SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1. Страните, в качеството си на предприятия, предоставящи обществени електронни съобщителни мрежи (наричани по-долу „мрежи”) за предоставяне на електронни съобщителни услуги осъществяват взаимно свързване на мрежите си с цел потребителите на едната страна да разменят съобщения с потребителите на другата страна. 1.1. The parties in their capacity of undertakings that provide public electronic communications networks /hereinafter referred to as “networks”/ for providing of electronic communications services shall provide interconnection of their networks for the purpose to allow the users of one party to communicate with the users of the other party. 1.2. Дружеството се съгласява да осигурява достъп и свързване и да поддържа свързана своята фиксирана мрежа към мобилната мрежа на ТЕЛЕНОР и ТЕЛЕНОР се съгласява да осигурява достъп и свързване и да поддържа свързана своята мобилна мрежа към фиксираната мрежа на Дружеството с цел осигуряването на взаимното свързване.
SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT. 1. This agreement establishes the requirements, rights and obligations of the Parties to ensure health and safety at work of their workers and to protect the life and health of others who are in the area of their activities on the site of the Contracting Entity.
SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1. Pursuant to these General Terms to the Lease Agreements and the respective Lease Agreements, to which these General Terms apply, the Lessor undertakes to lease to Lessee vehicles or machines (referred to into the Lease Agreements as "Leased Asset/s"), which are specified in details into the respective Lease Agreements and to make each of these Leased Assets available for use by Lessee for a fixed period of time, against consideration. Lessor shall acquire Leased Assets from Supplier for the purpose to make them available for use by Xxxxxx, as agreed into the respective Lease Agreements. Each separate Lease Agreement, Payment Plans to it, together with these General Terms to Lease Agreements, as well as the attachments and annexes to them, shall represent one separate whole and indivisible Lease Agreement that governs the contractual relations between the Parties in relation to the Leased Assets specified into the Lease Agreements and shall be binding for the Parties. 1.2. Lessee undertakes to use Leased Assets in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement and to pay to Lessor all payments that are due or may become due and payable under the Lease Agreement. All import duties, taxes (other than Lessor’s corporate tax), levies, fees and charges of any nature, which apply to the formalization, performance or termination of the Lease Agreement, are to be borne exclusively by Lessee. 1.3. The use of each of Leased Assets by Lessee for the Lease Term shall start after the delivery of the respective Leased Asset for use to Lessee. 1.4. The consideration for use (Lease Payments) shall be paid as instalments for periods as set out into the Payment Plans. Lessee may have the option or obligation (in accordance with the Lease Agreement) to acquire the title to Leased Asset from Lessor subject to payment of all Lease Payments, Residual Values and all the other applicable and due payments under the Lease Agreement. 1.5. Lessee shall have the full right to use Leased Assets during the entire Lease Term, in the way stipulated into the Lease Agreement, with the provision that Lessor shall remain the sole owner of Leased Assets throughout the entire Lease Term. All costs and risks related to the use, maintenance, repair, partial or total loss or commercial intolerance to use Leased Assets shall be borne exclusively by Lessee.
SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1. НАЕМОДАТЕЛЯТ отдава за временно и възмездно ползване на НАЕМАТЕЛЯ следния собствен недвижим имот: апартамент. № …… с площ ………м2, ……етаж, намиращ се на бул. „Освобождение” № 64, град Белово. 1.2. Имотът, предмет на настоящия договор, се предава при настаняването и освобождаването с приемо – предавателен протокол, в който се описва състоянието му към момента на съставянето на съответния протокол. При освобождаването на жилището се уточняват и всички финансови взаимоотношения, възникнали при и по повод на наемното правоотношение. 1.3. Гореописаният недвижим имот ще се използва за жилищни нужди от НАЕМАТЕЛЯ. 1.1. THE LESSOR assigns for temporary and right of use to the LESSEE the following own real estate: app. No……., with an area of ………. sq. m, ….. floor, situated at 00, Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx., Xxxxxx xxxx. 1.2. The property subject of this Agreement shall be handed over at accommodation and leaving by a hand-over protocol, where its condition at the time of drawing up the relevant protocol is described. At the time of leaving of the apartment, all financial relationships arising during and in connection with the rental relationship shall be also specified. 1.3. The above mentioned real estate shall be used for residential purposes by the LESSEE.