Internet Banking的定义

Internet Banking refers to the financial services provided by the Bank to its Customers over computer terminals connected to the Internet, without the Customer having to approach bank counters personally.

Examples of Internet Banking in a sentence

  • Article 14 Data security 雙方應確保電子訊息安全,防止非法進入系統、竊取、竄改或損毀業務記錄及資料。 Both parties hereto shall ensure the security of their Electronic Messages, shall prevent any illegal access to the Internet Banking system, theft, falsification, or destruction of business records and information.

  • ATM inquiry, Telephone Banking inquiry, account statement via fax, Internet Banking inquiry, account statement printed online, passbook update with the Bank or electronic documents sent by the Bank (in cases where the causes of a delivery failure are not attributable to the Bank, the document will not be resent), or any method agreed upon by the two parties.

  • Article 34 Online operation 立約人應事先詳讀銀行公告或約定,及依照網路之指示步驟操作,如因操作不當或其他任何非可歸責於銀行之事由致有損及立約人權益情事發生時,立約人應自行負責,與銀行無涉。 The Customer shall thoroughly understand the Bank's announcements or Agreements in advance, and follow the step-by-step online instructions when using Internet Banking services.

  • The Client, as an authorization user of the Internet Banking shared service, shall apply to suspend the use thereof in person at the Bank if it intends to stop using Internet Banking temporarily after granting any authorization.

  • The Bank is authorized to directly deduct any interest, handling fee or other fees incurred from each transaction the Client makes via Internet Banking from the Client’s outward transfer account.

  • Article 31 Online operation 立約人應事先詳讀銀行公告或約定,及依照網路之指示步驟操作,如因操作不當或其他任何非可歸責於銀行之事由致有損及立約人權益情事發生時,立約人應自行負責,與銀行無涉。 The Customer shall thoroughly understand the Bank's announcements or Agreements in advance, and follow the step-by-step online instructions when using Internet Banking services.

  • The applicable expiry date(s) for RewardCash will be shown in the Cardholder’s monthly credit card statement and HSBC Internet Banking credit card account.

  • Should the Client intend to resume Internet Banking, it shall apply in person at the Bank.

  • Should the Client, also a authorizer, apply for the Internet Banking shared service, any authorization made by the Client shall not affect the Client’s use of Internet Banking; provided, however, that each transaction limit (e.g. single and daily aggregate transaction amount) for the Client and authorized person of such shared service (i.e. the representative) shall be calculated together and take into consideration the provisions herein, unless otherwise agreed mutually by the Client and the Bank.

  • Article 33 Online operation 立約人應事先詳讀銀行公告或約定,及依照網路之指示步驟操作,如因操作不當或其他任何非可歸責於銀行之事由致有損及立約人權益情事發生時,立約人應自行負責,與銀行無涉。 The Contractor shall thoroughly understand the Bank's announcements or Agreements in advance, and follow the step-by-step online instructions when using Internet Banking services.