匯價風險 样本条款

匯價風險. 投資者以非本土貨幣為主的合約交易(不論該交易是在客戶本土法制下進行與否) 將會因匯價波動而出現利潤或損失,主要因為需要將本土貨幣轉化成有關投資者的非本土貨幣。 Currency Risks: The profit or loss in transactions in foreign currency-denominated contracts (whether they are traded in your own or another jurisdiction) will be affected by fluctuations in currency rated where there is a need to convert from the currency denomination of the contract to another currencies.
匯價風險. 投資者以非本土貨幣為主的合約交易(不論該交易是在客戶本土法制下進行與否)將會因匯價波動而出現利潤或損失,主要因為需要將本地貨幣轉化成有關投資者的非本土貨幣。