Premises/Operations Clause 样本条款
Premises/Operations Clause. To indemnify the insured against all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages consequent upon accidental:
i) injury to Third Parties
ii) loss of or damage to the property of Third Parties arising out of any of the Insured's premises and operations.
Premises/Operations Clause. 司法管辖:中国上海相应地区的法律法规
1) 投保人/被保险人资料 组织机构代码证 营业执照 投保人:公司名字(全称) 详细地址 被保险人:公司名字(全称) 详细地址
2) 投保方案( 本表提供简要方案,详细方案请见附件文件) 项目 A类:娱乐骑乘或设备(以AS TM 747-06 为准) B类:使用易燃材料或供应食品 C类:所有其它展品(仅作静态宣传、咨询)