RISK OF BOND TRADING. (a) Default risk This is a risk that bond issuer will be unable to pay bondholder the payment, contractual interest or principal as scheduled. You should pay attention to credit ratings of bond issuers. Lower rated bond issuers may be more likely to default and bondholder may lose the whole or most of their investment. (b) Interest rate risk It is the major risk associated with bond investments. The price of a fixed rate bond will fall when the interest rate rises. The bond price would fall below the purchase price should interest rate rise after the date of purchase. (c) Exchange rate risk Bond that is dominated in foreign currency is exposed to exchange rate risk. Fluctuations in foreign exchange rate may adversely affect the underlying value and price of the investments. (d) Liquidity risk In the event of emergency to sell bond before its maturity, there is no assurance that the bond will be actively trading in the secondary market. If the bond issuer defaults or ceases to fulfill their role, you as the investor may not be able buy or sell the product. (e) Equity risk For bonds that are convertible, equity risk may exist and the underlying value and return of investments may be adversely affected.
RISK OF BOND TRADING. (a) Default risk This is a risk that bond issuer will be unable to pay bondholder the payment, contractual interest or principal as scheduled. You should pay attention to credit ratings of bond issuers. Lower rated bond issuers may be more likely to default and bondholder may lose the whole or most of their investment. (b) Interest rate risk It is the major risk associated with bond investments. The price of a fixed rate bond will fall when the interest rate rises. The bond price would fall below the purchase price should interest rate rise after the date of purchase. (c) Exchange rate risk Bond that is dominated in foreign currency is exposed to exchange rate risk. Fluctuations in foreign exchange rate may adversely affect the underlying value and price of the investments. (d) Liquidity risk In the event of emergency to sell bond before its maturity, there is no assurance that the bond will be actively trading in the secondary market. If the bond issuer defaults or ceases to fulfill their role, you as the investor may not be able buy or sell the product. (e) Equity risk for bonds that are convertible, equity risk may exist and the underlying value and return of investments may be adversely affected. 1. PLICATION OF THE ADDITIONAL TERMS 1.1 The provisions in these Additional Terms for Cash Account apply to Cash Accounts only. 1.2 The Client shall open and maintain a Cash Account with The Broker subject to the General Terms and Conditions and these Additional Terms for Cash Account and the Additional Terms for Electronic Trading Service (if applicable) and the Additional Terms for New Listing of Securities (if applicable).


  • 附表 1 金额单位:人民币元

  • 信用记录 供应商未被列入“信用中国”网站(xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx)“记录失信被执行人或重大税收违法案件当事人名单”记录名单; 不处于中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.go x.xx)“政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录 中的禁止参加政府采购活动期间。 (以采购代理机构于投标(响应) 截止时间当天在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchi xx.xxx.xx) 及中国政府采购网(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx/) 查询结果为准, 如相关失信记录已失效, 供应商需提供相关证明资料) 。 7 供应商必须符合法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、 管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本采购项目(或采购包) 投标(响应)。 为本项目提供整体设计、 规范编制或者项目管理、 监理、 检测等服务的供应商, 不得再参与本项目投标(响应)。 投标( 报价) 函相关承诺要求内容。

  • 采购内容及技术要求 序号 内容 说明和要求 1 人员到岗及履约要求 (

  • 附表 2 符合性检查表 序号 审核内容 投标单位名 称

  • 无有效行驶证 指下列情形之一: (1) 机动车被依法注销登记的; (2) 未依法按时进行或通过机动车安全技术检验。

  • 前目訂有損害賠償金額上限者,於法令另有規定(例如民法第 227 條 第 2 項之加害給付損害賠償),或一方故意隱瞞工作之瑕疵、故意或重大過失行為,或對第三人發生侵權行為,對他方所造成之損害賠償,不受賠償金額上限之限制。

  • 一般要求 1.1 采购人应当自中标通知书发出之日起30日内,按照招标文件和中标供应商投标文件的规定,与中标供应商签订书面合同。所签订的合同不得对招标文件确定的事项和中标供应商投标文件作实质性修改。 1.2 合同签订双方不得提出任何不合理的要求作为签订合同的条件。 1.3 政府采购合同应当包括采购人与中标人的名称和住所、标的、数量、质量、价款或者报酬、履行期限及地点和方式、验收要求、违约责任、解决争议的方法等内容。 1.4 采购人与中标供应商应当根据合同的约定依法履行合同义务。 1.5 政府采购合同的履行、违约责任和解决争议的方法等适用《中华人民共和国民法典》。 1.6 政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。 1.7 拒绝签订采购合同的按照相关规定处理,并承担相应法律责任。 1.8 采购人应当自政府采购合同签订之日起2个工作日内,将政府采购合同在指定的媒体上公告,但政府采购合同中涉及国家秘密、商业秘密的内容除外。 1.9 采购人应当自政府采购合同签订之日起2个工作日内,将政府采购合同在省级以上人民政府财政部门指定的媒体上公告,但政府采购合同中涉及国家秘密、商业秘密的内容除外。

  • 基金募集金额不少于 2 亿元人民币且基金认购人数不少于 200 人的条件下,基金募集期届满或基金管理人依据法律法规及招募说明书可以决定停止基金发售,并在 10 日内聘请法定验资机构验资,自收到验资报告之日起 10 日内,向中国证监会办理基金备案手续 基金募集达到基金备案条件的,自基金管理人办理完毕基金备案手续并取得中国证监会书面确认之日起,《基金合同》生效;否则《基金合同》不生效。基金管理人在收到中国证监会确认文件的次日对《基金合同》生效事宜予以公告。基金管理人应将基金募集期间募集的资金存入专门账户,在基金募集行为结束 前,任何人不得动用。

  • V2 V = V1 × ――― V :月次繰越ガス量 V1:過不足ガス量 V2:過不足ガス量が月別受入ガス量の5パーセントを超える託送供給依頼者の月次繰越ガス量の合計

  • 認購權儲備 在沒有被公司法禁止及符合公司法規定範圍內,以下規定具有效力: