Bergrivier Munisipaliteit verseker die welstand van alle gemeenskappe in sy gebied deur ekonomiese groei, sosiale welstand, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en effektiewe bestuur binne ‘n veilige en gesonde omgewing.
Bergrivier Munisipaliteit met sy hoofkantoor te Piketberg en ongeveer 1uur vanaf Kaapstad, beskik tans oor die volgende vakature en aansoeke word ingewag van bevoegde persone wat aan die gestelde minimum posvereistes voldoen. (Vroue en persone met gestremdhede word aangemoedig om ook aansoek te doen.)
(Standplaas Piketberg)
Posvereistes: Die Plaaslike Regering SETA (LGSETA) het ‘n tuinboukunde program saamgestel om kapasiteitsbou binne munisipaliteite te bestuur ∙ Interns xxx praktiese ervaring en verdere opleiding in tuinboukunde ondergaan ∙ Hierdie aanstelling is geldig vir 12 maande ∙ Bevoegdheid in ten minste twee (2) van die amptelike tale van die Xxx-Kaap (Afrikaans / Xxxxxx / Xhosa – Skryf, Lees en Praat) ∙ Goeie menseverhoudinge, interpersoonlike en kommunikasie vaardighede ∙ Vermoë om op fynere besonderhede te fokus ∙ Hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid ∙ Basiese kennis van tuinboukunde ∙ Verslagsdoeningsvaardighede.
Die volgende kwalifikasie xxx voorkeur geniet:
• Gevorderde Diploma in Tuinboukunde
Sleutel prestasie areas: Assisteer met die funksies in tuinboukunde / fasiliteitsbestuur.
Toelaag: | R 100 000.00 per jaar – Totale Vergoedingspakket |
Diensaanvaarding: | 01 April 2024 of so spoedig moontlik |
Navrae: | Mnr X Xxxxxxxxxx by 022 913 6000 Mnr W Rheeder by 022 913 6000 |
1. Die Munisipaliteit is ’n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer en eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming.
2. Die Munisipaliteit behou die reg voor om nie ’n aanstelling xx xxxx nie.
3. Alle aanstellings is onderworpe aan ʼn polisieverklaring wat noodwendig beteken dat applikante toestemming xxxxxxx dat dit verkry mag word.
4. Aansoeke wat na die sluitingsdatum ontvang word of nie vergesel van die dokumentasie hieronder genoem nie, xxx xxx oorweeg word nie.
5. Slegs aansoekers op die kortlys vir onderhoude xxx gekontak word. Indien ‘n aansoeker binne 6 weke na die sluitingsdatum nog geen terugvoering ontvang het nie, moet aanvaar word dat hul aansoek onsuksesvol was.
6. Gunswerwing by enige raadslid en/of enige lid van die aanstellingskomitee en/of enige personeellid van die Munisipaliteit, is ontoelaatbaar en xxx aansoekers onmiddellik diskwalifiseer.
7. Benewens die minimum posvereistes en standplaas hierin gestel, mag daar van posbekleërs verwag word om oortyd- en bystanddiens te verrig, asook om van tyd tot tyd in ander dele van die munisipale gebied diens xx xxxxx, xxxx vereis.
8. Aanstelling in sekere poste is onderhewig aan ’n sekerheidsverklaring en xxxx xxx ook van aansoekers verwag word om ’n onderhoud- en evalueringsproses te deurloop en waar van toepassing, ’n vaktoets af te lê.
9. Die munisipaliteit eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting. Met die inhandiging van u informasie en aansoek bevestig u dat die informasie wat u aan ons verskaf korrek is en ‘n ware weergawe is van u mees onlangse inligting.
10. Slegs aansoeke vanuit die Bergrivier munisipale area (WC013) xxx oorweeg word.
11. Xxxx xxx van suksessvolle kandidate verwag word om ’n dienskontrak, openbaarmaking van voordele en belange en ’n prestasiekontrak (waar van toepassing) met die werkgewer te onderteken.
