業 務 規 程
( 目的)
第1.1条 この業務規程(以下「本規程」という。)は、金融商品取引法(昭和23年法律第25号。その後の改正を含み、以下「金融商品取引法」という。)第15
第1.2条 本規程において使用する用語は、金融商品取引法及び店頭デリバティブ取引等の規制に関する内閣府令(平成24年内閣府令第48号。その後の改正を含 み、以下「店頭デリバティブ府令」という。)において使用される用語の例によるほか、次の各号に掲げる用語の意義は、それぞれ当該各号に定めるところによる。
① コンピュータ間のリンク
② セキュリティーが確保されたウェブ・インターフェイス
③ 対象となる取引情報を電磁的方法により送信するために当社が随時指定する接続方法
(4)「営業日」とは、第9.2条において休業日と定める日以外の日をいう。 (5)「関連刊行物」とは、当社が業務手順書の定めに基づき指定し、ユーザーに対し
(14)「DTCCグループ」とはThe Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation を持株会社とした企業集団をいい、当社及び受託先を含む。
( 取引情報収集契約の申込み)
第2.1条 当社と取引情報収集契約を締結しようとする金融商品取引業者等は、次に掲げる書類を当社に提出しなければならない。
(3)第三者に対する取引情報提出権限授権書 (該当する場合)
第2.2条 当社は、取引情報収集契約の締結に先立って、当社と取引情報収集契約を締結しようとする金融商品取引業者等に関して、当該金融商品取引業者等から提出を受けた本人確認質問票に基づき、本人確認手続を行う。
2 当社は、前条第1項の規定による申込みがあったときは、遅滞なく、申込みの内容
3 利用要件は、業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物において定
4 当社は、第2項の審査に基づき、遅滞なく取引情報収集契約の締結の諾否を決定し、申込みをした者に対し、当該決定を通知する。
5 ユーザーは、当社と取引情報収集契約を締結したときは、当該契約の規定に従い、業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物に拘束されることに同意したものとみなす。
6 ユーザーは、業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物において定める方法と条件に従い、2営業日前までに当社に通知することにより、いつでも当社と締結した取引情報収集契約を解除することができる。
第2.4条 ユーザーは、当社と取引情報収集契約を締結したときは、当該契約の規定に従い、業務手順書においてその詳細を定める、次の各号に掲げる除名手続及び懲戒手続に服することに同意したものとみなす。
( 取引情報蓄積業務の対象取引)
第3.1条 対象取引は、店頭デリバティブ府令第6条第1項各号に定める取引(店頭デリバティブ府令第6条第2項各号に定める者を相手方として行う取引を除く。)とする。
( 取引情報の収集)
第4.1条 ユーザーは、自己又は「第三者に対する取引情報提出権限授権書」により授権した代理人(該当する場合)により、当社に取引情報を提出する。
2 ユーザーは、以下のいずれかの通信方法を用いて、当社が受託先を通じて管理・運営するグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムに対して取引情報を送信することにより、当社に取引情報の提出を行う。
3 ユーザーは、当社が指定した要件に基づいたFPML(Financial Products Markup Language)又はCSV(Comma Separated Values)のいずれかのメッセージ様式に取引情報を記載してグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムに送信するものとし、グローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムは、ユーザーから送信された取引情報を受領する際、システム的に提出者の認証を行い、権限のある正当な提出者であることが認証できた場合に限り、当該取引情報の提出を受け入れる。
4 ユーザーは、取引情報をグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムに送信する際に、金融庁長官に提出すべき取引情報については、当社が業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物において指定した方法により、その旨を表記するものとし、また、当社は、グローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムが当該表記に従って取引情報を当社に振り分けることにより当該取引情報を受領し、当該表記に従って、当該取引情報を関係法令並びに金融庁長官により指定された方法と様式に基づいて金融庁長官に提出する。
5 ユーザーがグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムを通じて当社に取引情報を提出するための仕様、様式及びその他必要な事項の詳細(取引情報の詳細及び受付要件を含む。)は、当社が、関係法令並びにグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムの技術的な要請等も踏まえて、業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物において定める。なお、当社は、第6.1条第2項第1号に定める措置により、ユーザーから送信された取引情報が受付要件を満たしていないと判断した場合には、ユーザーに対して受付要件を満たす方法で当該取引情報を改めてグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムに送信することを求める。
第4.2条 当社は、第4.1条の定めに従ってユーザーから提出を受けた取引情報について、店頭デリバティブ府令第11条の規定により金融庁長官に取引情報の提出を行う時までに、当該取引情報に係る同府令第10条第1項に規定する事項に関する記録を電磁的記録により作成する。
2 前項に基づき作成した記録は、同府令第10条第2項各号に掲げる取引の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める日から、同項で定める期間、当社が受託先を通じて管理する日本国内にあるデータ・サーバー内において、金融庁長官に提出したものと同様の形式で電磁的記録により保存する。
( 取引情報の安全管理)
第5.1条当社は、当社及び受託先の設備内に保管されている取引情報(その複製物を含 む。) に関する安全管理態勢を構築し、当該安全管理のための具体的な措置を導入・維持することを目的として、第8.1条第3項並びに次の各号に定める措置を実施する。
