Risks of Synthetic Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”) 样本条款

Risks of Synthetic Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”). Unlike traditional Exchange traded Funds (“ETFs”), Synthetic ETFs do not buy the assets in their benchmark. Instead, they typically invest in financial derivative instruments to replicate the benchmark’s performance. Investment in Synthetic ETFs involves high risk and is not suitable for every investor. Investors should understand and consider the following risks before trading Synthetic ETFs. (a) Market Risk ETFs are typically designed to track the performance of certain indices, market sectors, or group of assets such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. Investors are exposed to the political, economic, currency and other risks related to the ETF’s underlying index/assets it is tracking. Investment must be prepared to bear the risk of loss and volatility associated with the underlying index/asset. (b) Counterparty Risk Where a Synthetic ETF invests in derivatives to replicate the index performance, investors are exposed to the credit risk of the counterparties who issued the derivatives, in addition to the risks relating to the index, Further, potential contagion and concentration risks of the derivatives issuers should be taken into account (e.g. since derivative issuers are predominantly international financial institutions, the failure of one derivative counterparty of Synthetic ETF may have a “knock-on” effect on other derivative counterparties of the Synthetic ETFs). Some Synthetic ETFs have collateral to reduce the counterparty risk, but there may be a risk that the market value of the collateral has fallen substantially when the Synthetic ETF seeks to realize the collateral. (c) Liquidity Risk There is no assurance that a liquid market exists for an ETF. A higher liquidity risk is involved if a Synthetic ETF involves derivatives which do not have an active secondary market. Wider bid-offer spreads in the price of derivatives may result in losses. Therefore, they can be more difficult costly to unwind early, when the instruments provide access to a restricted market where liquidity is limited. (d) Tracking Error Risk There may be disparity between the performance of the ETFs and the performance of the underlying index due to, for instance, failure of the tracking strategy, currency differences, fees and expenses. (e) Trading at a Discount or Premium Where the index/ market that the ETF tracks is subject to restricted access, the efficiency in unit creation or redemption to keep the price of the ETFs in line with its net asset value (NAV) may be disrup...

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