Fire/Explosion/Smoke/Water Damage Legal Liability Clause 样本条款

Fire/Explosion/Smoke/Water Damage Legal Liability Clause. It is agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insured’s liability for claims made against the insured for accidents bodily injury of any/or accidental property damage to any third party (including e Landlord's Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings Under Care, Custody & Control of Insured) occurring caused by fire or explosion subject to the following limits of liability during the period of insurance. This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy
Fire/Explosion/Smoke/Water Damage Legal Liability Clause. 5. First Aid Liability Extension Clause

Related to Fire/Explosion/Smoke/Water Damage Legal Liability Clause

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