① DTCCグループにおいて整備する費用対効果の優れた方法による安全管理のための技術的な措置(ファイアーウォール、暗号化技術及び認証方法等に係る措置を含む。)を実施する。
② 情報資産に関する管理責任者(情報帰属責任者並びに情報保管責任者)及び
③ 情報資産の内容と性格を踏まえて、情報資産をその機密度合いに応じて分類し、情報資産を保有、移送、複製、利用、保管、破棄するに際しては、当該分類区 分に応じて指定された業務手順と安全管理措置(アクセス権の制限・管理を 含む。)を実践する。
④ 情報セキュリティ上の懸念事象(取引情報の不正利用、漏えい事象を含む。)の定義を明確にした上で、情報処理システム担当部署において当該事象の未然防止と発見のために必要となる監視措置を実施するとともに、当該事象を発見した場合の迅速かつ一貫した報告と対応を行うための手順を実践する。
⑤ 情報資産の安全管理の観点から、情報処理システムの開発、変更、更新、運用において求められる技術的な品質水準と業務手順(開発部署と検証部署の役割分担を含む。)を明確にし、当該品質水準と業務手順を遵守する。
⑥ 金融庁長官への取引情報の提出は、グローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムを通じて、暗号化する等の安全な通信方法を使ったファイル転送手段を利用して行う。
⑦ 当社は、ユーザーに対しても、業務手順書が定めるシステムへのアクセスに係る安全管理措置を遵守させる。
(3)当社は、DTCC グループの指針において実施ないし遵守することが求められる第1号及び第2 号の安全管理措置と業務手順の内容に変更があった場合、DTCC グループか
( 取引情報の正確性の確保)
第6.1条 ユーザーが当社に提出した取引情報の内容と当該取引情報に対応する実際に成立ないし変更が生じた対象取引との間の整合性の確認、並びに当該取引情報を法令で定められた期間内に当社に提出することについては、ユーザー自身が自らの責任において行うものとする。
2 当社は、ユーザーが当社に提出した取引情報と当社が金融庁長官に提出する取引情報の内容が一致するよう、第8.1条第3項並びに次の各号に定める措置を含め、必要かつ適切な措置を講じる。
(1) 当社は、受託先を通じて管理・運営するグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・
(2) 当社は、受託先を通じて管理・運営するグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムの機能を、金融庁長官に取引情報を提出するために新たに開発、変更、更新するにあたっては、受託先において、ユーザーから当社に提出された取引情報を金融庁長官に正しく提出することができるよう、適切な品質と条件を定義した要件定義書を作成するとともに、開発段階において当該要件定義書に則って適切に開発、変更、更新していることを確認する。また、当社は、かかる品質と手順を経て新たに開発、変更、更新したグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムの機能を本番環境において実際に使用するに際しては、受託先において、当該機能が要件定義書において定義された要件に沿って正しく機能することを、テスト環境下において必要かつ適切な手段と方法を用いて検証していることを確認する。更に、当社は、受託先において、既に本番環境において使用しているグローバル・トレード・レポジトリー・システムの機能が、万が一正しく機能していないことを発見した場合には、速やかに必要な報告を実施し、適切な改善を実施していることを確認する。
( 利用料)
第7.1条 ユーザーは、当社が業務手順書において定める、サービスにかかる月額の利用料及びその他の利用料を、当社に支払わなければならない。
2 前項の利用料は、金融商品取引法第156条の74第2項に基づき、能率的な業務
3 当社の取締役会は、利用料の額その他利用料に関する事項を定期的に検討する。
4 利用料の変更は、当社の取締役会の承認を必要とする。
5 利用料を変更する場合には、当社は、利用料を変更する日の少なくとも60日前までに、ユーザーに対して当該変更の内容を通知する。
6 ユーザーが、利用料の変更による利用料の増額に異議を述べたときは、当該ユーザーは、業務手順書の定めに従って取引情報収集契約を解約することができる。
( 取引情報蓄積業務の委託)
第8.1条 当社は、取引情報蓄積業務の一部について、金融商品取引法第156条の
2 当社が取引情報蓄積業務の一部を委託する第三者は、次の各号に定める基準を満たす者であることを要する。
3 当社は、取引情報蓄積業務の一部を第三者に委託する場合には、次の各号に定める措置を講じることを含め、受託先である第三者を適切に監督するものとする。
① 受託先に対して、必要に応じて当社が委託している業務に関わる内部規程や業務
② 受託先に対して、必要に応じて当社が委託している業務に関わる内部規程や業務手順書の遵守状況に関する報告を求め、その内容を検証する。
③ 受託先との間で、定期的に会議を開催し、受託先における委託業務の運営状況を検証する。
4 金融商品取引法第156条の73の規定に従い取引情報蓄積業務の一部を委託する場合においても、当社は、金融商品取引法において定められた、取引情報蓄積機関としての取引情報の収集、保存及び報告に関する法的責任を負う。
5 当社は、取引情報蓄積業務の一部を他の者に委託している委託契約に関して、金融商品取引法第156条の73第1項に基づいて内閣総理大臣の承認を受けている業務の委託の範囲内において、当該委託契約の内容を変更したときには、遅滞なく、当該内容を記載した書面を金融庁長官に届け出るものとする。
( 営業時間)
第9.1条 当社の営業時間は、月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後5時半までとする。なお、当社のシステムの運営時間は、当社が業務手順書及び業務手順書に基づき発行される関連刊行物において定める。
第9.2条 当社は、次に掲げる日を休業日とする。
2 当社は、大規模な自然災害、大火災、テロ攻撃、戦争又は暴動等の社会的動乱、電気又は通信等の社会的インフラの全面的な機能停止、裁判所等の公的機関による命令その他のやむを得ない事由により取引情報蓄積業務の全部を一日以上停止する必要があると認める場合には、その必要な限度において、臨時休業日を定めることができる。この場合には、当社は、ユーザーに対し、あらかじめその旨を通知する。
( 従業員の監督)
第10.1条 従業員は、関係法令、清算・振替機関等向けの総合的な監督指針(以下
