FORCE MAJEURE. 17.1. Всяка една от страните не носи отговорност 17.1. Any of the parties shall not be liable to the other пред другата, когато не е изпълнила свое party in case of non performance of its obligation under задължение по Договора, поради настъпване на the Agreement because of force majeure occurrence. непреодолима сила.
FORCE MAJEURE. Art. 20. (1) Neither of the Parties under this Contract shall be responsible for failure to implement, caused by force majeure. For the purposes of this Contract, the meaning of "force majeure" shall be according to Art.306, Par.2 of the Commercial Act. (2) Any of the Parties that was delayed at the moment of occurrence of the circumstance representing force majeure, has no right to refer to the force majeure (3) The party that is not able to perform its obligations because of force majeure shall undertake all actions with due diligence, so as to minimize the incurred damages and losses, as well as to inform in writing the other party within 3 (three) working days after the occurrence of the force majeure. While doing this, it shall point out what constitutes the force majeure and what are its possible consequences for the Contract implementation. In case of failure to notify, remuneration shall be paid for the damages incurred. (4) During the force majeure, the implementation of the obligations and the relevant counterpart obligations shall be suspended. ХIV.
FORCE MAJEURE. 7.1. The Parties shall not be held liable for complete or partial non-fulfillment of their contractual obligations, except for the obligations for payment of amounts, the maturity date of which has occurred, when the non-fulfillment is due to Force majeure. 7.1.1. Force majeure shall be an unforeseeable or unpreventable event of an extraordinary nature arisen after the conclusion of the Contract, e.g. such as: fire, explosion, natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes and the like, production accidents, civil disorders, riots, war, xxxxxxxxx xxxx, blockades, embargo, revolts, strikes, etc., which are a reason for complete or partial non-fulfilment of the contractual obligations of any of the Parties. To avoid any misunderstanding, the lack of funds shall not be considered a Force majeure event. 7.2. While the Force majeure lasts, the fulfillment of the obligations and of the related counter- obligations shall be suspended. The respective time-limits for fulfillment shall be extended with the time, in which Force majeure was present. 7.3. The Party, for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Contract on account of Force majeure, shall be bound as soon as possible to notify the other Party in writing of the beginning and anticipated end of the effect of the respective Force majeure circumstance, which is a reason for the non- fulfilment of the respective contractual obligations. In case of failure to notify, the indemnification for the resulting damages shall be due. 7.4. A Force majeure circumstance specified in the notice referred to in item 7.3. must be confirmed within a reasonable period of time by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry or another competent institution, as the case may be. 7.5. Provided that the Force majeure lasts more than 30 days, the Parties shall hold negotiations for determination of the conditions, under which the Contract shall remain in effect. VIII.
FORCE MAJEURE. Страните не носят отговорност за пълно или частично неизпълнение на договорните си задължения, с изключение на задълженията за плащане на суми, чийто падеж е настъпил, когато неизпълнението се дължи на непреодолима сила (форсмажор). 7.1. The Parties shall not be held liable for complete or partial non-fulfillment of their contractual obligations, except for the obligations for payment of amounts, the maturity date of which has occurred, when the non-fulfillment is due to Force majeure.
FORCE MAJEURE. 26.1. The Parties are released from the liability for partial or full non-performance hereunder in the event of Acts of God (force majeure). 26.
