Bergrivier Munisipaliteit verseker die welstand van alle gemeenskappe in sy gebied deur ekonomiese groei, sosiale welstand, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en effektiewe bestuur binne ‘n veilige en gesonde omgewing.
As xxxx van Bergrivier Munisipaliteit se werkskeppingsprogram (UITGEBREIDE PUBLIEKE WERKE PROGRAM - EPWP) is die volgende tydelike vakatures beskikbaar vir die betrokke periode xxxx aangedui en aangesien die vakatures tydelik van aard is, kan daar geen verwagting van hernuwing of verlenging van die kontrak of ‘n permanente aanstelling wees nie.
Piketberg: 4 persone
Posvereistes: Graad 12 · Relevante ondervinding in CCTV beheerkamer omgewing · Bevoegdheid in ten minste twee van die amptelike tale van die Xxx-Kaap (Afrikaans, Xxxxxx, isiXhosa - Lees, Skryf en Praat) · GEEN KRIMINELE rekord · Moet oor eie Vervoer beskik (Geen Vervoer xxx tussen woon- en werksplek verskaf word) · Moet liggaamlik fiks en geestelik gesond wees · Moet in span verband kan saamwerk · Hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid · Moet oor naweke en Openbare vakansiedae werk ·Kandidate moet in die Bergrivier Munisipale Gebied woonagtig wees.
Pligte: Verseker die behoorlike funksionering en aantekening van alle kamera stelsels in die fasiliteit · Monitoring van kameras
· Kommunikeer alle verwikkelinge aan beamptes op patrollie · Verseker dat die kamera stelsels korrek funksioneer en geskik vir die doel · Hantering en instandhouding van toerusting · Instandhouding van werksareas · Beskerming van munisipale eiendom.
Vergoeding: R 200 per dag
Werksure: 40 uur per week (Maandae tot Sondae). Kandidate moet bereidwillig wees om skofte en oor naweke en vakansiedae xx xxxx, asook om van tyd tot tyd xxxx vereis, in ander dele van die munisipale gebied, op versoek diens xx xxxxx.
Kontrak periode vir beide poste: 01 XXXXX 2022 tot 28 FEBRUARIE 2023 of xxxx xxxxxx ooreengekom.
1. Die Munisipaliteit is ’n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer en eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming.
2. Die Munisipaliteit behou die reg voor om nie ’n aanstelling xx xxxx nie.
3. Alle aanstellings is onderworpe aan ʼn polisieklaring wat noodwendig beteken dat applikante toestemming xxxxxxx dat dit verkry mag word.
4. Aansoeke wat na die sluitingsdatum ontvang word of nie vergesel van die dokumentasie hieronder genoem nie, xxx xxx oorweeg word nie.
5. Slegs aansoekers op die kortlys vir onderhoude xxx gekontak word. Indien ‘n aansoeker binne 2 weke na die sluitingsdatum nog geen terugvoering ontvang het nie, moet aanvaar word dat hul aansoek onsuksesvol was.
6. Gunswerwing by enige raadslid en/of enige lid van die aanstellingskomitee en/of enige personeellid van die Munisipaliteit, is ontoelaatbaar en xxx aansoekers onmiddellik diskwalifiseer.
7. Benewens die minimum posvereistes en standplaas hierin gestel, mag daar van posbekleërs verwag word om oortyd- en bystanddiens te verrig, asook om van tyd tot tyd in ander dele van die munisipale gebied diens xx xxxxx, xxxx vereis.
8. Aanstelling in sekere poste is onderhewig aan ’n sekerheidsverklaring en xxxx xxx ook van aansoekers verwag word om ’n onderhoud- en evalueringsproses te deurloop en waar van toepassing, ’n vaktoets af te lê.
9. Die munisipaliteit eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting. Met die inhandiging van u informasie en aansoek bevestig u dat die inligting wat u aan ons verskaf korrek is en ‘n ware weergawe van u onlangse inligting.
’n Dekbrief met vermelding van ten minste twee kontakbare verwysings, vergesel van die voltooide voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm (op aanvraag verkrygbaar by Tel: 000 000 0000 of op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by (, ‘n Curriculum Vitae (maksimum 3 bladsye) en gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die nodige kwalifikasie sertifikate, identiteitsdokument en bestuurderslisensie (slegs een pos per aansoekvorm) moet by die Munisipale Kantore, Piketberg ingedien word of kan gepos word na Xxxxxx 00, Xxxxxxxxx, 0000 vir die aandag van Mnr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, xx xxx te bereik teen nie later nie as die sluitingsdatum.
Bergrivier Municipality ensures the well-being of all communities within the Bergrivier region through economic growth, social well-being, community involvement and effective management within a safe and healthy environment.
As part of Bergrivier Municipality’s job creation program (EXTENDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM
– EPWP) the following temporary vacancies are available for the relevant period as indicated and as the vacancies are temporary in nature, there can be no expectation of renewal or extension of the contract or a permanent appointment.
Piketberg: 4 persons
Job Requirements: Grade 12 · Relevant experience in a CCTV control room environment · Fluent in at least two of the official languages of the Western Cape (Afrikaans, English, isiXhosa – Read, Write and Speak) · NO CRIMINAL record · Must have own transport (No transport between work and home will be supplied) · Must be physically and mentally fit · Ability to work as part of a team · High level of responsibility · Must work weekends and public holidays · Candidates must reside within the Bergrivier Municipal area.
Duties: Ensure proper function and recording of all camera systems in the facility · Surveillance of cameras · Communicate with officers on the road where complaints are occurring · Ensuring that the operating systems and cameras function correctly and are fit for the purpose · Handling and maintenance of equipment · Maintenance of work areas · Protection of municipal property.
Remuneration: R200 per day
Work Hours: 40 hours per week (Monday to Sunday). Candidates must be willing to work after-hours and on weekends and public holidays, Must also on request, from time to time render services in other parts of the municipal area.
Contract period : 01 JULY 2022 till 28 FEBRUARY 2023 or as otherwise agreed.
10. The Municipality is an equal opportunity employer and respects the provisions of the Employment Equity Act.
11. The Municipality is not bound to make any appointment.
12. All appointments are subject to a police clearance which essentially means that applicants give permission for it to be obtained.
13. Applications received after the closing date or not accompanied by the documentation mentioned below will not be considered.
14. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interviews. If an applicant has not received any feedback within two weeks of the closing date, it must be accepted that their application was unsuccessful.
15. Canvassing of any councillor and/or member of the Appointment Committee and/or any staff member of the Municipality will not be allowed and will result in an immediate disqualification.
16. In addition to the minimum job requirements, incumbents may be required to perform overtime and standby duties, as well as from time to time to render services in other parts of the municipal area, as required.
17. Appointments to certain positions is subject to a security clearance and applicants will also be required to undergo an interview and evaluation process and, where applicable, to write a trade test.
18. The Municipality respects the provision of the Protection of Personal Information Act. By submitting your information and application, you confirm that the information you provide to us is correct and a true version of your recent information.
A covering letter stating at least two contactable references, accompanied by the completed prescribed application form (available upon request at Tel: 000 000 0000 or on the municipality’s website at ), a Curriculum Vitae (maximum 3 pages) and certified copies of the required qualification certificates , identity document and driving licence must be submitted to the Municipal Offices, Piketberg or can be posted to XX Xxx 00, Xxxxxxxxx, 0000 for the attention of Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx to reach him by no later than the closing date.