2 当社は、従業員が業務手順書において定義される機密情報その他ユーザーに関する企業秘密等を全て極秘に取り扱い、不注意による当該情報の漏えいを防止するべくあらゆる合理的な予防措置を講じるものとする。
3 従業員は、当社の利益とDTCCグループに属する他の会社の利益が相反する場合ないしその疑いがある場合を認識した場合には、当社が定める利益相反解決指針に従 い、当該利益相反をDTCCグループで定める報告システムないしホットラインを通じてDTCCグループのコンプライアンス部署に対して報告するか又は当社の法務・コンプライアンス担当部署に対して報告するものとする。また、当該報告を受けたDTCCグループのコンプライアンス部署又は当社の法務・コンプライアンス担当部署は、個々の事案の内容と性格に応じて、DTCCグループの関係部署、当社の代表取締役及び取締役会と連携しながら、当該利益相反の回避又は適切な解決を図るものとす る。更に、従業員は、自らの利益と当社又はユーザーの利益が相反する場合ないしその可能性がある場合においても、当社が定める利益相反解決指針に従い、当該利益相反をDTCCグループで定める報告システムないしホットラインを通じてDTCCグループのコンプライアンス部署に対して報告するか又は当社の法務・コンプライアンス担当部署に対して報告するものとし、当該報告を受けたDTCCグループのコンプラ
4 従業員は、関係法令、監督指針又は本規程、人事規則及び倫理規程等の当社が定める社内規程・社内手順に違反する事態が発生したこと又は発生するおそれを認識し
5 当社は、従業員が関係法令、監督指針又は本規程、人事規則及び倫理規程等の当社が定める各種社内規程・社内手順に違反したことに起因して発生するリスクを含む、業務遂行過程において発生するリスクを、DTCCグループにおいて採用するオペレーショナル・リスク管理の枠組みに準拠して、人事・人材に関わるリスク、情報セキュリティ及び情報資産の安全管理に関わるリスク(情報漏えいに起因して発生するリスクを含む。)、情報処理システムに関するリスク、法務・コンプライアンスに関するリスク等に分類して、把握、管理、監視するものとする。具体的には、それらのリスクが顕在化した障害・事故事象に関する情報の収集並びに各種リスク管理指標の設定・管理・推移の把握等を通じて得た全体的なリスク管理状況を記載したリスク・プロファイルを作成し、それに基づいて必要な対処を行うというリスク管理態勢をDTCCグループ全体と協働して構築するものとする。なお、当該リスク・プロファイルに基づくリスク分析結果は、当社の取締役会においても定期的に報告され、検証されるととも に、当社の取締役会は当該リスク管理態勢を管理・監督するものとする。
6 当社は、従業員が関係法令、監督指針又は本規程、人事規則及び倫理規程等の当社が定める各種社内規程・社内手順に違反する行為(他の従業員に対して、当該違反行為の実行を指示、命令、教唆又は脅迫をする行為及び他の従業員を含む第三者に唆されて違反行為を行うことを含み、また、他の従業員が違反行為を行うことを許容又は承認することを含む。)を行った場合には、当該従業員に対し、解雇を含めた懲戒処分を行うことができるものとする。
( 公表)
第11.1条 当社は、金融商品取引法第156条の66第1項及び店頭デリバティブ府令第11条の2の規定に基づき、取引情報に係る事項を公表する。
2 当社は、取引情報を集計する等の方法によって匿名化した情報を公表することがで
第11.2条 当社は、次の各号に定める場合を除いて、第三者に対して取引情報の提供を行わない。
2 前項第1号又は第3号に基づく第三者に対する取引情報の提供は、次の各号に定める措置が講じられた場合に限り行うものとする。
3 前項に定める秘密保持手続とは、次に定める措置をいう。
( 業務手順書)
第12.1条 当社は、取引情報収集契約に定める当社とユーザーとの間の契約条件とすることを目的として、次の各号に係る項目その他ユーザーに適用される契約条件等を業務手順書において定める。
2 業務手順書を変更したときは、遅滞なく、その旨を金融庁長官に届け出るものとする。
( 付随業務)
第13.1条 当社は、取引情報蓄積業務に付随する業務を行う。
第13.2条 本規程の変更は、当社が取締役会の決議をもって行う。
2 当社が前項の規定により本規程を変更する場合、当社は、当該変更の効力が生じ る少なくとも10営業日前に、ユーザーに対して当該変更の内容を通知する。但し、当該変更がユーザーの権利義務に影響を与えないものである場合又はその変更の内容が軽微なものである場合は、事前の通知に代えて事後速やかに通知することで足りるものとする。
3 当社が第1項の規定により本規程を変更した場合、当社及びユーザーは、当該変更の効力が生じた日以降、変更後の本規程の規定に従うものとする。
第13.3条 本規程は日本法に準拠するものとし、日本法に従って解釈されるものとする。
2 本規程に関し、当社とユーザーの間において訴訟の必要が生じた場合は、東京地方裁判所を第1審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とする。
附則 本規程は、平成25年3月4日より実施する。
(Referential Translation of the Original in Japanese)
DDRJ’s Operating Rules
May 1, 2022
(Purpose) Article 1.1
The purposes of these Operating Rules (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) are to set forth the matters necessary for the Trade Repository Business operated by DTCC Data Repository (Japan) K.K. (hereinafter referred to as “DDRJ”), pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 156-74 of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948,including its subsequent amendment to be made, and hereinafter referred to as
“FIEA” ), and thereby to deepen the understanding and trust toward the Trade Repository Business Operator by Users, etc. who use the Trade Repository Business operated by DDRJ, and to contribute to the appropriate and smooth operation of that business.
