MISCELLANCEOUS. 18.1 The Client hereby expressly appoints the Company and/or its authorised person in charge of its account with the Company as his attorney and in his name and on his behalf to sign Confirmation of orders for the sale and/or purchase of Bullion. The Company and/or its authorised person in charge of his account shall do or purport to do by virtue of this Clause. 18.2 The Company is not liable for any failure or delay to meet its obligations due to any cause beyond its control which shall include but not be limited to fires, storms, acts of God, riots, strikes, look-outs, wars, governmental control, restriction or prohibition whether local or international, technical failure of any equipment, power failure, black-outs or any other causes which result or are likely to result in the erratic behavior of the Bullion prices, the closure of international and local market or any other causes affecting the operation of the Company. 18.3 All provisions of this Agreement shall not in any respect be waived, unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the authorized officer(s) of the Company. 18.4 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until receipt by the Company from the Client of written notice of its termination five Business Day prior to the effective date of the termination or receipt by the Client from the Company of any written notice of its termination in either event and at the Company’s election, the Company may liquidate the Client’s account as herein before provided or transfer the Client’s account to such broker or commission merchant as the Client shall designate. 18.5 If any provision hereof is or at any time should become inconsistent with any present or future law, rule or regulation of any market or of any sovereign, government or a regulatory body thereof, and of any of these bodies have jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement, the said provision shall be deemed to be superseded or modified to conform to such law, rule or regulation, but in all other respects, this Agreement shall continue and remain in full force and effect. 18.6 The Client understands, acknowledges and agrees that the Company may amend or change the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time. The Company shall provide written notice to the Client of any such amendment or change. The Client shall be responsible for regularly reviewing the written notices from the Company for any modifications and agrees to be bound by the same. 18.7 T...


  • 附件 10 残疾人福利性单位声明函格式

  • km/h 0.075 ℓ/kw-h

  • JICA はい、そうです。

  • 政府采购合同的履行、违约责任和解决争议的方法等适用《中华人民共和国民法典》 政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。

  • 附件 3 质疑函范本及制作说明

  • Ⅷ その他 使用場所への立ち入り

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • V= ―――――――――― 100 (備 考) V は、16(13)の規定により算定するガス量 V1は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによるガス量 A は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによる速動又は遅動の割合(パーセント) (別表第9)2.5 キロパスカルを超える圧力で供給する場合のガス量の算式 101.325+0.981 (備 考) V は、16(16)の規定により算定するガス量 P は、2.5 キロパスカルを超えて供給する圧力 V1は、ガスメーターの検針量

  • 附件 6 设计费明细及支付方式

  • 编制说明 除招标文件另有规定外,招标文件要求提交的除前述资格证明文件外的其他资格证明文件(若有)加盖投标人的单位公章后应在此项下提交。