Should the Seller fail to provide qualified goods stipulated in Clause 7, the End 样本条款

Should the Seller fail to provide qualified goods stipulated in Clause 7, the End user will refuse the delivery. The End-user has rights to choose demanding another delivery of qualified goods or cancelling the contract. Another delivery of the new qualified goods will be calculated in the whole delivery period. If the End –user chooses to cancel the contract, the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall bear the expenses occurred and still pay a penalty to the End –user. The amount of the penalty shall not exceed 30% of the contract value.

Related to Should the Seller fail to provide qualified goods stipulated in Clause 7, the End

  • 完整協議 23.1 本協議包含了雙方的完整諒解。除本協議所載者外,再無任何其他口頭、書面、明示或隱含的承諾、條款或條件。 23.2 除第 16 條所載者外,本協議僅可由本公司與客戶以書面形式經雙方或各自的代表簽署後修訂。