Article 1.2
The terms used in the Rules shall have the same definitions used in FIEA and Cabinet Ordinance on Regulation of Over-The-Counter Transactions of Derivatives, Etc. (Cabinet Ordinance No. 48 of 2012, including its subsequent amendment to be made, and hereinafter referred to as “OTC Derivatives Ordinance”) and the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be prescribed respectively in those items:
(1) “Access” shall mean providing the connection environment to DDRJ’s Systems via thefollowing means:
a. computer-to-computer links;
b. secure web interface; or
c. any other means of access designated by DDRJ from time to time, for the purpose ofeffecting transmission of records of eligible transactions in the electronic magnetic method;
(2) “Applications” shall mean individual electromagnetic mechanisms which are utilized or operated under Systems, for the purpose of effecting provision of the individual Services orachieving the individual business purposes;
(3) “Requirements for Acceptance” shall mean the requirements to be satisfied before Global Repository Systems can accept the Trade Information transmitted from the User, designated by DDRJ in Operation Procedures and Applicable Publications to be issued thereunder, upon consideration of the submission criteria for the Trade Information to besubmitted to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency and the requirements required by Global Trade Repository Systems, etc.;
(4) “Business Day” shall mean a day other than the Non-business Day set out in Article 9.2 of the Rules;
(5) “Applicable Publications” shall mean specific publications of message formats and messaging process for Computer-to-Computer Links, publications of security arrangements, publications of further specifications for Services or Systems and any otherpublications, formats or notices that DDRJ deems to be an Applicable Publication and will be issued to Users as such, in accordance with Operating Procedures;
(6) “Operating Procedures” shall mean the certain documents (including any appendix, annex and supplement hereto, and any amendment, modification and supplement hereto) designated by the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information, which have the nature of the standard form of contract which shall define the operational process to be followed by DDRJ when Services are to be provided to Users under the Contract for Collection of theTrade Information and shall constitute the contractual and technical terms and conditions (including the matters listed in the respective items of Article 12.1 of the Rules) which become applicable when Users utilize Service;
(7) “Global Trade Repository Systems” shall mean the systems managed and operated by DDRJthrough the Outsourcee to which DDRJ outsources certain part of its Trade Repository Business (hereinafter referred to as “Outsourcee”), which enable DDRJ to receive the TradeInformation from Users and submit such Trade Information to Commissioner of Financial Services Agency;
(8) “Services” shall mean collecting and storing the Trade Information stipulated by the provision of Paragraph 1, Article 6 of OTC Derivatives Ordinance, and submitting such Trade Information to Commissioner of Financial Services Agency, pursuant to the process designated by applicable law, and making the reports relating to the point-in- time position snapshot, etc., available or accessible, and retaining the record of such Trade Information submitted to Commissioner of Financial Services Agency in the electronic magnetic method for a certain period of time;
(9) “Business Continuity Plan” shall mean the comprehensive plan which compiles in a systematic manner in accordance with the standards for business continuity plan adopted by DTCC Group, the measures and methods to be implemented or prepared, under normal business conditions and to be taken once the event of an emergency situation occurs, so that an entity can continue the core business or recover the core business as soon as possible and also can minimize the physical and human losses to be caused to the business assets and the employees, when the entity encounters the crisis situations, such as, a large- scale natural disaster and a big fire;
(10) “System” shall mean the electromagnetic connection environments or the mechanisms which ensure such environment, controlled and maintained by DDRJ, for the purpose of providing Services to Users via the electromagnetic or any other method;
(11) “Super Access Coordinator” shall mean the persons appointed by the respective Users based upon their own responsibilities, in accordance with the Super Access Coordinator Authorization Form, who shall have the authorized access to Systems and Applications utilized or operated under Systems, provided by DDRJ;
(12) “Super Access Coordinator Authorization Form” shall mean the form to be submitted from Users to DDRJ, for the purpose of acknowledging the role and responsibility of their designated Super Access Coordinator;
(13) “Subject Transactions” shall mean the transactions to be covered by the Trade Repository Business operated by DDRJ;
(14) “DTCC Group” shall mean a group of enterprises, wholly-owned by The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, which also includes DDRJ and the Outsourcee;
(15) “Anonymization” shall mean compilation, aggregation or abstraction of data to the extent that individual data relating to the Trade Information transmitted from Users can not be specifically identifiable;
(16) “Contract for Collection of the Trade Information” shall mean the contractual agreement to be entered between Users and DDRJ through “DTCC Data Repository Japan User Agreement”, which corresponds to the contractual agreement for DDRJ to receive the Trade Information from Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., as articulated at Paragraph 1 of Article 156-74 of FIEA;
(17) “Details of the Trade Information” shall mean the specific items and types of the information to be included as the content of the Trade Information (including the information to be includable) when Users transmit such Trade Information to DDRJ by flagging that such information is to be submitted to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency;
(18) “Client KYC Questionnaire” shall mean the document which Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc., who intends to enter into the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information with DDRJ, is requested to submit with the basic information, etc., of such Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc., to be filled in, in order for DDRJ to complete the Process for Identity Confirmation;
(19) “Process for Identity Confirmation” shall mean the process which relates to the collection,verification and record keeping of the information for identity confirmation, regarding Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc. who intends to enter into the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information with DDRJ, conducted by DDRJ pursuant to internal policy and applicable regulations, for the purpose of avoiding engagement in the terrorist financing, money laundering and the transaction with Anti- Social Forces, etc.;
(20) “Users” shall mean Financial Instrument Business Operators, etc., who have entered intothe Contract for Collection of the Trade Information with DDRJ; and
Chapter 2 Contract for Collection of Trade Information
(Offer for Contract of Collection of Trade Information) Article 2.1
1. Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc. who intends to enter into the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information with DDRJ is required to submit to DDRJ the documentslisted below:
(1) Client KYC Questionnaire with the required information filled in;
(2) Super Access Coordinator Form; and
(3) Third Party Submitter Authorization Supplement (where applicable).
(Process for Executing Contract for Collection of Trade Information) Article 2.2
1. DDRJ shall conduct the process for Identity Confirmation, regarding Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc. who intends to execute the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information, based upon the Client KYC Questionnaire submitted by such Financial Instrument Business Operator, etc., prior to the execution of Contract for Collection of the Trade Information.
2.DDRJ shall review the contents of the application form without undue delay, once suchapplication form prescribed in the provision of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article is submitted. DDRJ may also request the applicant to submit the additionally required document when DDRJ conducts such review.
3. Terms of Use shall be designated by Operating Procedures and Applicable Publications to beissued thereunder.
4. DDRJ shall notify the applicant of the decision of whether or not the offer for Contract ofCollection of the Trade Information is to be accepted, based upon the result of the reviewprescribed in the Paragraph 2, without undue delay.
