Wie is NCS?
• NCS is ‘n geregistreerde apteek wat spesialiseer in die verskaffing van kroniese medikasie;
• NCS het ‘n nasionale netwerk van ge-akkrediteerde kleinhandel apteke wat tien-duisende kroniese pasiente lanswyd met die hoogste vlak van verantwoordelikheid en waardigheid diens;
• NCS en u kleinhandel apteek het n ooreenkoms aangegaan om gesamentlik u kroniese kondisie te bestuur:
- vanaf die verkryging van die aanvanklike goedkeuring van u mediese fonds,
- tot by die punt van reseptering by u kleinhandel apteek;
• NCS, met u permissie, xxx u kroniese medikasie tydig op n maandelikse basis by u kleinhandel apteek aflewer, vanwaar u dit kan afhaal teen die herhaal datum van u voorskrif;
• NCS xxx u per SMS, ten minste 3 dae voor die herhaal datum, verwittig om u kroniese medikasie af te haal.
Het u geweet?
• NCS bied u:
- n toeganklike nasionale netwerk van ge- akkrediteerde kleinhandel apteke wat gekoppel is aan die gesentraliseerde NCS resepterings sisteem wat u as die pasient in staat stel om u kroniese medikasie vanaf enige NCS ge- akkrediteerde kleinhandel apteek te bekom; of
- indien daar geen ge-akkrediteerde NCS kleinhandel apteek naby u bestemming is nie, kan u NCS xxxxx xxxxxx en ons xxx u kroniese medikasie by enige bestemming gratis vir u aflewer wanneer u op xxxx is in Suid Afrika.
- Besoek xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx of skakel 012 - 991 1282 om die naaste NCS ge-
akkrediteerde kleinhandel apteek aan u bestemming te indentifiseer.
Hoekom moet u NCS as u kroniese diensverskaffer oorweeg?
• NCS en u kleinhandel Apteker:
- xxxx dieselfde sentiment dat die kwalitetit van kroniese medikasie wat deur middel van kroniese posbestellings verskaf word moontlik gekompromiseerd is as gevolg van die ongekontroleerde toestande tydens die vervoer en berging daarvan; en
- is ook gekant teen die xxxx dat daar geen persoonlike professionele supervisie deur n dokter of apteker betrokke is by die punt van kolleksie daarvan nie; en
- onderskryf dus die beginsel van een-tot-een persoonlike kommunikasie, professionele berading en die verskaffing van advies tussen
die apteker en die pasient by die punt van kolleksie.
Is u, die pasiënt, beter af?
• NCS en u kleinhandel apteker onderskryf al die koste besparende maatreels van u mediese fonds ten einde u mediese fonds voordele optimaal xx xxx;
• NCS en u kleinhandel apteker hef nie enige nie- gesondheidsorg verwante administratiewe fooie nie;
• NCS, te same met u kleinhandel apteker:
- neem volle verantwoordelikheid vir die bestuur van u kroniese kondisie; en
- xxx u samewerking monitor ten einde te verseker dat u goeie kwaliteit van lewe geniet!
• NCS en u kleinhandel apteek bied u die addisionele gerief om nie in lang rye te wag vir u kroniese medikasie nie, deur u in staat te stel om u medikasie op n geleë tyd vir u teen die herhaal datum van u voorskrif by u kleinhandel apteek af te haal.
Wat staan u te doen?
Vra u NCS ge-akkrediteerde kleinhandel apteek eenvoudig om u kroniese aansoek vorms, en of kroniese voorskrif aan
NCS te stuur en ons xxx die res doen!
Fisiese Adres - Blok 15 | Boardwalk Kantoor Park | Haymeadow Straat | Faerie Xxxx | Pretoria | 0043
Posadres - Posbus 2062 | Faerie Xxxx | 0043 | Tel - + 00 00 000 0000 | Faks - + 27 12 991 8762 | Webblad Adres - xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Who is NCS?
• NCS is a registered pharmacy specializing in the supply of chronic medication;
• NCS has a national network of accredited community pharmacies servicing tens-of-thousands of chronic patients with the utmost responsibility and dignity;
• NCS has entered into an agreement with your local community pharmacy to manage the entire life cycle of your chronic medication:
- from obtaining the initial authorization from your medical aid,
- right up to the point of dispensing at your local community pharmacy;
• NCS, with your permission, will deliver your chronic medicine timeously on a monthly basis to your local community pharmacy, from where you can collect it at your convenience by the due date;
• NCS will notify you via SMS, at least 3 days prior to the due date, to collect your chronic medicine.
Did you know?
• NCS offers you:
- an accessible nationwide network of accredited community pharmacies that are linked to the centralized NCS dispensing system to allow you the patient the convenience to collect your medication at any NCS accredited community pharmacy when you are travelling in South Africa; or
- if there is no accredited NCS community pharmacy near you, you can contact NCS directly and we will deliver your medication free of charge wherever you are travelling in South Africa.
- Visit xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx or call
012 - 000 0000 to locate the nearest NCS accredited community pharmacy to your destination.
Why should you consider NCS as your chronic vendor?
• NCS and your local community pharmacist both:
- share the same sentiment that the quality of chronic medication supplied through a chronic mail order system may be compromised due to the uncontrolled conditions during the transport and storage thereof; and
- also oppose the fact that there is no personal professional supervision by a doctor or a pharmacist at the point of collection thereof; and
- hence subscribe to the principle of one-to-one personal communication, professional counseling and furnishing of advice between the the pharmacist and the patient at the collection thereof.
Are you, the patient better off?
• NCS and your local community pharmacist strictly adhere to all the cost containment rules of your medical aid to make your medical aid benefits last longer;
• NCS and your local community pharmacist do not charge any non-healthcare related administration fees;
• NCS, together with your local community pharmacist:
- take full responsibility for the responsible management of your chronic disease; and
- will monitor your compliance to ensure that you enjoy good quality of life!
• NCS and your local community pharmacy offer you the added convenience of not having to stand in long queues, by allowing you to collect your medicine
at a time convenient to you from your local community pharmacy by the due date.
What do you need to do?
Simply ask your participating community pharmacy to send your chronic application forms, and or chronic prescription, to NCS
and we will do the rest!
Physical Address - Block 15 | Boardwalk Office Park | Haymeadow Street | Faerie Xxxx | Pretoria | 0043
Postal Address - PO Box 2062 | Faerie Xxxx | 0043 | Tel - + 00 00 000 0000 | Fax - + 00 00 000 0000 | Website Address - xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx