中國信託銀行開戶總約定書 Sample Contracts

中國信託銀行開戶總約定書 111.10A 個人版新舊條款對照
中國信託銀行開戶總約定書 • July 28th, 2022

章 條款 原本條文 更新條文 一 六 第六條 立約人資料之使用及委外作業一、立約人同意:貴行得將其支票存款戶之開戶日期、法人資本額、營業額、存款不足之退票紀錄、撤銷付款委託紀錄及是否被票據交換所列為拒絕往來等各項有關票據信用之資料在法令所允許之範圍內提供與同業、財團法人聯合徵信中心、有關徵信單位、政府機構查詢、鍵 檔。二、立約人茲同意貴行得將立約人與貴行往來交易業務及作業,委由第三人代為處理。三、個人資料運用告知事項(一)由於個人資料之蒐集,涉及立約人的隱私權 益,貴行向立約人蒐集個人資料時,依據個人資料保護法(以下稱個資法)第八條第一項規定,應明確告知立約人下列事項:非公務機關名稱、蒐集之目的、個人資料之類別、個人資 Article 6. Use of Information about You and Outsourcing1. You agree that the Bank may, to the extent permitted by law,disclose the date of opening of checking deposit account,juristic person's capital amount, business income, records of bounced check due toinsufficient funds, records of withdrawal of paymentauthorization, and whether you are blacklisted by the clearing bank, as well as otherinformation about note and credit to other banks, JointCredit Information Center (JCIC), related credit investigationentities, and governmentagencies upon inquiry and for archival purpose.2. You hereby agree the Bank may appoint a third party to handle the transactions between you and the Ba