Special Collective Contract for wages of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited
Special Collective Contract for wages
of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Principle
第一条 上海汽车集团股份有限公司(以下简称上汽集团)与上海汽车集团股份有限公司工会(以下简称上汽集团工会),根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《集体合同规定》、《工资集体协商试行办法》、《上海市集体合同条例》等有关法律法规,经协商一致,签订本合同。
Article 1 In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the regulations of the collective contract, trial measures governing collective negotiation on wages, the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Collective Contract and other applicable laws, regulations, SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as" SAIC Motor") and the SAIC Motor Corporation Limited Trade Union (hereinafter referred to as "SAIC Motor’s trade union”) have, after negotiations and by consensus, entered into this Collective Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”), as follows:
第二条 上汽集团所属企业应进一步建立健全工资集体协商制度,积极推进企业工资专项集体合同的签订。基层企业工资专项集体合同一般为一年一签。企业制订和修改薪酬等分配制度(方案)时,应与同级工会协商,并按规定程序提交职工代表大会(或职工大会)审议通过。把推进工资集体协商作为促进劳动关系和谐稳定、维护企业和职工双方合法权益的重要途径。
Article 2 the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor shall further establish a system of collective negotiation system on wages and to positively promote the subscription of the special collective contract on wages. Generally, the special collective contract for grass-roots enterprises regarding basic wages will be usually signed every one year. The enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor shall negotiate with the trade union at the same level when formulating or modifying the distribution system (scheme) of remuneration and the system shall approved by the General Meeting of Employees’ Representatives (or General Meeting of Employees) according to the stipulated procedure. To promote collective negotiation of wages as an important way to facilitate the harmonious and stable labor relations and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both enterprises and employees.
第二章 劳动报酬
Chapter II The labor Remuneration
第三条 根据上汽集团企业人工成本管控要求,全面实行企业人工成本预算管理,合理确定企业人工成本预算增幅。
Article 3 According to the manual cost control method of SAIC Motor, the enterprise labor cost budget management is fully implemented, and the increment of labor cost budget is reasonably determined.
According to the adjustment opinion from Shanghai municipal government and SASAC, regarding the wages of the employees, enterprises shall adhere to the principle of employee income and enterprise economic benefits shall be linked up, combining with the consumer price index, labor cost control for enterprises, employees' wage level, formulate the adjustment opinion for the employees' wage in SAIC Motor, and establish the normal adjustment mechanism of employees' salary.
第四条 上汽集团及其所属企业应积极建立科学合理的薪酬体系。坚持“关注一线、激励骨干”原则,提高一线职工和低收入职工的收入,并按照市场化原则,加大对关键岗位、紧缺人才的倾斜和激励力度;
Article 4 SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor shall positively establish the scientific and rational salary system. Adhering to the principle of "Focus on the first line, encourage the key employees", to increase the income of the employees who belongs to front-line and low-income. And enterprises will increase the inclination and incentive for the shortage of talents in key positions according to the market principle. To improve the performance of employees' incentive mechanism, facilitate the enterprise's net profit increment incentives, to further promote the enterprise to improve profitability, enhance core competitiveness, create good atmosphere of high performance incentives.
Article 5 In order to ensure the living cost of the employees who are retired ahead of schedule to improve steadily, the living allowance during the retiring period for the “retiring ahead of schedule”, "employees who is ready to retire" shall be adjusted according to the "Three timely" polices, i.e. Adjust the minimum living allowance timely. Increase the payment for the social security regarding the individual part timely. Adjust the living allowance for the period ready to retire timely. The relief fee for sick leave employees can be adjusted according to the minimum living allowance in three timely policies (To adjust according to the Shanghai minimum standard for salary). Enterprises could also increase the allowance standard for the sick leave employees after collective negotiation.
第三章 福利与保障
Chapter III Welfare and Security
第六条 上汽集团及其所属企业应依法按时足额为职工缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险和住房公积金等法定社会保险和福利,并每年向职工代表大会(或职工大会)报告缴纳情况。
Article 6 SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor shall give full payment regarding the endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing fund and other statutory social insurance and welfare to the employees according to laws and report the payment situation to the General Meeting of Employees’ Representatives (or General Meeting of Employees) every year.