5. Users shall be deemed to agree to be bound by Operating Procedures and Applicable Publications to be issued thereunder, in accordance with the clause of User Agreement onceUsers enter into that agreement with DDRJ.
6. Users may at any time terminate the Contract for Collection of the Trade Information withDDRJ upon at least two Business Days’ notice to DDRJ in compliance with the manner and conditions for such notice designated by Operating Procedures and Applicable Publications
to be issued thereunder.
(Fair Terms and Conditions of Services) Article 2.3
DDRJ shall provide to Users the Services with the fair terms and conditions, taking intoconsideration of the transaction volumes, etc., of the respective Users.
(Procedures for User Expulsion and Disciplinary Proceedings) Article 2.4
Users shall be subject to the Procedures for User Expulsion and Disciplinary Proceedings, details of which are designated by Operating Procedures, which are listed in the following items.
(1) The procedures for involuntary termination of User’s use of the Service or access to the System, etc., which could become applicable when User materially breaches any applicable laws or regulations, User Agreement, the Rules or Operating Procedures, by its conduct or behavior, or when User causes threat or harm to the normal operation of the System, by itsconduct, etc., due to any defect in its measures for information security management in connection with its access to the System, etc.
(2) The procedures for involuntary suspension, in whole or in part, of User’s use of the Serviceor access to the System and for censuring and imposing a fine on User, etc., which could become applicable when User breaches User Agreement, the Rules or Operating Procedures, when User neglects or refuses to comply with legitimate direction or request by DDRJ, and when User cause material or adverse affect on the operation of the System, etc., due to its operational error or delay, etc.
Chapter 3 Subject Transactions of Trade Repository Business
(Subject Transactions of Trade Repository Business) Article 3.1
Subject Transaction shall mean the transactions prescribed in each item of Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of OTC Derivatives Ordinance (excluding the transactions with the counterparty prescribed in each item of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of OTC Derivatives Ordinance).
Chapter 4 Collection and Recordkeeping of Trade Information
(Collection of Trade Information) Article 4. 1
1. Users shall submit the Trade Information to DDRJ by themselves or via agents to whomUsers have delegated to do so through Third Party Submitter Authorization Supplement (where applicable).
2. User shall submit the Trade Information to DDRJ by transmitting such information to GlobalTrade Repository Systems maintained and managed by DDRJ through the Outsourcee, via oneof the following communication methods:
(1) Computer-to-computer links;
(2) Secure web interface; or
(3) Any other means of access designated by DDRJ from time to time, for the purpose of transmitting the Trade Information by electronic magnetic method.
3. User shall transmit the Trade Information by describing such information in the
messaging format of either FPML (Financial Products Markup Language) or CSV (Comma Separated Values), and Global Trade Repository Systems shall complete the validation of the authenticity of the submitter systematically upon receipt, and accept the submission of the Trade Information only if the submitter of such information is validated to be the legitimate submitter with the authority.
4. As for the Trade Information to be submitted to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency, Users shall flag to that effect in the manner designated in Operating Procedures and Applicable Publications to be issued thereunder, when they transmit such Trade Information to Global Trade Repository Systems, and DDRJ shall receive such Trade Information which shall be sorted to DDRJ by Global Trade Repository Systems according to the flag as such, thenDDRJ shall submit such Trade Information to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency in accordance with the manner and format designated by relevant regulations and the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
5. Details of Specification, format and any other required matter (including Details of the TradeInformation and Requirements for Acceptance) User is required to comply with when User submits the Trade Information to DDRJ through Global Trade Repository Systems shall be designated, based upon consideration of relevant regulations and technical requirements, etc.of Global Trade Repository Systems, by DDRJ in Operating Procedures and Applicable Publications to be issued thereunder. DDRJ shall also request that Users transmit the Trade Information in a way to satisfy the Requirements for Acceptance once again, if DDRJ determines, through the measures defined at Item 6 of Paragraph 2 of Article 6.1, that Trade Information transmitted from Users does not satisfy the Requirements for Acceptance.
(Preservation of Trade Information) Article 4. 2
1. DDRJ shall prepare the records in the electronic magnetic method with respect to the mattersset forth in Paragraph 1 of the Article 10 of OTC Derivatives Ordinance by the time DDRJ submits such Trade Information to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency pursuant toArticle 11 of the same Ordinance, with respect to the Trade Information submitted from Users in accordance with Article 4.1.
2. DDRJ shall preserve the records which DDRJ prepared pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, on the data server located in Japan and maintained by DDRJ through the Outsourcee, in the electronic magnetic method and in the same manner as DDRJ has submitted to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency, according to the corresponding categories of the transactions as listed in Paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the same Ordinance, for a period of time designated by the same Paragraph from the day specified in the corresponding items of the same Paragraph..
Chapter 5 Security Management of Trade Information
(Security Management of Trade Information) Article 5.1
DDRJ shall take the measures prescribed in Paragraph 3 of Article 8.1 as well as at the following items, for the establishment of the security management system with regard to the Trade Information(including all copies thereof) stored within the facilities of DDRJ and at the Outsourcee and for the implementation and maintenance of the specific measures for such security management :
(1) DDRJ shall establish the risk management systems for information security and information technology risk of Global Trade Repository Systems, in conjunction with
DTCC Group, including the Outsourcee, by complying with the respective policies for information security management, information asset security and information technology risk management, which are adopted by DTCC and require the implementation of the measures for security management, including the measures listed in the following items,
a. Implementation of the cost-effective technical measures for security management (including the measures relating to firewalls, encryption technology and authentication methods, etc.) to be established by DTCC Group;
b. Clarification of the specific roles and responsibilities to be assumed by information
controlmanagers (information asset owner and information asset security custodian) and information asset users, relating to the information assets;
c. Classification of the information assets according to the level of their confidentiality, in consideration of the content and nature of the information assets, and adherence to the
control standards and security management measures (including the access authority restriction and control) to be applied according to the respective classification of the
information assets, when retaining, transporting, duplicating, using, storing and disposing of the information assets;
d. Clarification of the definitions of the events which could pose the potential concerns for information security (including misuse and a leakage of the Trade Information),
implementation of the necessary measures for monitoring to prevent and detect such events,to be taken by the relevant department in charge of information technology system, and practicing the procedures for making quick and consistent escalation and response upon detection of such events;
e. Defining the technological standards for quality and operational procedures required to be followed for the security management of the information assets in connection with development, change, update and maintenance of information technology systems
(including the separation of the roles between the department in charge of development andthe department in charge of testing), and compliance with such standards for quality and operational procedures;
f. Submitting the Trade Information to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency viaGlobal Trade Repository Systems, by using the file transfer tool which uses the
secured communication method, such as encryption technology, etc.;
g. Making Users to abide by all measures for security management relating to access to theSystems, specified in Operating Procedures;
(2) DDRJ shall implement the standards applicable to its own specific Business Continuity Plan, in accordance with the policy relating to Business Continuity Plan, adopted by DTCC Group, and shall make sure to conduct the periodic check-up and drill, and immediately report to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency once DDRJ encounters the crisis situation, so that DDRJ can resume its business as soon as possible or continue its business even when DDRJ encounters the crises situations, such as, a large-scale natural disaster, a big fire, the terrorist attack, etc. A Business Continuity Plan specific to DDRJ shall include: the alternate method for continuation of its business to be taken once it becomes
impossible for DDRJ to conduct its business within the facilities of DDRJ’s office (including the method for working from home); the method for reporting or contacting to the relevant parties (including Users and the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency) to be taken when DDRJ encounters the crisis situation; and the matters on the security management of the Trade Information and the plan for conducting periodic
check-up anddrill. This Business Continuity Plan shall be maintained in a readily accessible manner to confirm its content at any time.
(3) DDRJ shall submit the paper describing the content of change to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency without delay as soon as DDRJ is notified by DTCC Group, whenany significant change has taken place in the measures for security management or operational procedures prescribed in item 1 and item 2, which are required to be taken orcomplied with by the policies of DTCC;
(4) Also, DDRJ shall immediately report to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency once DDRJ notices any fact which could have a significant impact to the preservation status of the Trade Information.
Chapter 6 Accuracy of Trade Information
(Assurance of Accuracy of Trade Information) Article 6.1
1. Users shall be responsible for confirming the consistency between Trade Information to be submitted to DDRJ and the terms of Subject Transaction which was actually executed orchanged, and for submitting such Trade Information to DDRJ by the designated timeline specified by the relevant regulations.
2. DDRJ shall implement the necessary and appropriate measures, including the measures prescribed in Paragraph 3 of Article 8.1 and in the following items, to ensure that the contentof Trade Information submitted from Users is consistent with the content of the Trade Information to be submitted from DDRJ to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency:
(1) DDRJ shall take the measures to validate if the Trade Information transmitted from Users to Global Trade Repository Systems satisfies the Requirements for Acceptance when Global Trade Repository Systems managed and maintained by the Outsourcee accepts theTrade Information transmitted from Users, then, if such Trade Information satisfies Requirements of Acceptance, DDRJ shall notify Users to that effect, and, if the Trade Information transmitted from Users does not satisfy the Requirements for
Acceptance, DDRJ shall also request that Users transmit such Trade Information once again in a way that satisfies the Requirements for Acceptance, by showing the reason why such Trade Information does not satisfy;
(2) In cases when the functions of Global Trade Repository Systems managed and maintained through the Outsourcee are to be newly developed, changed or updated for submitting theTrade Information to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency, DDRJ shall confirm that the Outsourcee is making sure to create the documents for requirement definition which define the appropriate qualities and conditions, then, properly developing, changing or updating the functions of the Global Trade Repository Systems, in accordance with suchdocuments for requirement definition, at the development phase, so that the Trade Information transmitted from Users can be properly submitted to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency. DDRJ shall also confirm that the Outsourcee is making sure to conduct tests by taking the necessary and appropriate measures and methods, in a test environment, to see if the functions
can actually function in accordance with the requirements defined in the documents for requirement definition, when the functions of the Global Trade Depository Systems, so developed, changed or updated with such qualities and through such processes, are actually used in a production environment. Furthermore, DDRJ shall confirm that the Outsourcee is making sure to make the necessary report on such situation immediately and take the appropriate remedial action,once the Outsourcee detects that any function of the Global Trade Repository Systems which is already used in a production environment, is not working properly.
(Fees) Article 7.1
1. Users are required to pay to DDRJ the monthly fees and any other charges for using theServices, which shall be specified by DDRJ in Operating Procedures.
2. Fees prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be set at the fair and appropriate level, inthe light of the proper cost to be incurred through the effective operation of the business, pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 2 of Article 156-74 of FIEA.
3. DDRJ, through its board, shall periodically re-assess the matter of fees, including the amountof fees.
4. Any change to fees must be approved by the DDRJ’s board of directors’ meetings.
5. When any revision is to be made to fees, DDRJ shall notify Users of the content of suchrevision with no less than 60 days’ prior notice of the effective date of such revision.
Chapter 8 Outsourcing of Trade Repository Business (Outsourcing of Trade Repository Business)
Article 8.1
1. DDRJ may outsource certain parts of its Trade Repository Business to another party uponobtaining the approval of the Prime Minister of Japan, pursuant to Article 156-73 of FIEA.
2. A third party to whom DDRJ outsources certain parts of its Trade Repository Business should be able to satisfy the requirements set forth in the following:
(1) Such party must have the ability, capacity, and any permission, approval and authorizationrequired by the law to perform the outsourced business in a reliable and professional manner;
(2) Such party must satisfy all requirements prescribed in the Items of 2, 3 and 4 of Article 18 ofOTC Derivatives Ordinance.
