Medical History Disregarded 样本条款

Medical History Disregarded. Compulsory group policies 10+ employees Optional Please note: RMB 63,000 or RMB 94,500 deductible is only available if the policyholder is covered by more than one health insurance policy. The policyholder can only select such deductible options if the policyholder buys this policy as RMB 950 RMB 1,570 a Secondary Health Insurance Policy. The policyholder will be required to provide details of the policyholder’s RMB 6,300 Primary Health Insurance when the policyholder applies for cover under this policy. RMB 15,700 RMB 31,500 RMB 63,000 RMB 94,500 1. Hospital Charges, Medical Practitioner and Specialist Fees: a) Charges for in-patient or day-patient treatment made by a hospital including charges for accommodation (ward/semi-private or private); diagnostic tests; operating theatre charges including surgeon and anaesthetist charges; and charges for nursing care by a qualified nurse; drugs and dressings prescribed by a medical practitioner or Specialist; and surgical appliances used by the medical practitioner during surgery. This includes pre and post-operative consultations while an in-patient or day-patient and includes charges for intensive care. b) Ancillary charges: Purchase and rental of crutches, canes, walking aids and self-propelled non-electronic wheelchairs within six months of an eligible medical condition which required in-patient or day-patient hospital treatment. a) Full refund Pre-Authorisation 🕿 b) Up to RMB 9,450 per medical condition 2. Diagnostic Procedures: Medically necessary diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and computerised tomography (CT) scans received as an in-patient, day-patient or out-patient. 3. Renal Failure and Renal Dialysis: a) Treatment of renal failure, including renal dialysis on an in-patient basis.
Medical History Disregarded. This clause applies to compulsory group policies of 10+ employees.