Д О Г О В О Р за покупко-продажба на природен газ C O N T R A C T for Purchase- and-Sale of Natural Gas
Д О Г О В О Р за покупко-продажба на природен газ |
C O N T R A C T for Purchase-and-Sale of Natural Gas |
Днес, ............2023 г. в гр. София между: |
Today, …………2023, in the city of Sofia, by and between: |
1. “БУЛГАРГАЗ” ЕАД, със седалище и адрес на управление - гр. София, ул. “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx” №47, Република България, вписано в Търговския регистър с ЕИК 175203485, представлявано от – Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Изпълнителен директор по-долу за краткост наричано “Продавач”. и |
1. BULGARGAZ PLC, having its seat and registered address at 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxx., Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx, registered in the Commercial Register under uniform identification code 175203485, represented by – Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Executive Director, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”. and |
2. ....., с регистрация с № ...., със седалище и адрес на управление: .....представлявано от .....– ...., по-долу за краткост наричано “Купувач”, |
2. .... registered in the Business Registers Agency of ..... under the number ………………, having its seat and registered address at: ....., represented by Mr. ..... – ....., hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, |
Продавачът и Купувачът, наричани също така поотделно “Страна/Страната”, а заедно “Страни/Страните”, сключиха настоящия Договор, за следното:
The Seller and the Buyer hereinafter also individually referred to as “Party/the Party”, and jointly – “Parties/the Parties”, entered into the present Contract for the following: |
В настоящия Договор, изброените по-долу дефиниции, имат следното значение: |
In the present Contract, the definitions listed herein below shall have the following meaning: |
“Газопреносна мрежа” – система, състояща се предимно от газопроводи с високо налягане (над 16 бара) и съоръженията към тях с единен технологичен режим на работа за пренос на природен газ; |
“Natural Gas Transmission Network” – a system consisting mostly of high-pressure (more than 16 bars) gas pipelines and the facilities to them with a uniform technological mode of operation for transmission of Natural Gas; |
“Месец” - период от време, започващ в 0700 часа на първия ден от даден календарен месец и приключващ в 0700 часа на първия ден от следващия календарен месец; |
“Month” – a period of time starting at 07:00 (GMT+2) on the first day of a calendar month and ending at 07:00 (GMT+2) on the first day of the following calendar month; |
“Природен газ” или “Газ”, представлява смес от въглеводороди (състояща се главно от метан) и негорими компоненти, намиращи се в газообразно състояние и обработена за транспортиране по газопровод; |
“Natural Gas” or “Gas” is a mixture of hydrocarbons (consisting mostly of methane) and non- combustible components, which are in a gaseous state and processed for transportation over a gas pipeline; |
“Мегават час” или “MWh” означава енергията, генерирана или консумирана с постоянно натоварване от един (1) MW за време един (1) час. |
“Megawatt-hour” or “MWh” means the energy generated or consumed under constant load by one (1) MW per one (1) hour. |
“Оператор на газопреносната мрежа” означава лице - оператор на газопреносна мрежа, което осъществява пренос на природен газ по газопреносна мрежа и отговаря за нейната експлоатация, поддръжка и развитие на дадена територия и взаимосвързаните ѝ с други мрежи. |
“Natural Gas Transmission Network Operator” means a person – operator of a gas transmission network, which carries out transmission of Natural Gas over a gas-transmission network and is responsible for its operation, maintenance and development on a given territory and its interconnections to other networks. |
“Ден” означава периодът от време, състоящ се от 24 (двадесет и четири) последователни часа от 07:00 ч. на всеки календарен ден, до 07:00 ч. на следващия календарен ден, местно българско време в Пункта на доставка. |
“Day” means the period of time consisting of 24 (twenty-four) hours in a row from 07:00 (GMT+2) on each calendar day until 07:00 (GMT+2) on the next calendar day, local Bulgarian time at the Delivery Point. |
“Пункт на доставка” означава мястото, в което правото на собственост и риска от загуби/влошаването на качествените характеристики на природния газ, доставян по този Договор, се прехвърлят от Продавача на Купувача.
“Delivery Point” means the place where the ownership right and the risk of losses/aggravation of the quality characteristics of the Natural Gas supplied under this Contract are transferred by the Seller to the Buyer. |
2.1. The Seller undertakes to supply and sell to the Buyer at the agreed Delivery Point quantities of natural gas in accordance with what is agreed upon under programmes, an integral part of this Contract against the Buyer’s obligation to accept and pay for the Natural Gas under the terms and conditions of the Contract. |
2.2. The contractual quantity of Natural Gas to be is as per Programme for supply as per 4.1 (Appendix1 ). |
2.3. Delivery Point – Virtual Trading Point of the Bulgarian Transmission Network. |
3.1. The present Contract shall enter into force from the date of its signing and shall be in force until 07 a.m. on July 01, 2023. |
4.1. Upon the signing of the Contract, the Parties shall coordinate Programmes for supply of Natural Gas, as the Daily quantity is determined by division of the monthly agreed quantity to the number of the days of the relevant month for the period of the Contract (Appendix No 1). |
5.1. The handover of the Natural Gas by the Seller and its acceptance by the Buyer shall be carried out at the Delivery point. |
5.2. The Natural Gas shall be considered accepted by the Buyer and the ownership and risk of accidental perishing of the Natural Gas shall be transferred by the Seller to the Buyer at the delivery point. |
5.3. The determination of the Natural Gas supplied under this Contract shall be carried out on the basis of the agreed programmes under item 4.1. The difference between the agreed and supplied quantities shall be reported as quantities not supplied/not accepted for the day. |
5.4. The quantity of Natural Gas supplied to the Buyer in the respective month shall be reflected in a Monthly Statement (Appendix No 2). The Monthly Statement shall contain information for the agreed, supplied, not accepted, not supplied quantities of Natural Gas. For the not supplied/not accepted quantities, the Defaulting Party shall owe a sanction in accordance with Art. 8.2. |
5.5. The Seller shall draw up the Monthly Statement and send it by email or fax to the Buyer within up to 5 (five) days after the end of the reporting month. |
6.1. The price of the Natural Gas shall be .... лв/MWh (VAT excl.) at the Delivery Point. |
6.2. The Buyer shall pay the value of the quantities as follows: - The Buyer will effect the payment of 100% of the value of the quantities of natural gas for each ten-days period of the delivery month no later than 1 (one) day before the beginning of the respective ten-days period. |
6.3. The payment shall be made by bank transfer to a bank account of the Seller in Euro. |
6.4. Date of making of the payments shall be considered to be the date of crediting of the Seller’s bank account. |
6.5. In case that the payments is not made within the term referred to in item 6.2. in conjunction with item 6.4., the respective party shall pay a default interest in the amount of the Basic Rate of Interest (BRI) determined by the Bulgarian National Bank plus 10 points calculated on a 360-day basis with respect to the amount due for each day overdue. The default interest shall be accrued from the day following the day, on which the payment is delayed and shall be accrued until the day of the final payment, inclusively. |
7.1. The Parties shall not be held liable for complete or partial non-fulfillment of their contractual obligations, except for the obligations for payment of amounts, the maturity date of which has occurred, when the non-fulfillment is due to Force majeure. |
7.1.1. Force majeure shall be an unforeseeable or unpreventable event of an extraordinary nature arisen after the conclusion of the Contract, e.g. such as: fire, explosion, natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes and the like, production accidents, civil disorders, riots, war, xxxxxxxxx xxxx, blockades, embargo, revolts, strikes, etc., which are a reason for complete or partial non-fulfilment of the contractual obligations of any of the Parties. To avoid any misunderstanding the lack of funds shall not be considered a Force majeure event. |
7.2. While the Force majeure lasts, the fulfillment of the obligations and of the related counter- obligations shall be suspended. The respective time-limits for fulfillment shall be extended with the time, in which Force majeure was present. |
7.3. The Party, for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Contract on account of Force majeure, shall be bound as soon as possible to notify the other Party in writing of the beginning and anticipated end of the effect of the respective Force majeure circumstance, which is a reason for the non- fulfilment of the respective contractual obligations. In case of failure to notify, the indemnification for the resulting damages shall be due. |
7.4. A Force majeure circumstance specified in the notice referred to in item 7.3. must be confirmed within a reasonable period of time by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry or another competent institution, as the case may be. |
7.5. Provided that the Force majeure lasts more than 30 days, the Parties shall hold negotiations for determination of the conditions, under which the Contract shall remain in effect. |
8.1. The Contract shall be terminated: |
