RISK OF TRADING EXCHANGE TRADED NOTES (ETNs). ETN is a type of unsecured, unsubordinated debt security issued by an underwriting bank, designed to provide investors access to the returns of various market benchmarks. The returns of ETNs are usually linked to the performance of a market benchmark or strategy, minus applicable fees. Similar to other debt securities, ETNs have a maturity date and are backed only by the credit of the issuer. You can buy and sell the ETNs on the exchange or receive a cash payment at the scheduled maturity or may early redeem the ETNs directly with the issuer based on the performance of the underlying index less applicable fees, with redemption restrictions, such as the minimum number of ETNs for early redemption, may apply. There is no guarantee that investors will receive at maturity or upon an earlier repurchase, investors’ initial investment back or any return on that investment. Significant adverse monthly performances for investors’ ETNs may not be offset by any beneficial monthly performances. The issuer of ETNs may have the right to redeem the ETNs at the repurchase value at any time. If at any time the repurchase value of the ETNs is zero, investors’ investment will expire worthless. ETNs may not be liquid and there is no guarantee that you will be able to liquidate your position whenever you wish. Although both ETFs and ETNs are linked to the return of a benchmark index, ETNs as debt securities do not actually own any assets they are tracking, but just a promise from the issuer to pay investors the theoretical allocation of the return reflected in the benchmark index. It provides limited portfolio divers ification with concentrated exposure to a specific index and the index components. In the event that the ETN issuer defaults, the potential maximum loss could be 100% of the investment amount and no return may be received, given ETN is considered as an unsecured debt instrument. The value of the ETN may drop despite no change in the underlying index, instead due to a downgrade in the issuer’s credit rating. Therefore, by buying ETNs, investors get direct exposure to the credit risk of the issuer and would only have an unsecured bankruptcy claim if the issuer declares bankruptcy. The principal amount is subject to the periodic application of investor fee or any applicable fees that can adversely affect returns. Where you trade ETNs with underlying assets not denominated in local currencies are also exposed to exchange rate risk. Currency rate fluctuations can adver...


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  • 適 用 (1)当社が、ガス事業法第2 条第5 項に規定される最終保障供給(以下「最終保障供給」といいます。)を行う場合のガスの料金(以下「料金」といいます。)その他の供給条件は、この最終保障供給約款(以下「この最終保障約款」といいます。)によります。なお、最終保障供給とは、当社を含むいずれのガス小売事業者ともガスの小売供給契約についての交渉が成立しないお客さま等に対し、この最終保障約款に基づき当社がガスを小売供給することをいいます。