第七条 上汽集团及其所属企业按规定,经协商一致可为职工购买补充医疗保险,建立补充住房公积金、企业年金等,企业应支持工会为职工和退休人员办理上海市总工会职工互助保障计划。
Article 7 SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor may buy supplemental medical insurance for the employees, establish the system of supplemental housing fund, enterprise annuity etc. after negotiation and reach consensus. Enterprises shall support the trade union for the employees and retirees to deal with the mutual support plan of the Shanghai general trade union.
第八条 上汽集团及其所属企业支持工会筹措帮困资金。企业与工会应按照《上汽集团先锋号帮扶中心实施意见》,共同做好困难职工的帮困送温暖工作。同时设立上汽集团工会帮困互助专项资金,鼓励各级工会积极出资,扩大帮困的覆盖面,加大帮困力度。
Article 8 SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor support the trade union to raise aid money. Enterprises and the trade union shall jointly help and send warm to the employees who get into difficulty according to the "implementation opinions of the pioneer aid center of SAIC Motor". At the same time, to set up the special funds for mutual help and assistance of SAIC Motor’s trade union, encourage the trade union at all levels to positively contribute fund, expand the coverage of assistance, and strengthen the efforts to the assistance.
第九条 上汽集团及其所属企业按规定提取企业福利费用、奖福基金的,应在同级工会的监督下使用。
Article 9 In case the enterprise's welfare funds of SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor is extracted according to the regulations, which should be used under the supervision of the trade union.
第十条 上汽集团及其所属企业应为职工开展文体活动和疗休养创造必要的条件,并认真组织实施,提高职工的文化生活质量。
Article 10 SAIC Motor and the enterprises affiliated to SAIC Motor shall create the necessary conditions for carrying out the recreational activities and recuperation and improve the quality of cultural life of the employees by conscientiously organizing and implementation.
第四章 附 则
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
第十一条 本合同作为《上海汽车集团股份有限公司集体合同》附件,与其具有同等效力。
Article 11 This contract is as the attachment and has the same effect of the Collective Contract of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited.
第十二条 本合同需经上海汽车集团股份有限公司职工代表大会审议通过。
Article 12 This contract shall be approved by the General Meeting of Employees’ Representatives of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited.
第十三条 本合同签订后,如遇有不可抗力或者企业经营状况出现重大变化等特殊原因的,经双方协商,可以变更或者解除本合同。
Article 13 In case it occurs special reasons such as force majeure or major changes in the operation of the enterprise after signing this contract, the contract may be amended or terminated after both parties' negotiation.
第十四条 本合同未尽事宜,按照国家和企业所在地方的有关法律、法规等相关规定执行。法律法规亦无明文规定的,需由上汽集团工会与上汽集团协商解决。
Article 14 Matters not covered herein shall be implemented in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the state and the place where the enterprise is located. If the laws and regulations are not stipulated, it shall be settled by the SAIC Motor’s trade union and SAIC Motor.
第十五条 本合同一式六份:双方各执一份;上汽集团党委一份;上海市人力资源和社会保障局一份;上海市国有资产监督和管理委员会一份;上海市总工会一份。
Article 15 This contract is made in six copies: each party holds one copy; one for the Party committee of SAIC Motor; one for Shanghai human resources and social security Bureau; one for Shanghai state-owned assets supervision and administration commission; and one for Shanghai federation of trade unions.
第十六条 本合同有效期三年。
Article 16 This contract is valid for three years.
第十七条 本合同翻译成英文文本,与中文文本具有同等效力。对两种文本的理解发生歧义时,以中文文本为准。
Article 17 this contract shall be translated into English and has the same effect with the Chinese version, if there is misunderstanding of the two texts, the Chinese version shall prevail.
上海汽车集团股份有限公司 上海汽车集团股份有限公司工会
SAIC Motor Corporation Limited Trade union of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited
首席代表: 首席代表:
Chief Representative Chief Representative
2018年 月 日 2018年 月 日
, ,2018 , ,2018