а) с изтичане на срока му на действие; |
a) when its term of validity expires; |
б) по взаимно съгласие на страните, изразено писмено; |
b) by the Parties’ mutual consent; |
в) поради виновно неизпълнение на задълженията на някоя от страните. В този случай изправната страна отправя писмена покана до неизправната страна, да изпълни задълженията си в подходящ за това срок, като предупреждава, че в случай на неизпълнение в срока, ще счита Договора за развален. Развалянето има действие занапред. |
c) on account of culpable non-fulfillment of the obligations of any of the Parties. In such case, the Non- defaulting Party shall send a written invitation to the Party in default to fulfill its obligations in a reasonable time as it shall be warned that in case of failure to meet the deadline it shall consider the Contract rescinded. The rescission shall be effective ex nunc. |
8.2. If the Seller/Buyer fails to fulfill its obligations ensuing from this Contact, it shall owe the other Party the value of the not supplied/ not accepted quantity. |
8.3. The Buyer shall have the right to terminate the Contract for supply of Natural Gas immediately in case of opening of bankruptcy proceedings, proceedings for its being declared bankrupt or for the Seller’s winding-up. |
8.4. When the Contract is no longer in effect, its clauses shall apply until the final fulfillment of all Parties’ obligations that occurred before the date of termination, as well as until the final resolution of all disputes and discrepancies between the Parties that may have arisen in the period of its validity. |
9.1. All disputes upon the performance of the Contract, including the ones arising from or related to its interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well disputes for filling-in gaps in the Contract or its adaptation to new-arisen circumstances, must be resolved by the Parties through negotiations. If the disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be subject to consideration and resolution by the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with the rules on local and subject-matter jurisdiction.
За „Булгаргаз“ ЕАД: Адрес: гр. София, ул. „Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx“ №47, п.к. 1000 Тел: x000 0 000 00 00 Факс: x000 0 000 00 00 e-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx Лице за контакт: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
За ........................... Адрес: .......................... Тел: ....................... Факс: …………………………..………… e-mail: .................. Xxxx за контакт: .................. |
9.2. Details of the contact persons and for correspondence between the Parties:
For Bulgargaz PLC: Address: 47, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxx., 0000 Xxxxx, Tel.: x000 0 000 00 00 Fax: x000 0 0000000 e-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx Contact person: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
For ................................................. Address: .................... Tel.: ................ Fax: …………………………..………. e-mail: .......................... Contact person: ..............
9.3. The Parties shall be bound within up to 3 (three) days from a change in the data described in item 9.2. to notify each other in writing. |
9.4. Issues not settled herein shall be governed by the provisions of the effective legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria. |
9.5. The following appendices shall be an integral part of the Contract: |
Приложение № 1 - Месечна програма за доставка на природен газ; |
Appendix No 1 – Monthly programme for supply of Natural Gas; |
Приложение № 2 - Образец на Месечен акт. |
Appendix No 2 – Monthly Statement template. |
Дата: ….
Продавач: Булгаргаз ЕАД …………………. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Изпълнителен директор
Купувач: ................................................ ………. |
Date: …..
Seller: Bulgargaz PLC …………………… Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Executive Director
Buyer: …. ……………………………… ….. |
Приложение № 1/
Appendix 1
Месечна Програма за доставка на природен газ НА ВТТ България
Дата / Date |
м. Юни 2023, MWh/ June 2023, MWh |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
Общо/ Total |
Продавач/ Seller: Купувач/ Buyer:
Приложение № 2
Към Договор за покупко-продажба № ………………..
“……………………….” ……. „Булгаргаз“ ЕАД
от ……………… до ……………….
Днес ……………….. 2023 г., съгласно чл. 5.4 от Договор за покупко-продажба на природен газ №……………….., се изготви и подписа настоящият Акт, между „Булгаргаз“ ЕАД и „……………………“:
Дата |
Код на пункт за приемане/ предаване |
Съгласувано количество природен газ |
Доставено количество природен газ |
Неприети количества природен газ |
Недоставени количества природен газ |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
………… |
………… |
………… |
………… |
………… |
Общо |
Appendix No 2
To Purchase-and-sale contract No. ……………….. “……………………….” ….. BULGARGAZ PLC
from ……………… to ……………….
Today, ……………….. 2023 in accordance with article 5.4 of Contract for the purchase-and-sale of Natural Gas No. ……………….., the present Statement is drawn up and signed between “Bulgargaz” PLC and “……………………”:
Date |
Code of acceptance/ hand- over Point |
Agreed quantity of Natural Gas |
Supplied quantity of Natural Gas |
Not accepted quantities of Natural Gas |
Not supplied quantities of Natural Gas |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
(MWh) |
……… |
……… |
……… |
……… |
……… |
Total |