Intellectual Property License Agreement Sample Contracts

MiSans字体知识产权许可协议 MiSans Font Intellectual Property License Agreement
Intellectual Property License Agreement • October 19th, 2023

The MiSans Font Intellectual Property License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between You and Xiaomi Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Xiaomi” or “Licensor”) regarding the installation and use of MiSans fonts (hereinafter referred to “MiSans” or “MiSans Fonts”). You shall accept all of the terms and conditions in the Agreement before using all or any part of MiSans. By installing and using MiSans, You agree to be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement. Otherwise, You shall not install and/or use MiSans, and shall immediately destroy and delete all MiSans font packages.

Standard Contracts