( 2010/132 مقر نوناقلا نم ضوافتيو ،ةلصلا تاذ ) ةيرحبلا هايملا يف ةيلورتبلا بحاص عم نوقفتيو ةين نسحب قوقحلا باحصأ ةمخاتملا ةعقرلا يف قوقحلا باحصأ/قحلا جاتنلإا ةئزجت ةيقافتا طورش ىلع ةحونمملا دنتست نأ ىلع ،(Unitisation Agreement) ةيداصتقاو ةيليغشتو ةينف ريياعم ىلإ طورشلا هذه دادرتسا لضفأ نمؤت ةقيرطب ةددحمو ةقوثوم ريياعملا لضفلأ ًاقفو كلذ لك ،نمكملا يف لورتبلل عيزوت ىلع قافتلاا متي .لورتبلا...