FORCE MAJEURE. 7.1. The Parties shall not be liable for non- performance or delay in the execution of their obligations if and insofar when performance is obstructed or delayed by the occurrence of Force Majeure, the effects of which could not be prevented, mitigated or overcome by the respective Party, taking reasonable steps or diligence (Force majeure). 7.2. If within the above defined, events or circumstances that constitute Force Majeure include: 7.2.1. fire, flood, explosion, atmospheric disturbance, lightning, typhoon, tornado, природни бедствия, като наводнения, земетресения, бури, урагани, свлачище, ерозия на почвата, затихване, отмиване, епидемия или други природни сили или бедствия;
FORCE MAJEURE. 13.1. Непреодолима сила означава непредвидено и/или непредотвратимо събитие от извънреден характер (включително, но не само, природно бедствие (като пожар, наводнение, земетресение, ураган и т.н.), война, терористични актове, блокада, ембарго, стачка, прекъсване или повреда на електрическата или телефонната мрежа), възникнало след Приемане на възлагането, удостоверено със сертификат за непреодолима сила, издаден от Българската търговско-промишлена палата. 13.1. Force Majeure means an unforeseen and/or unavoidable event of an extraordinary nature (including, but not limited to a natural disaster (such as fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, etc.), war, xxxxxxxxx xxxx, blockade, embargo, strike, interruption or damage to the electrical or telephone network), which has arisen after the Acceptance of the Assignment, certified by a force majeure certificate issued by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
FORCE MAJEURE. 14.1 The Parties shall not be liable for failure to perform their obligations under the Contract when the failure to perform has been due to Force Majeure. Where a Party is at the date of Force Majeure affecting the Contract in default which has not been remedied, it may not invoke Force Majeure until it has remedied its default. Force
FORCE MAJEURE. 14.1 The Parties shall not be liable for failure to perform their obligations under the Contract when the failure to perform has been due to Force Majeure. Where a Party is at the date of Force Majeure affecting the Contract in default which has not been remedied, it may not invoke Force Majeure until it has remedied its default. Force Majeure shall be an unforeseeable and unavoidable event of an extraordinary nature, which has occurred after the conclusion of the Contract and is the direct cause for a failure to perform or delayed performance. Such events shall be for example acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, terrorist activities. 14.2 The Party that cannot perform its obligations due to Force Majeure shall notify the other Party about the relevant circumstances in writing within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of occurrence of the Force Majeure event. Within this 7-day period, the Party invoking Force Majeure shall send to the other Party - via registered mail or via a courier service - a written confirmation about the occurrence of the Force Majeure event issued by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce. The Party may not invoke Force Majeure if it fails to notify the other Party of the
FORCE MAJEURE. 8.1. The parties shall not be liable for total or partial non-performance of their contractual obligations, with the exception of obligations to pay amounts which have fallen due where the non-performance is due to force majeure. 8.1.1. Force Majeure is an unforeseeable or unavoidable event of an extraordinary nature occurring after the conclusion of the Contract, such as: fire, explosion, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes and the like, industrial accidents, civil disturbances, riots, war, acts of terrorism, blockades, embargoes, insurrections, strikes and the like, which are the cause of the total or partial non-performance of the contractual obligations of either party. For the avoidance of doubt, lack of funds shall not be considered a force majeure event. 8.2. As long as the Force Majeure lasts, the performance of the obligations and the related counter obligations shall be suspended. The respective performance periods shall be extended by the time during which the force majeure occurred. 8.3. The Party which is unable to perform its obligations under the Contract due to Force Majeure shall, as soon as possible, notify the other Party in writing of the beginning and expected end of the operation of the relevant circumstance of Force Majeure which is the cause of the non-performance of the respective contractual obligations. In the event of failure to notify, compensation shall be payable for the resulting damage. 8.4. The force majeure circumstance referred to in the notification referred to in clause 8.3 shall be confirmed within a reasonable period of time by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry or another competent institution as the case may be. 8.5. Provided that the Force Majeure lasts for more than 30 days, the Parties shall conduct negotiations to determine the terms and conditions under which the Contract shall continue in force. IX. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 9.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with one of the following guarantees as a guarantee of good performance at the conclusion of the Contract: A bank guarantee issued by a first class international bank in an amount acceptable to the Buyer; an irrevocable standby letter of credit from a first class international bank in an amount and for a term acceptable to the Buyer. 9.2. In the event of a Material Adverse Change, Seller shall, within three (3) days of written notice to Buyer: procure a modification of the duration and a...