附注( Remarks). 本合同未列条款以最终用户与 公司(对应《中山大学进口货物采购合同》的乙方)签订的编号为 的《中山大学进口货物采购合同》或者买卖双方另行签署的其他书面文件为准。 合同中的中、英文条款具有同等法律效力。本合同正本一式八份,买方执七份;卖方执一份。本合同经双方法定代表人(或委托代理人)签字并加盖单位合同印章(含骑缝章)生效。 Terms not listed under this contract shall be subject to the Sun Yat-Sen University Import Goods Procurement Contract numbered signed and sealed between the End User and , or according to other documents signed and sealed by the Seller and the Buyer. The English version and the Chinese version of this contract shall have the same legal effect. This contract shall be executed in eight counterparts, with seven copies hold by the Buyer and one copy hold by the Seller. The contract is signed by the legal representatives (or authorized agents) of both parties and stamped with the contract seals (including seal on the perforation) to take effect. 20XXGZZD-XXX 附件:
附注( Remarks). 本合同未列条款以最终用户与 公司(对应协议书的乙方)签订的编号为 的《进口货物购销协议书》或者买卖双方另行签署的其他书面文件为准。 合同中的中、英文条款具有同等法律效力。本合同正本一式八份,买方执七份;卖方执一份。自双方代表签字、盖章之日起生效。 Terms not listed under this contract shall be carried out according to the signed and sealed Import Goods Purchase and Sale Agreement signed and sealed between the End User and , and numbered , or according to other documents signed and sealed by the Seller and the Buyer. The contract of English version and Chinese version has the same legal effect. This Contract is signed by both parties in eight original copies. The buyer holds seven copies and the seller holds one, it will be effective since signed and sealed by both parties.