’n Dekbrief met vermelding van ten minste twee kontakbare verwysings (lynbestuurders, ondergeskiktes of eweknieë), vergesel van die voltooide voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm (op aanvraag verkrygbaar by Tel: 000 000 0000 of op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by,‘n Curriculum Vitae (maksimum 3 bladsye) en gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die nodige kwalifikasie, sertifikate, identiteitsdokument en bestuurderslisensie (slegs een per aansoekvorm) moet by die Munisipale Kantore, Piketberg ingedien word of kan gepos word na Posbus 60, Piketberg, 7320 vir die aandag van Xx. X Xxxxxxxxxx (Menslike Hulpbronbeampte: Opleiding en Ontwikkeling), teen nie later as die sluitingsdatum.
MK 86/2024 7320
Bergrivier Municipality ensures the wellbeing of all communities within the Bergrivier region through economic growth, social wellbeing, community involvement and effective management within a safe and healthy environment.
Bergrivier Municipality with its head office in Piketberg and approximately an hour’s drive from Cape Town currently has the following vacancy and awaits applications from competent persons who comply with the minimum job requirements. (Women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to also apply.)
(Based in Piketberg)
Job Requirements: The Local Government SETA (LGSETA) has set up a horticulture internship programme to manage capacity building in municipalities ∙ Interns will undergo practical experience and further training in horticulture ∙ The appointment will be valid for 12 months ∙ Competence in at least two (2) of the official languages of the Western Cape (Afrikaans / English / Xhosa – Writing, Reading and Speaking) ∙ Good human relations, interpersonal and communication skills ∙ Ability to give attention to detail ∙ High level of responsibility ∙ Basic knowledge of horticulture ∙ Report writing skills.
The following qualification will receive preference:
• Advanced Diploma in Horticulture
Key performance areas: Assist with the functions on horticulture / facilities management.
Stipend: | R 100 000.00 per annum - Total cost to company |
Date of acceptance: | 01 April 2024 or as soon as possible |
Enquiries: | Xx X Xxxxxxxxxx at 022 913 6000 Mr X Xxxxxxx at 022 913 6000 |
1. The Municipality is an equal opportunity employer and respects the conditions of the Employment Equity Act, preference will be given to candidates who comply with the Employment Equity Targets.
2. The Municipality is not bound to make any appointment.
3. All applicants will be subjected to police clearance with the concent of the applicant.
4. Applications received after the closing date or which have been received without the documentation mentioned below, will not be considered.
5. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews. Applicants can regard their applications as being unsuccessful if no feedback has been received within six weeks from the closing date.
6. Canvassing of any councillor and/or member of the Appointment Committee and/or any personnel member of the Municipality will not be allowed and will immediately disqualify applicants.
7. In addition to the minimum job requirements and station mentioned herein, applicants may be expected to work overtime or be on standby, as well as render services in other parts within the municipal area, as required.
8. Appointment in certain posts is subject to a security clearance and applicants will also undergo an interview and evaluation process and where necessary, write a trade test.
9. The municipality respects the conditions of the Protection of Personal Information Act. By submitting your information and application you confirms that the information you have provide to us is true, correct and up to date.
10. Only applications within the Bergrivier municipal area (WC013) will be considered.
11. Successful candidates will be expected to sign a contract of employment, disclosure of benefits and interests and a performance agreement (where applicable) with the employer.
A covering letter with at least two contactable references (managers, subordniates or peers), must accompany the completed prescribed application form (available on request at Tel. 000 000 0000 or on the municipality’s website with certified copies of the necessary qualification, certificates , ID document, and a Curriculum Vitae (Maximum of 3 pages), (only one per application form), to reach the Municipal offices, Piketberg or mailed to P.O. Box 60, Piketberg 7320 for the attention of Xx X Xxxxxxxxxx (Human Resources Officer: Training and Development) by no later than the closing date.