3. DDRJ shall properly supervise such party who is the Outsourcee, by taking all measures, including the measures set forth in the following: when DDRJ outsources certain part of itsTrade Repository Business to such party:
(1)DDRJ shall periodically assess the quality of performance by the Outsourcee from the perspective of whether or not the Outsourcee carries out the outsourced business appropriately and effectively, by taking the necessary and appropriate measures, including the measures set forth in the following;
a. DDRJ shall require the Outsourcee to submit the internal policies and operational procedures relating to the business outsourced from DDRJ, as required, and, DDRJ shallassess the content of such policies and procedures;
b. DDRJ shall require the Outsourcee to submit the report on the compliance status withthe internal policies and operational procedures relating to the business outsourced from DDRJ, and, DDRJ shall assess the content of such report;
c. DDRJ shall hold the meetings with the Outsourcee periodically, and, DDRJ assess theperformance status of the outsourced business by the Outsourcee;
DDRJ can also inspect the facilities, books and systems of the Outsourcee, as required, during normal business hours and upon prior written notice;
(2)DDRJ shall take the appropriate action in case where it appears that the Outsourcee may notcarry out the outsourced business in an appropriate and effective manner or in
compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, based upon the measures taken for assessment, including the measures set forth in item (1), and DDRJ can also inspect the facilities, books and systems of the Outsourcee, as required, without prior notice to do so, in such cases;
(3) DDRJ must retain the necessary expertise to manage the risks arising from the outsourcing arrangement, and shall manage such risks by supervising the performance ofthe outsourced business appropriately;
(4)DDRJ shall supervise the Outsourcee to ensure that the Outsourcee implements the necessary measures (including the same measures as the confidentiality procedures set forthin the respective items of Paragraph 3 of Article 11. 2) for firmly protecting the Trade Information and any other information (including personal information) of Users;
(5)DDRJ and the Outsourcee shall prepare, implement and maintain the Business Continuity Plan for the disaster recovery and the Plan for periodically conducting audit to the back-upfacilities for Trade Depository Business;
(6) DDRJ shall ensure that the Outsourcee is obligated to report to DDRJ any event (including any system failure or outage occurred at Global Trade Repository Systems and any information leakage incident relating to the Trade Information or any other information of Users that impairs DDRJ’s Trade Repository Business), that could have material impact on its capability to carry out the business outsourced from DDRJ in an effective manner with anadequate quality and in compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations; and,
(7) The Outsourcee shall ensure to obtain the approval of DDRJ in advance, following providing sufficient indication to DDRJ that a potential sub-outsourcee has the capability to carry out the sub-outsourced business with the appropriate level of quality in an effective way, and inthe manner of complying with applicable laws and regulatory requirements, when any sub- outsourcing arrangement by the Outsourcee is to be made.
4. DDRJ shall keep retaining full legal responsibility of Trade Repository prescribed by FIEA with regard to collection, storing and reporting of the Trade Information, even in case where DDRJ outsources certain part of its Trade Repository Business to the Outsourcee, pursuant toArticle 156-73 of FIEA.
Chapter 9 Operating Hours & Non-business Days
(Operating Hours) Article 9.1
1. Operating hours of DDRJ shall be from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
2. When DDRJ’s System is available shall be designated by DDRJ in Operation Procedures andApplicable Publications to be issued thereunder.
(Non-business Days) Article 9.2
1. Non-business Days of DDRJ shall be the days set forth in the following items:
(1) Saturdays;
(2) Sundays;
(3) Holidays prescribed by the Act Concerning National Holidays (Act No. 178 of 1948);
(4) The first three days of each year; and
(5) December 31.
Chapter 10 Framework for Oversight of Employees(Oversight of Employees)
Article 10.1
1. Every employee of DDRJ must comply with the relevant applicable laws and regulations, Comprehensive Guidelines for Supervision of Clearing and Book-entry Transfer Institutions, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Supervisory Guidelines”) and various types of internal policiesand procedures, such as, the Rules, Rules of Employment and Code of Ethics, etc., adopted by DDRJ, and DDRJ shall ensure that every employee thoroughly understands and follows the applicable laws, Supervisory Guidelines and various types of internal policies and procedures, such as, the Rules, Rules of Employment and Code of Ethics, etc., adopted by DDRJ;
2. DDRJ shall implement reasonable measures, to ensure that every employee shall treat Userinformation that a User has identified as confidential and any other confidential information defined in Operating Procedures as strictly confidential and shall prevent the leakage of such information as a result of carelessness;
3. Every employee shall report actual and potential conflicts of interest between the interest ofDDRJ and any other company within DTCC Group to Compliance Department of DTCC Group through the reporting system or hotline designed by DTCC Group or to Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ, in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Resolution Policy adopted by DDRJ.Compliance Department of DTCC Group or Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ that received such report shall avoid or properly resolve such conflicts of interest, in cooperation with relevant departments of DTCC Group, DDRJ’s Representative Directors and DDRJ’s board of directors, depending upon the content and nature of the specific cases. Also, every employee shall report actual and potential conflicts of interest between the interest of DDRJ or Users andhis own interest to Compliance Department of DTCC Group through the reporting system or hotline designated by DTCC Group or to Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ, in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Resolution Policy adopted by DDRJ. Compliance Department of DTCC Group or Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ that received such report shall avoid or properly resolve such conflicts of interest, in
cooperation with relevant departments of DTCC Group, DDRJ’s Representative Directors and/or DDRJ’s board of directors, depending upon thecontent and nature of the specific cases.
4. Every employee shall properly report any potential or actual breach of any of the applicable laws and regulations, Supervisory Guidelines and the internal policies and procedures adopted by DDRJ, including the Rules, Rules of Employment and Code of Ethics, to his or her supervisor, relevant departments of DTCC Group or Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ in accordance with the internal policies and procedures adopted by DDRJ, including Code of Ethics when he or she suspects or becomes aware of such case. The supervisor, relevant departments of DTCC Group or Legal & Compliance section of DDRJ that received such
report shall prevent or properly resolve such cases, in cooperation with relevant departments of DTCC Group, DDRJ’s Representative Directors and DDRJ’s board of directors, depending upon the content and nature of the specific cases.
