Governing Law and Severability 样本条款

Governing Law and Severability. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and if any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or ineffective for any reason, such invalidity or ineffectiveness shall only affect that provision, and shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
Governing Law and Severability. The effectiveness, interpretation, amendment , performance of this Agreement and resolution of disputes arising from this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is no relevant provision in such laws, the general international business practices and/or industry practices shall apply. In case of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement , you may resolve the 相关协议·Soft ware License and Servi ce Agreement 生活物联网平台(飞燕平台) dispute with Danqoo through friendly negotiations, or submit it to the compet ent people’s court at the place where the respondent is located. If any provision hereof is held to be invalid by the compet ent people’s court, it shall not affect the validity of any other part or any other provisions hereof. You and Danqoo shall still perform such other part and provisions in good faith.
Governing Law and Severability. The effectiveness, interpretation, amendment, performance of this Agreement and resolution of disputes arising from this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is no relevant provision in such laws, the general international business practices and/or industry practices shall apply. • In case of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, you may resolve the dispute with Xxxxxx through friendly negotiations, or submit it to the competent people’s court at the place where the respondent is located. • If any provision hereof is held to be invalid by the competent people’s court, it shall not affect the validity of any other part or any other provisions hereof. You and Danqoo shall still perform such other part and provisions in good faith.

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  • 客户确认栏 本人确认认购本结构性存款为本人真实的意思表示,并认为本结构性存款完全适合本人的投资目标、投资预期以及风险承受能力,本人自愿承担由此带来的一切法律后果。本人确认长沙银行相关业务人员对于《长沙银行股份有限公司个人结构性存款说明书》、《长沙银行股份有限公司个人结构性存款业务协 议》、《长沙银行股份有限公司个人结构性存款投资者权益须知》中限制本人权利、增加本人义务以及有关免除、限制长沙银行责任或长沙银行单方面拥有某些权利的条款已向本人予以说明,本人已完全理解并自愿接受。 本人确认如下: (客户需全文抄录以下文字以完成确认:本人已经阅读风险揭示,愿意承担所有风险。)

  • 保证的方式及保证期间 我方保证的方式为:连带责任保证。

  • 上市規則涵義 於本公告日期,省交投為持有本公司約35.865%已發行股份的控股股東。因此按上市規則第14A.07(1) 條,省交投為本公司之關連人士。由於按 年度 計 算,施工 工程框 架協議 項下 擬進行 的交易 有一 項或以 上的 適用百分比 率(除盈利比率 外)超 過5%,故施工工程框架協議須遵守上 市規則第14A 章有關申報、公告、年度審核及獨立股東批准的規定。 本公司已成立獨立董事委員會,以考慮施工工程框架協議的條款、其項下擬進行的交 易,及2021 年1 月1 日 至2021 年12 月31 日的年度上限是 否公平合理,是否符合本公司及股東的整體利益,以及就如何於臨時 股東 大會 上投票 向獨立 股東 提供意 見。本 公司已 委任 鎧盛資 本作 為獨立財務顧問,以就有關事項向獨立董事委員會及獨立股東提供建議。

  • 响应文件的签署及规定 (一)组成响应文件的各项资料均应遵守本条规定。

  • 指令是基金管理人在运作基金财产时,向基金托管人发出的资金划拨及投资指令 相关登记结算公司向基金托管人发送的结算通知视为基金管理人向基金托管人发出的指令。

  • 联合体投标 6.1 本项目是否接受联合体形式参与详见投标人须知前附表。