The Agreement adopts fourteen numbers as its serial number. (such as 01-1001-2011-0001), amongst which the first two numbers represent the code of a MSA directly under the P.R China MSA; the third number represents the qualification level of the ship pollution response organization (SPRO), 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively represents level-1, level-2, level-3 and level-4; the fourth to sixth number represents the code of the ship pollution response organization and shall be determined by the MSA directly under the P.R China MSA; the seventh to tenth represents the year in which the Agreement is concluded; the eleventh to the fourteenth represents the sequence number of the Agreement and shall be determined by the SPRO. 各直属海事局代码分别为:辽宁局01,天津局02,河北局03,山东局04,江苏局05,福建局06,上海局07,浙江局08,广东局09,深圳局00,广西局00,海南局12。