any other power granted by laws, regulations, departmental rules or the articles of association. 样本条款

any other power granted by laws, regulations, departmental rules or the articles of association.. The board of directors of a listed company should establish an corporate strategy, audit,rnomination, and remuneration and assessment committee or other specialized committees. The special committees are accountable to the board of directors and perform their duties in accordance with the Articles of Association and authorization of the board. Proposals by the special committees should be submitted to the board for deliberation and decision.Special committees are composed solely of directors. Independent directors should make up the majority of the audit committee, the nomination committee and the remuneration and assessment committee, and should convene the committee meetings. The convener of the audit committee must be an accounting professional. The board of directors is responsible for making work procedures of specialized committees for the operation of specialized committees. The board of directors decides the matters such as external investment, purchasing and selling assets, asset guarantee and trust management etc. and the value of which is less than 30% of the latest audited assets of the company; otherwise, those matters shall be proposed to the general meeting. The authority that the general meeting of shareholders grants the board of directors for external investment, acquisition and sale of assets, assets mortgage or external guarantees, administration of finance by a third party, affiliated transaction is based on the Administrative Measures on External Investment, External Guarantee, Affiliated transaction approved by the general meeting of shareholders. The chairman of the board of directors shall exercise the following powers: 1. to preside over general meetings and to convene and preside over meetings of the board of directors; 2. to supervise, promote and oversee the implementation of resolutions of the board of directors; 3. to sign the company’s stock, bond and other securities; 4. to sign the significant documents of the board of directors and others which need to be signed by the legal representative; 5. to exercise the functions and power of legal representative; 6. to carry out the following matters: (1) matters such as external investment, purchasing and selling assets, asset guarantee and trust management etc. (excluding the related party transaction and external guarantee) where its value is less than 3 million and 0.5% of absolute value of the latest audited total assets of the company; the aforesaid purchasing and selling ass...

Related to any other power granted by laws, regulations, departmental rules or the articles of association.

  • 交易及清算交收安排 17 集合计划资产净值计算和会计核算 20

  • 附件 10 残疾人福利性单位声明函格式

  • 个券选择策略 在个券选择上,理财产品综合运用利率预期、收益率曲线估值、信用风险分析、隐含期权价值评估、流动性分析等方法来评估个券的投资价值。具有以下一项或多项特征的债券,将是理财产品重点关注的对象: 利率预期策略下符合久期设定范围的债券;具有较高信用等级、较好流动性的债券; 资信状况良好、未来信用评级趋于稳定或有较大改善的企业发行的债券; 在剩余期限和信用等级等因素基本一致的前提下,运用收益率曲线模型或其他相关估值模型进行估值后,市场交易价格被低估的债券;

  • この約款及び設計図書における期間の定めについては、民法(明治29年法律第89号)及び商法(明治32年法律 第48号)の定めるところによるものとする。

  • 適用条件 動力を使用する需要で、次のいずれにも該当する場合に適用いたします。

  • 附件 3 质疑函范本及制作说明

  • 协议对公司的影响 1、 本项目有利于公司扩大生物质产业规模,促进公司更好更快发展。 2、 公司的主要业务不会因履行本协议而对协议当事人形成依赖。 3、 若本项目顺利实施,将对公司未来经营业绩产生积极影响,但对公司 2016年经营业绩不产生重大影响。

  • 转出总金额(C=A B) 12,000,000.00 转出基金赎回费率(D) 0.5% 转出基金费用(E=C*D) 60,000.00 转换金额(F=C-E) 11,940,000.00