5. DDRJ shall identify, manage and monitor the risks arising in the course of conducting the business, including the risks caused by the breach of any of the applicable laws and regulations, Supervisory Guidelines and various types of internal policies and procedures adopted by DDRJ, including the Rules, Rules of Employment and Code of Ethics, by classifying such risks into the following: human capital and people risk; information security and information assets related risk (including risk to be caused by a leakage of information); information technology system risk; legal & regulatory compliance risk, etc., based upon the operational risk management framework adopted by DTCC Group. Specifically, DDRJ shall establish the risk management framework, in coordination with DTCC Group as a whole, under which DDRJ shall create the risk profile showing the overall risk control status, obtained through data collection of operational errors and incidents as realization of such risks and analysis of the trend of risk metrics to be set and managed, then DDRJ shall take the necessary measures based upon such risk profile. Furthermore, DDRJ shall periodically report the results of risk analysis based upon such risk profile at DDRJ’s board of directors’ meetings and DDRJ’s board shall manage and supervise such risk management framework.
6. DDRJ is entitled to take disciplinary measures, including disciplinary dismissal, against an employee, if such employee carried out any act which violates any of the applicable laws and regulations, Supervisory Guidelines and various types of internal policies and procedures adopted by DDRJ, including the Rules, Rules of Employment and Code of Ethics.
This includes any act of instructing, ordering, instigating and intimidating other employee to commit any actof such violation and any act of such violation as the result of inducement by any third party including other employee, and which also includes any act of allowing or permitting another employee to carry out any act of such violation.
Chapter 11 Provision of Trade Information
(Publication) Article 11.1
1. DDRJ shall publicize the matter relating to the Trade Information in accordance with the provision of Paragraph 1 of Article 156-66 of FIEA and Article 11-2 of the OTC Derivatives Ordinance.
2. DDRJ may publicize the anonymized data created from the Trade Information through aggregation, etc.
(Provision of Trade Information) Article 11.2
1.DDRJ shall not provide the Trade Information to any third party, except in the cases whichare set forth in the following:
(1) In case of disclosure only to the extent necessary for DDRJ to outsource certain part of itsTrade Repository Business, pursuant to Article 156-73 of FIEA and based upon an agreement for such outsourcing arrangement (provided, however, the case set forth in item 4 of this Paragraph shall be excluded form this case);
(2) In case of disclosure to respond to any request made for providing the Trade Information,in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, court proceedings, administrative proceedings or any other legal proceedings (including the courts proceeding by the courtslocated outside of Japan with competent jurisdiction over the
Outsourcee and the matters relating to an agreement executed by DDRJ with the Outsourcee for outsourcing certain part of its Trade Repository Business to the Outsourcee) or any such request received from regulatory authorities, and only to the extent necessary to comply with such requirement or request;
(3) In case of disclosure based upon the specific consent by Users for providing the TradeInformation to a third party;
(4) In case of disclosure to the Outsourcee and one or more of its affiliates, based upon the consent by Users previously obtained pursuant to the provisions of Operating Procedures;
(5) In case of publication pursuant to Article 11.1 of the Rules.
2. Disclosure of the Trade Information to any third party pursuant to Item 1 and Item 3 of the preceding Paragraph shall be made only in case where all of the applicable measures set forthin the following Items are taken:
(1) DDRJ and the third party shall implement and follow the confidentiality procedures whichcould sufficiently protect the Trade Information from improper disclosure; and
(2) DDRJ and the third party shall enter a “Confidentiality Agreement” setting forth theconfidentiality obligation for the Trade Information to be disclosed.
3. The confidentiality measures prescribed in the preceding Paragraph shall mean themeasures set forth in the following Items:
(1) Treating the Trade Information, regardless of its form as strictly confidential and takingnecessary measures for keeping the confidentiality of such information; and
Chapter 12 Matters on Terms and Conditions of Contract for Collection of TradeInformation
(Operating Procedures) Article 12.1
1. DDRJ shall set forth the matters relating to the following items and any other terms andconditions applicable to Users for the purpose of establishing contractual terms:
(1) Terms of Use related to the Systems and Services to be provided by DDRJ;
(2) Procedures for Expulsion and Disciplinary Actions of Users;
(3) Methods of Notices to be made to Users on Revision, etc. of Operating Procedures;
(4) Users’ Obligation of Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations;
(5) Definition of Confidential Information and Permitted Disclosures of the Data;
(6) Matters related to Fees;
(7) Scope of Liability and Disclaimer of DDRJ;
(8) Governing Law and Submission to Jurisdiction
2.DDRJ shall report to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency without delay when DDRJrevised Operating Procedures.
Chapter 13 Miscellaneous Provisions (Incidental Business Activities)
Article 13.1
DDRJ shall conduct businesses incidental to the Trade Repository Business.
(Changes to the Rules) Article 13.2
1. Any changes to the Rules shall be implemented by DDRJ through a resolution of DDRJ’sboard of directors.
2. If DDRJ makes any changes to the Rules pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, DDRJ shall provide at least 10 business days’ prior notice to all Users of such changes before the effectivedate of such changes. In the case of any change that does not affect the claims or obligations ofUsers, or if it is immaterial, such notice may be given promptly after such change rather than prior to..
3. On and after the effective date of change of the Rules in accordance with Paragraph 1, DDRJand Users shall comply with the provisions of the Rules.
(Governing Law and Jurisdiction) Article 13.3
1. The Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese law.
2. The Tokyo District Court of Japan shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any legal actionthat may become necessary between DDRJ and any Users in connection with the Rules.
Supplementary Provision
The Rules shall take effect as of 4 March, 2013.
Supplementary Provision
The Rules shall take effect as of as of December 16, 2015.
Supplementary Provision
The Rules shall take effect as of as of May 1, 2022.