(2) 賣家已盡其所知,以書面形式就以下內容向本公司作出了全面、詳盡的披露和說明,不存在任何隱瞞或虛構之處:(i)拍賣品來源和瑕疵;(ii)拍賣品的描述(包括 載於委託拍賣合同財產描述附件中列出的拍賣品描述);(iii)拍賣品是否含有瀕危保護動物材質;(iv)第三方就拍賣品所有權、狀況、真實性、屬性、或拍賣品 本公司 根據本委託拍賣合同及本規則對賣家發出之通知或通知單,凡已依據委託拍賣合同及本規則所記載之地址、電子郵件信箱、傳真號碼或透過本公司APP用戶端(“APP用戶端”...Seller Business Rules • December 21st, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2021The provisions agreed upon by the Company with the Seller and with the Buyer are included in these Conditions. The Company may amend the following provisions by way of notice or verbal notification during the auction. By bidding at an auction, the Bidder agrees to be bound by the following provisions.
(2)賣家已盡其所知,以書面形式就以下內容向本公司作出了全面、詳盡的披露和說明,不存在任何隱瞞或虛構之處:(i)拍賣品來源和瑕疵;(ii)拍賣品是否含有瀕危保 護動物材質;(iii)第三方就拍賣品所有權、狀況、真實性、屬性、或拍賣品之出口或進口而提出之任何關注;(iv)其他任何可能影響拍賣品可銷售性及可轉讓性的事實和 情況;(v) 任何賣家知悉的拍賣品重大改動; (vi) 任何賣家知悉的有關拍賣品擁有權、狀況或歸屬而由第三者提出過的關注事宜;Seller Business Rules • April 1st, 2013
Contract Type FiledApril 1st, 2013All of the provisions agreed upon by the Company with the Seller and with the Buyer are included in these Conditions. The aforementioned provisions may be amended by public notice or verbal notification during the auction. By bidding at the auction, the Bidder agrees to be bound by the aforementioned provisions.